Ciraws/International raws source

Wow. Just wow.

You have some balls of steel to try and put the blame for your low quality "hgh" on @janoshik's testing method. Hopefully, you aren't still selling this batch, but if I had to bet on it, my money would be on you are still pushing poison for profit.

As has been mentioned, there really isn't any other options right now for testing and his methods have proven to be consistent. The hgh that tests well seems to work well for users. And the samples that test badly, tend to have shitty side effects, water retention being a big one.

@Manu has stuck up for your slimy ass for several months leading up to this shit. He was even accused of being your rep for the way that he stood up for you. And when he gets sick from your shit, this is how you respond and return the favor?

I don't believe they make a pair of clown shoes large enough for your feet to fit into, sir.

In case it isn't completely obvious by now, do not order from this dipshit. He is selling "hgh" that is getting people very sick and could potentially kill them.

There are way too many better options for hgh and sources that would have handled this a lot better.

New update on everything:

1. About Manu:
I've been talking with Manu for the passing 3 days.

He is my friend and I trust him.

Final result:
My HGH caused higher water retention than Manu expected. And the problem happened when Manu has a little bit of heart problem already.

Ciraws won't be selling HGH anymore until we find the lowest water retention kind.

The new branch Citropin failed and we'll stop it.

2. About Jano:
I realized that I wasn't 100% correct about Jano, after talking with people who have used them frequently.

Final results:
The problems still exist -----Accuracy and stability

But Jano is still good to go. Coz testing in other places is unaffordable, especially when you wanna a purity test.
But where is the money for what this bad gh has now and can not use ? He hasn't responded for 2 months
not once mentioned anything that would come close to that.
TBH i didnt ask though. It is his business and his customer service. He should decide what's right or wrong but he is also the one who will have to live with the consequences of his decision.
Small update because i think this might be interesting for all regarding this HGH. Wanted to post earlier this week but forgot it.
@Millard I know posting external links is not allowed, but this is a serious health related issue. Maybe you can make an exception without banning me.
there is a german board. I am not really often there and do not post really often but from time to time i read a bit.
Interesting part begins here. copy paste the link and add "extrem" after "www." instead of the stars
Post 3966:
someone reports about unlabeled chinese generic HGH, blue tops, which led to water in lungs at one of his colleagues. Someone then asks him if it is citropin brand and they discuss the Jano report.
On the following page, Page 160 Post 3993, he states that he has met his colleague from Frankfurt and he said it is citropin brand.
I am not from Frankfurt and i dont know the guy, so obviously he isnt talking about me.
I then chimed in on page 161 with my story after another member mentioned that something similar happened to a guy from another board (=me)

so there really might be a connection here..
I know posting external links is not allowed
Active hyperlinks are PROHIBITED IF they link to ecommerce-enabled websites that allow the purchase of "dietary supplements", pharmaceutical drugs, non-pharmaceutical drugs, approved/unapproved drugs, etc. Members who violate this policy are subject to an immediate ban.

In addition, active hyperlinks may also be prohibited if they are considered spam or spam-like as determined by MESO-Rx.
Active hyperlinks are PROHIBITED IF they link to ecommerce-enabled websites that allow the purchase of "dietary supplements", pharmaceutical drugs, non-pharmaceutical drugs, approved/unapproved drugs, etc. Members who violate this policy are subject to an immediate ban.

In addition, active hyperlinks may also be prohibited if they are considered spam or spam-like as determined by MESO-Rx.
understood, thanks for clarifying
Small update because i think this might be interesting for all regarding this HGH. Wanted to post earlier this week but forgot it.
@Millard I know posting external links is not allowed, but this is a serious health related issue. Maybe you can make an exception without banning me.
there is a german board. I am not really often there and do not post really often but from time to time i read a bit.
Interesting part begins here. copy paste the link and add "extrem" after "www." instead of the stars
Post 3966:
someone reports about unlabeled chinese generic HGH, blue tops, which led to water in lungs at one of his colleagues. Someone then asks him if it is citropin brand and they discuss the Jano report.
On the following page, Page 160 Post 3993, he states that he has met his colleague from Frankfurt and he said it is citropin brand.
I am not from Frankfurt and i dont know the guy, so obviously he isnt talking about me.
I then chimed in on page 161 with my story after another member mentioned that something similar happened to a guy from another board (=me)

so there really might be a connection here..

Just code the link. Look for </> in the reply tools menu.
Test reports:

Test p (Janoshik Analytical)

Test E (Janoshik Analytical)
Test reports:

Test p (Janoshik Analytical)

Test E (Janoshik Analytical)

Fuck off!
Akra is the big lab that he once mentioned that said @janoshik is not good for analysis.. seems he has decided to use him anyway. And i am not a big fan of Akra, many dubious stories there..
Hey Ci, i am a bit disappointed i got no feedback to the answer to your question on WickR if i am okay and if there is something you can help me out with where ive mentioned i got some insurance issues.
Well, in total I had to cover following costs that the insurance didnt wanne pay:
8 x 50,76€ (2-bed room), 8 x 15€ WLAN, 8x 10€ general hospital fee, 330€ (10% of the lifevest rent for 4 weeks which i hope will not be increased to 8 or 12 weeks because this shit is uncomfortable).
In total round about 930€
So now there is something you can help me out with ;-)
Akra is the big lab that he once mentioned that said @janoshik is not good for analysis.. seems he has decided to use him anyway. And i am not a big fan of Akra, many dubious stories there..
Hey Ci, i am a bit disappointed i got no feedback to the answer to your question on WickR if i am okay and if there is something you can help me out with where ive mentioned i got some insurance issues.
Well, in total I had to cover following costs that the insurance didnt wanne pay:
8 x 50,76€ (2-bed room), 8 x 15€ WLAN, 8x 10€ general hospital fee, 330€ (10% of the lifevest rent for 4 weeks which i hope will not be increased to 8 or 12 weeks because this shit is uncomfortable).
In total round about 930€
So now there is something you can help me out with ;-)

You don't seriously think he's going to reimburse you for any of that do you?
short update guys:
CI contacted me on WickR to tell me he will help me finandially out and asked about my situation. Told him around 390€ are open bills. He told me he will gather somd BTC to help me. Also excused himself a thousand times that he wasnt really deep into HGH and trusted his source etc but he will focus on the business he is good at which is raws.
i think it is just fair to state this now since ive also stated negatives.
Ill update if i really receive something
short update guys:
Also excused himself a thousand times that he wasnt really deep into HGH and trusted his source etc but he will focus on the business he is good at which is raws.
If he considers 90% test fucking cypionate good he should just stick to working in the iPhone factories.