Ciraws/International raws source

well, if you live nearby the field where the owner plants all those wonderful fruits and you know that he treats all his fruits well with fresh water, great sunlight and whatever else then you can assume that all his fruits are great quality ;-)
I do not plan to post very much in here anymore but i am also waiting on the test results like many others are, trust me @llegday101 . I was supposed to be the one sending in a vial from my order but another non-associated guy also ordered. When we both received our stuff, he was asked if he could send in instead. I was asked beforehand if it was okay for me and i guess it is since it makes the testing even more random since he was not supposed to send in then the goods were packed.
What i can tell right now: it "feelz" (sorry, i hate this word in the world of meso) like real hgh. But it rather compares to something like meditropes mauve/black tops and not like genos/omnis. So i assume it is hgh but the purity might not be 99-99.5% as mentioned but slightly lower.
But we will see soon, if i am informed correct the hgh should arrive soon @janoshik

Soooo you were asked not to send in a sample because someone else was sending a sample?

Who asked you not to send a sample?
Here I put it for you if you can't find page 11

Those results mean jack shit you fucking moron!!! Proper testing goes straight from source to testing and not to some random ugl to be brewed and then sent off. Who the fuck knows if iron anabolics even used his raws!

Grow a fucking brain already.
Soooo you were asked not to send in a sample because someone else was sending a sample?

Who asked you not to send a sample?

I think ive posted it either in this thread or the other one.
Because people already assumed that i am a rep, Ci asked me if i think it would make sense if he would ask one of the 2 other customers from EU who received HGH to send it in.
Ive then asked the 2 customers if they were already informed about being "samples" for testing and they denied, so i assumed this would resemble blind testing quite good. Of course it is also possible theyve lied and are connected but from my experience with Ci, he is honest and would not pull of such a show..
I was okay with it since, believe it or not, i also want the most reliable test for the community.
I think ive posted it either in this thread or the other one.
Because people already assumed that i am a rep, Ci asked me if i think it would make sense if he would ask one of the 2 other customers from EU who received HGH to send it in.
Ive then asked the 2 customers if they were already informed about being "samples" for testing and they denied, so i assumed this would resemble blind testing quite good. Of course it is also possible theyve lied and are connected but from my experience with Ci, he is honest and would not pull of such a show..
I was okay with it since, believe it or not, i also want the most reliable test for the community.

Trusting CI is not a smart idea brother.
Those results mean jack shit you fucking moron!!! Proper testing goes straight from source to testing and not to some random ugl to be brewed and then sent off. Who the fuck knows if iron anabolics even used his raws!

Grow a fucking brain already.
If the source send directly to testing then you will say that they choose good raw to be tested.
If a guy send to testing then you say that he is pay by the source
Either way you can say the same thing but I didn't find one guy that said something bad about him. If it was something bad then something would show up already but I see good reviews even from older members not new accounts
well, if you live nearby the field where the owner plants all those wonderful fruits and you know that he treats all his fruits well with fresh water, great sunlight and whatever else then you can assume that all his fruits are great quality ;-)
I do not plan to post very much in here anymore but i am also waiting on the test results like many others are, trust me @llegday101 . I was supposed to be the one sending in a vial from my order but another non-associated guy also ordered. When we both received our stuff, he was asked if he could send in instead. I was asked beforehand if it was okay for me and i guess it is since it makes the testing even more random since he was not supposed to send in then the goods were packed.
What i can tell right now: it "feelz" (sorry, i hate this word in the world of meso) like real hgh. But it rather compares to something like meditropes mauve/black tops and not like genos/omnis. So i assume it is hgh but the purity might not be 99-99.5% as mentioned but slightly lower.
But we will see soon, if i am informed correct the hgh should arrive soon @janoshik
Thank you buddy.
I think it's a waste of time for these two guys(llegday101 , JetsFan) to reason, because they're just here to make a mess.
If the source send directly to testing then you will say that they choose good raw to be tested.
If a guy send to testing then you say that he is pay by the source
Either way you can say the same thing but I didn't find one guy that said something bad about him. If it was something bad then something would show up already but I see good reviews even from older members not new accounts

