Ciraws/International raws source

thanks, appreciated :)
i hope it is an acute "injury" both times due to whatever, docs and myself cant get the root right now. Heart is larger and thicker and a normal one but this is pretty normal for enhanced bodybuilders.. What matters most to me right now is the highly restricted ejection fraction (16% which means i need a implanted defibrillator if it stays this way) and a high mitralinsufficiency.
Right now my plan is to stay off all crap, modify my diet (lower cals, lower carbs, higher healthy fats like salmon etc, keep protein highish but not excessive), take a host of supplements that are more or less proven to have a positive effect (kaneka ubiquinol, d-ribose, curcumin bcm95, krill oil, pycnogenol,.. which costs me a small fortune .. seems health supps are way more expensive than gear ..), no weight training and easy endurance stuff (longer walks and stuff like that as soon as i feel fine doing those)
The next 6 weeks are important for me since no improvement means heart catether and implanted defibrillator which i dont want. This is why i am motivated to do everything in my hands to improve it.
I've seen that with several athletes with COVID in last year.
I hope you get better soon.
guys i am not sure if it is related, but please DO NOT USE HIS HGH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!
7 weeks ago, i was in hospital due to fluid in lung and absolutely no energy. I couldnt get up 5 stairs. Echo showed acute cardiomyopathy. Ive thought that it was probably due to some infect and brushed it off.
last week wednesday again, this time much worse. Woke up in the middle of the night getting no breath, couldnt move and shit.Ambulance got me pretty fast and i was in hospital until this wednesday:
- massive fluid in lungs, EF down to 16%, etc etc. the diagnosis reads terrible.
I have to wear an external defibritllator at least until the next appointment in 4 weeks to see where i am.

BOTH TIMES I'VE STARTED HIS HGH AROUND 6 days prior to the incident.
and i am no noob to hgh, ive been running it straight from august 2020 until now, different brands, different dosages.
both times now was this crappy hgh at a "lower" dose of 4iu.
I am not sure if there can be any connection between impure hgh / high dimer / whatever and acute heart issues, but for me it is too much coincidence that both times after starting this crap ive developed acute cardiomyopathy

BE CAREFUL! I AM NOT JOKING HERE!! everyone who followed this thread knows that i was always trying to defend him but now it is a matter of serious health issues!!
I really think thats Not the hgh . Two Friends and me also Used chinese hgh since more then one year, purity 92% .
Never had Problems.

water in the lungs sounds more like heart problems over years
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I really think thats Not the hgh . Two Friends and me also Used chinese hgh since more then one year, purity 92% .
Never had Problems.

water in the lungs sounds more like heart problems over years

Not all chinese hgh is crap. also, maybe the dimer is more of an issue than the purity. Maybe i also react more sensible to others.
i can only tell that two times when i took explicitely this hgh i got acute damage.
I could do widowmaker sets of squats 3 days prior to that, do you think someone witn lower than 25% ejection fraction can do 20reps squats of 140kg or any other intense shit?
I know you wanne believe you are safe and maybe you are, i just posted because i do not wish anyone to have this serious shit.
I have taken genotropin, mauvetops, qitrope, optis,.. and never had issues before. And after taing this shit for few days on 2 different occasions i get massive probs.
Just a warning, you can pump whatever you want into your body
Covid PCR TEst was negative but i am not sure how long they can detect an infection in the past..
and thanks :)
You can check if you had covid by doing a antibodies test. Not always the body will make the antibodies after the illness but is a way.
@Crius some advice as I see that you should handle this thread much better
1) advertise what you sell. 92% test c raws you will still have customers for that but people should know that. Panda I saw that he test 96% or something similar. Over 90% purity is decent in my book
2) 90% hgh purity you will still have customers for that also but say that is 90% firstly and refund the 2 or 3 guys that have buy hoping that it will be more pure and things will go on

General speaking if is over 90% and you can do that eu domestic shipping you will have customers as you are the only one that do that at the moment but say what you truly can give firstly and everything will be fine.
I read on another thread a source that was off 25% of concentration people will defend by saying is not Pfizer so you will still have customers.
Plus people from europe don't have a choice as you are the only one that do domestic but people should know what they buy first
3) don't write some bad words in chinese
4) make a price list with products and costs. Takes 15 minutes
Thx. Very rational.

Hey guys.
Sorry for leaving this long. I was busy with a few big bulk orders.

1. Manu and Penatera
I will contact you by wicker to solve the problems.

2. Will send samples to a solid lab like Labtox.

3. For Jano's testing, this is the last time I explain it.

When measuring length, we use a ruler.
Normally, people use a standard ruler.
In Jano, he makes his own ruler and gives a length.

