Ciraws/International raws source

If we are being 100% Honest.
I got tagged in here so I went full savage (I really dont know what's going on here lmfao)

That being said, he really should have testing before he comes here.
You know the Meso rules... he should as well.

No hate for you, or ANYONE that buys from him Brother, I dont hate on members or their decisions.
I do love fuxking with Chinaman sources though lol... at this point it's a hobby to get a rise out of them.
We posted the test report of Janoshik on the first page of this thread.
Hey idiot, have you seen how many things they sell? 25+... Just because im a

Ever heard sources cherrypicking good batches for testing? You must be new
One of the main reasons we are offensive as fuck is to see if we can get him going/ rattle his chain.
It's best to see if a source is an immature cunt who sinks down to our childish levels..early.

It gives a solid view of things to come if a customer has a complaint.
This guy, well... he will definitely blame the customer and snap if anyone has issues in the future, its the type of response he gives.

There is more to it than meets the eye.

Hey, guys.
Just going through a festival.

Here's an answer that basically can reply to all the questions:
1. Quality.
First of all, it's good to doubt everything in this business.

There's no law, so all these brands, labs, test reports are just nothing.
The only thing we can trust is reviews of users. That's what MESO do right?

We have lots of satisfied reviews from our old customers. Not even one review saying that our quality is bad.
2. Test reports.
A man here said one thing right. Test reports can be easily made by photoshop.

So that's why I ask people to record their ordering experience here. Coz I believe, in this business, only reviews can be trusted.
3. Reviews
I swear, I've never asked people to make positive reviews in MESO.

Just offer a $20-50 discount, to encourage people to record their ordering process. I underlined it every time, that" you can say anything you want''

Will @ our customers later, they will prove that.
Their reviews are paid for, making them worthless. Sign up, leave a review, grab their boot licker discount and they're gone with the wind.

At this point you might as well leave reviews of your own product. They'd be equally as worthless, but you'd save a ton on boot licker expenses.
Now will sound like I work for them but here we go.
As far as I understand he give some discount if a buyer record his experience using his service. And as you could read a user say first communications is great, he responds fast- that's first post and for that he get that 5-10% or whatever discount,payment is already made at this point. Then he said I received the package in 20-30-40 or whatever days and the raws was in right amount.
After he come and say their viagra is good as my dick is getting hard,stuffed nose,their accutane is good as I get lips crack or whatever.
But if his raws are bad don't you think that the person who bought would said that and not that they feel as it should(I know feeling doesn't test purity) because at that point he paid and he has nothing else to get from him and for what he paid is no good but that didn't happened once.
Basically is not paid review and is not boot licker. Pay record is saying from start their raws are gold not saying at first communications is great and after they receive can make a opinion.
If someone would had bad experience he would said that here as he already paid and doesn't need to boot lick anymore as you called because he doesn't need anything for him anymore.

If you offer a discount code maybe it would be more acceptable but in my eyes is the same as after the person receive the package if raws was bad he could tell that openly here

And mostly is new user that post because many don't have a account here as they only looking and buy. I was the same and made a account as I wanted to ask a question here and now here I am losing time with all kinds of people that would lead no where.

I post this as I am interested in his eu domestic shipping because he is the only one that offers this service and I watch this thread closely. And I can tell you that it could be organized better than it is now...
3. Reviews
I swear, I've never asked people to make positive reviews in MESO.

Just offer a $20-50 discount, to encourage people to record their ordering process. I underlined it every time, that" you can say anything you want''

Will @ our customers later, they will prove that.

i believe you, but at the end of the day you still have the same problem. You pay them for their reviews, therefore they're worthless.

Here's a thought. Instead of wasting money on 1 post noob reviews about powder in a bag, keep that money and lower your prices. Win win for everyone interested in doing business with you.
Basically is not paid review and is not boot licker. Pay record is saying from start their raws are gold not saying at first communications is great and after they receive can make a opinion.
If someone would had bad experience he would said that here as he already paid and doesn't need to boot lick anymore as you called because he doesn't need anything for him anymore.
That's what I wanna say.

Don't know you yet, but thx buddy.
i believe you, but at the end of the day you still have the same problem. You pay them for their reviews, therefore they're worthless.

Here's a thought. Instead of wasting money on 1 post noob reviews about powder in a bag, keep that money and lower your prices. Win win for everyone interested in doing business with you.
As soon as people are free to say anything they want to. All the reviews are trustworthy, right?

I gave people all the freedom to post reviews. Most of them will even go back to help us in MESO coz our quality and service are good.

I appreciate their support.
i believe you, but at the end of the day you still have the same problem. You pay them for their reviews, therefore they're worthless.

Here's a thought. Instead of wasting money on 1 post noob reviews about powder in a bag, keep that money and lower your prices. Win win for everyone interested in doing business with you.

Making low prices. That's what I'm doing dude.

Our HGH is the cheapest now coz I've heard EU people have trouble in getting cheap HGH.
i believe you, but at the end of the day you still have the same problem. You pay them for their reviews, therefore they're worthless.

Here's a thought. Instead of wasting money on 1 post noob reviews about powder in a bag, keep that money and lower your prices. Win win for everyone interested in doing business with you.

As for raws, we did make a low price for a bigger quantity like 50-100g.