This guy is here to mess up, we can just ignore him, because talking to him is just as meaningless as talking to a madman.
Trusting CI is not a smart idea brother.

i know you both did not have the most positive experience with each other. But for me, he always held his word and i have always received what ive ordered. Also, communication is great and for me, he stands to his mistakes and takes responsibility for them
(e.g. ive paid him in westernunion and after i did the payment, he could not get the money due to issues with westernunion app if ive understood correct. I had some hassles and fees to get the money back and he hesitated no second to reduce those fees from the bitcoin payment i then made (and i am not talking about few euros here..)
Thank you buddy.
I think it's a waste of time for these two guys(llegday101 , JetsFan) to reason, because they're just here to make a mess.
Yeah, they do a mess but insulting them will not help and does not resemble the professionalism that i know from Ci..
If a professional answer aint possible, ignoring is.
As soon as test results arrive and those are positive, the doubters will one by one vanish. Until then, just ignore but do not insult. Hurts your professionalism and your "brand"
Yeah, they do a mess but insulting them will not help and does not resemble the professionalism that i know from Ci..
If a professional answer aint possible, ignoring is.
As soon as test results arrive and those are positive, the doubters will one by one vanish. Until then, just ignore but do not insult. Hurts your professionalism and your "brand"
Yep,you're right. I overreacted.
Yeah, they do a mess but insulting them will not help and does not resemble the professionalism that i know from Ci..
If a professional answer aint possible, ignoring is.
As soon as test results arrive and those are positive, the doubters will one by one vanish. Until then, just ignore but do not insult. Hurts your professionalism and your "brand"

Well said Brother.

Yep,you're right. I overreacted.

keep your Pie hole shut.

Arguing and calling names with keyboard warriors like those two but is the same guy behind won't do any good.
He do that because that is his level or because he couldn't buy from him months ago and now he play this shit show but you as a seller don't even bother to enter that game.
Is full the internet with those lost causes because here is their safe place.
Is like you get mad on your dog because he chewed your shoes that is his level he is a animal can't do better than this same goes with people. Sad that people like that exist but here we are.

Now you as a source, business man or whatever you want to call yourself I suggest to provide a price list as I suggested before for people to see how much cost the products, to give answers when is something asked, to keep this thread clean, if you have some test put them to see and like I see it before people will make good review, the word is spread, popularity increases and is good for you and for customers looking to buy.
I have read the thread and I can say is a mess. People are giving good and positive reviews but is hard to find as is a lot of calling names with the clown above and is not something you will benefit from.
Take this as you want and if you or the boss want to apply something from those mini advice then do it if not manage your business as you think is the best.

Just my 2 cents as a member looking for sources around the forum and not arguing with lost causes.
Arguing and calling names with keyboard warriors like those two but is the same guy behind won't do any good.
He do that because that is his level or because he couldn't buy from him months ago and now he play this shit show but you as a seller don't even bother to enter that game.
Is full the internet with those lost causes because here is their safe place.
Is like you get mad on your dog because he chewed your shoes that is his level he is a animal can't do better than this same goes with people. Sad that people like that exist but here we are.

Now you as a source, business man or whatever you want to call yourself I suggest to provide a price list as I suggested before for people to see how much cost the products, to give answers when is something asked, to keep this thread clean, if you have some test put them to see and like I see it before people will make good review, the word is spread, popularity increases and is good for you and for customers looking to buy.
I have read the thread and I can say is a mess. People are giving good and positive reviews but is hard to find as is a lot of calling names with the clown above and is not something you will benefit from.
Take this as you want and if you or the boss want to apply something from those mini advice then do it if not manage your business as you think is the best.

Just my 2 cents as a member looking for sources around the forum and not arguing with lost causes.