I'm not the first one to say it out, and will also not be the last one.
Nothing personal, Jano. Just truth.
Lab4tox is a solid testing lab from Poland but the testing cost about 140$

But you'll get $70 in store credit to spend on questionable quality product... unless the results match Jano's. Then you'll just get an argument about how Lab4Tox measures with their dicks instead of rulers.
Holy shit get better soon @Manu I'm sorry that happened to you.

At this point I don't even want to pin his low purity shit. Who the hell knows what garbage is in there. I'll just toss it and call it a day.

Hey guys.
Sorry for leaving this long. I was busy with a few big bulk orders.

1. Manu and Penatera
I will contact you by wicker to solve the problems.

2. Will send samples to a solid lab like Labtox.

3. For Jano's testing, this is the last time I explain it.

When measuring length, we use a ruler.
Normally, people use a standard ruler.
In Jano, he makes his own ruler and gives a length.

I'm not the first one to say it out, and will also not be the last one.
Nothing personal, Jano. Just truth.

Busy with bulk orders lol :rolleyes: It's clear as daylight you only said that to look like you're busy lol.

You're a fucking clown!
Holy shit get better soon @Manu I'm sorry that happened to you.

At this point I don't even want to pin his low purity shit. Who the hell knows what garbage is in there. I'll just toss it and call it a day.
thanks alot.
thats what i did too.

also no WickR until now.. just for information guys
I was shocked when I read that from my compatriot manu. Get well soon. i have sent cirus an email about reimbursement of the purchase price or free delivery of a new gh charge.
I hope they will come to an agreement. back then i sent the sample to jano.
1. Ciraws will stay here and be the best source.
Now that problem happens, we won't leave easily.

Still contacting Manu.

2. Labtox's testing cannot give an accurate purity number. Coz I need one to prove.

So I'm trying to find a lab that can do HPLC in America or the EU.
Here now, we have two problems going on:

1. Bad test results from Jano
Don't wanna explain it again. Look up or contact me if interested

2. Manu's problem after using my HGH
The truth is still not clear.

Manu has a few health problems before he starts using my HGH.
I'm contacting him.
Hopefully @Millard will ban crius soon. This clown is putting meso members health at serious risk and I think it's time for management to step in and deal with this.
Here now, we have two problems going on:

1. Bad test results from Jano
Don't wanna explain it again. Look up or contact me if interested

2. Manu's problem after using my HGH
The truth is still not clear.

Manu has a few health problems before he starts using my HGH.
I'm contacting him.
ive wrote you. No energy to discuss this over phone right now and i prefer written text since one can tell very much via a call and not hold anything after (such as "ill pay you back 100% if purity is lower than 98%")..
I occasionally had high blood pressure (14x/9x, so not dramatic) and i had left ventricular hypertropy but docs said this is common along athletes.
The severe problems started after using your HGH, two times some days after. And the problems both times were due to immense water retention, typically seen with low quality hgh (and in my case using too much, went from 8iu clean qitrope to 8iu citropin, no issues with the tested qitrope)
We can discuss anything via wickr text or here, but i dont wanne get told we test it again at another lab, @janoshik is crap etc.
He is the lab everything is measured against. We have tons of different HGH brands tested with his method and i guess yours is amongst the lowest quality ones (correct me if i am wrong

and the way you handled your business is poor. You know why amazon etc. grew at such a fast pace? Because they value customer service. ou should have said "sorry, my source must have sold me crap, ill pay you back" or whatever and you would have got a positive image despite haveing crap hgh in the first place.
But no, you rather discuss and blame the lab that every vendor uses
@janoshik), especially the highest dimer content
ive wrote you. No energy to discuss this over phone right now and i prefer written text since one can tell very much via a call and not hold anything after (such as "ill pay you back 100% if purity is lower than 98%")..
I occasionally had high blood pressure (14x/9x, so not dramatic) and i had left ventricular hypertropy but docs said this is common along athletes.
The severe problems started after using your HGH, two times some days after. And the problems both times were due to immense water retention, typically seen with low quality hgh (and in my case using too much, went from 8iu clean qitrope to 8iu citropin, no issues with the tested qitrope)
We can discuss anything via wickr text or here, but i dont wanne get told we test it again at another lab, @janoshik is crap etc.
He is the lab everything is measured against. We have tons of different HGH brands tested with his method and i guess yours is amongst the lowest quality ones (correct me if i am wrong

and the way you handled your business is poor. You know why amazon etc. grew at such a fast pace? Because they value customer service. ou should have said "sorry, my source must have sold me crap, ill pay you back" or whatever and you would have got a positive image despite haveing crap hgh in the first place.
But no, you rather discuss and blame the lab that every vendor uses
@janoshik), especially the highest dimer content

You are wasting your time with this cunt brother. He is human garbage and needs to be put out on the curb!