10-50g raise the cost so we have to lift up the price.

The reason why costs are high:
All the raws are packed by 1kg silver bag.
So if you buy a 10g, we will need to break the package and ask people to separate it for you. Here's the constant cost. When you buy 10g, the cost will look like high. It's like 1 to 1.5 and 1 to 100. The percentage looks huge for 1.5
Here're the reviews before that can prove our quality.

Jetfans and another man will be back soon I think. Pls just ignore them, they've never bought our stuff.
My order arived at monday. It went all good, and took 15 days to be delivered, so i expect 3rd order in near future to be the same. His responses are quick, he always keep you update, service is rly good. Also to guys above, he never asked for a postive review, just to share my thoughts, and his statement about discounts is true, he never offered and never gave any sample. It is actualy fair to get people updated with good reviews if he is doing everything well.
cirus kept its word. the fee for the analysis has been Covered and confirmed. an analysis result from jano for the citropin Gh will be available soon. I am an independent customer from the EU. you can believe that...or Not... thats your turn
guys, Qucik update on my order (around 250$).
Ordered via wickr, payed, great communication. He then sent me the tracking number and after around 2 weeks, parcel was in the country of destination. never arrived. This is NOT a fault of the source, it is the fault of the post-office. I called multiple times and after a week it turns out, package is lost somewhere, still showing "in delivery" for like 2 weeks now. Normaly "in delivery" means arrival on the same day... so after talking to the post office and the source, turns out you can start a investigation thing like "where is my parcel" and I have done that before and it never gives any information or something usefull. Also that investigation has to be started via the SENDER not the receiver of the parcel. Obv. a steroid source will not call at apost office hotline with private information, adress etc etc... so end of the story, believe it or not: Cirus refunded me the 250$ which is something I have never seen a source do before.
Most likley I will order from again in the future, but cant say anything about the products, because as I said I never received them.
Sup yalls? New member account, long time lurker. I expect to either be:

a) ignored
b) welcomed
c) addressed with hate/skepticism

”B” would be preferred, but I can handle all 3. Even those here that seem to be more like alligators with their traps open, waiting to snap shut on the next thing that comes by..

Stumbled into Ciraws videos on the youtubes. Liked what I saw. He was actually the ONLY person on that platform (that I‘ve seen) fully derive (with corresponding math) the recipe for home brew test cyp. I’m a math teacher, so that impressed me and drew me a little closer. Other vids included product test reagency, lab protocol/GMP and lab brew process, etc. Then I thought, “If he was a charlatan, he’s gone to some pretty dedicated lengths to do so”. Yet, I’m FULLY aware, there’s no shortage of scumbags in the world. I digress...

I researched the evolution of this specific thread to assist validation of Ciraws. After watching the weeks and months pass with intraforum beef, hate & skepticism toward his proclamations, a few gamblers ordered gear and dick pills from him with explicit success. Compounding the positive impression I got from his presentation in all his videos with this forum’s consumers’ reports of positive experiences, I bit the bullet and gambled myself.

Ordered raw cyp on Feb 28. At my door March 12. I’m in the states. Tracking #. Went to reship close to me, then to my door. Weighed perfectly. Triple bagged inside the mailer. No “pro lab“ but used Palumbo’s reagency kit (RoidTest) to verify product (that shit cost as much as the raw, man. Fuck you Dave! Haha). Immediately turned light purple to deep purple. Exactly what the kit said wold happen for cyp—exactly what I wanted. Attaching pica as proof.

I used a plastic cup to raise the bag above the scale’s opened cover (small scale platform diameter). I tared/zeroed out after placing the cup onto it. The bag itself was 5 grams. How’d I know that? Because the 2nd layer of the aforementioned triple bagging Ciraws provided was identical to the initial bag you see in the pic directly containing the product. I weighed that middle bag by itself before weighing the raw + initial/direct contact bag (150g + 5g = 155g as pic indicates).

Ive probably sent closer to 100 text messages to Ciraws since my initial inquiry on Feb 28 and he’s responded either immediately or soon to EVERY single one. Again, if this guy is a ripoff, someone needs to tell him he’s doing EVERYTHING wrong. ENTIRELY.

It won’t be me though.

Yes, I will report back when I dart this shit into my ass, but no, I will not be providing pics for proof.
That was joke. You can laugh.
Or dont...

Lastly, if you still think I’m a shill for Ciraws in a nefarious, comprehensive scheme to rip people off, it would’ve been much easier for me to write, “I ordered from this guy—all good! ✌️“.
It’ll take you mere seconds to read this, but myriad minutes for me to write and take/send pics.
The reason I‘m posting this is because I believe in free enterprise, and that solid businesses with satisfied customers should be rewarded with accolades and thrive, and those businesses that erode or sacrifice the consumers‘ money, confidence and security should fail and be exposed for fraudulent practices and inundated with negative testimony.
And/or worse,

If still hesitant to pull the trigger, for Christ‘s sake the guy’s providing small samples for free! WTF more could you POSSIBLY ask for in this game?! Lol. But we’re all adults here, so you make up your own mind for yourself.

Ive done my good deed here. And when ya do good things in the world, even small things, you make the world a tiny bit better.
Now bring on the hate! And make the world a little bit worse! Maybe it keeps the universe in balance....?