Welcome to Meso
If you like sources
I could recomend SST or Eroids
Arguing and calling names with keyboard warriors like those two but is the same guy behind won't do any good.
He do that because that is his level or because he couldn't buy from him months ago and now he play this shit show but you as a seller don't even bother to enter that game.
Is full the internet with those lost causes because here is their safe place.
Is like you get mad on your dog because he chewed your shoes that is his level he is a animal can't do better than this same goes with people. Sad that people like that exist but here we are.

Now you as a source, business man or whatever you want to call yourself I suggest to provide a price list as I suggested before for people to see how much cost the products, to give answers when is something asked, to keep this thread clean, if you have some test put them to see and like I see it before people will make good review, the word is spread, popularity increases and is good for you and for customers looking to buy.
I have read the thread and I can say is a mess. People are giving good and positive reviews but is hard to find as is a lot of calling names with the clown above and is not something you will benefit from.
Take this as you want and if you or the boss want to apply something from those mini advice then do it if not manage your business as you think is the best.

Just my 2 cents as a member looking for sources around the forum and not arguing with lost causes.

If trying to protect dip shit members like yourself from garbage Chinese sources makes me a "keyboard warrior" then so be it :cool:
Arguing and calling names with keyboard warriors like those two but is the same guy behind won't do any good.
He do that because that is his level or because he couldn't buy from him months ago and now he play this shit show but you as a seller don't even bother to enter that game.
Is full the internet with those lost causes because here is their safe place.
Is like you get mad on your dog because he chewed your shoes that is his level he is a animal can't do better than this same goes with people. Sad that people like that exist but here we are.

Now you as a source, business man or whatever you want to call yourself I suggest to provide a price list as I suggested before for people to see how much cost the products, to give answers when is something asked, to keep this thread clean, if you have some test put them to see and like I see it before people will make good review, the word is spread, popularity increases and is good for you and for customers looking to buy.
I have read the thread and I can say is a mess. People are giving good and positive reviews but is hard to find as is a lot of calling names with the clown above and is not something you will benefit from.
Take this as you want and if you or the boss want to apply something from those mini advice then do it if not manage your business as you think is the best.

Just my 2 cents as a member looking for sources around the forum and not arguing with lost causes.
Dude, you don’t have to slobber all over a source. It’s not like you’re going to end up like these guys if you don’t say nice things...

Dude, you don’t have to slobber all over a source. It’s not like you’re going to end up like these guys if you don’t say nice things...

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Doing shit shows is not my thing. Being keyboard warriors is not what I do as a hobby. If that's what other people competence then good for them.
I was giving my 2 cents as I look for a source that can send raws from eu and have spend some time reading this and don't understand why the boss entertain some guys. Things could be handled differently
Doing shit shows is not my thing. Being keyboard warriors is not what I do as a hobby. If that's what other people competence then good for them.
I was giving my 2 cents as I look for a source that can send raws from eu and have spend some time reading this and don't understand why the boss entertain some guys. Things could be handled differently

One of the main reasons we are offensive as fuck is to see if we can get him going/ rattle his chain.
It's best to see if a source is an immature cunt who sinks down to our childish levels..early.

It gives a solid view of things to come if a customer has a complaint.
This guy, well... he will definitely blame the customer and snap if anyone has issues in the future, its the type of response he gives.

There is more to it than meets the eye.
One of the main reasons we are offensive as fuck is to see if we can get him going/ rattle his chain.
It's best to see if a source is an immature cunt who sinks down to our childish levels..early.

It gives a solid view of things to come if a customer has a complaint.
This guy, well... he will definitely blame the customer and snap if anyone has issues in the future, its the type of response he gives.

There is more to it than meets the eye.

About the behavior you are somehow correct, it is unnecessary and does not represent a good source very professional..
But about the attitude thing with customers i am still believing that CI is a good guy. Maybe we will see soon enough:
He believes in the quality of his HGH. He even told me that when the test report comes back and shows it is crappy GH with lower purity/higher dimer, he will repay me the HGH.
I think he wouldnt say such things if he would not be convinced by the HGH he sells. I would have ordered anyway, he told me this AFTER paying. Why would he do that if he already got the deal if it is not to satisfy customers?