Ciraws/International raws source

You choose what you have and for eu domestic he is the only guy

i think that's why you're so insistent on him somehow pulling himself together.

Face it, man, this guy sucks. He has no idea what the quality of his product is and is too cheap to pull himself out of the hole that he's dug for himself.

This is only one forum. You can't tell me with all the other forums in existence that this guy is the only game in town.
i think that's why you're so insistent on him somehow pulling himself together.

Face it, man, this guy sucks. He has no idea what the quality of his product is and is too cheap to pull himself out of the hole that he's dug for himself.

This is only one forum. You can't tell me with all the other forums in existence that this guy is the only game in town.
Agree with you. That's why I want to put him together
Is not the only one but the only one that seems more okish.
Now I don't need anything maybe until next year something will show up if not I will get some finish oil locally and end this headache
I get that you don't like him but that doesn't matter. If the dude can make some things right then he is as good as everyone else but everyone else now they aren't as they was back few years ago
You choose what you have and for eu domestic he is the only guy

You're an idiot if you do business with this piece of trash!
That's even worse! i would be paying for the testing in full, then reimbursed 50% of the cost in store credit? Get the fuck out.

What If the tests come back shitty? i'm out the entire testing fee and given a credit to get even more shitty raws?

Penny pinching Chinaman logic. This is why he will never be successful here.

If he really believes that another lab test would prove the quality of his product, then why doesn't he just pay a couple hundred bucks to get it done and save his business? It doesn't make any sense.
Agree and on top of that what to do a normal person with store credit as they order maybe once every 3 years. Until then many can happen

Exactly. I pointed this out to him on the phone and asked him if he could just send me the store credit in bitcoin. He said no, he only does store credit. Just lol @ the shitty business practices
If he really believes that another lab test would prove the quality of his product, then why doesn't he just pay a couple hundred bucks to get it done and save his business? It doesn't make any sense.
Because, like I said a long time ago, he's just some random poor cheap chinaman asshole who resells from a local "lab". He doesn't have any real capital to invest into his "business". Given his strange outbursts, he may even be a teenager...or a semi-retarded adult. Either way fuuuuuuck this source. You'd have to be insane to use him.

Also, I still find it funny that his bright idea to save himself is to now say he wants to test (also LOL @ 50% store credit).
Even if ten independent third parties blindly sent his shit in for testing and it all came out ok, I still wouldn't give this guy a dime, because he's proven he's just a sheister trying to get every last cent he can. At any time he might mail you a bag of sugar instead of what you paid for.

Source is dead. If he posts again, we need that guy who posts fatties to fill the thread with dry-heave material.
guys i am not sure if it is related, but please DO NOT USE HIS HGH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!
7 weeks ago, i was in hospital due to fluid in lung and absolutely no energy. I couldnt get up 5 stairs. Echo showed acute cardiomyopathy. Ive thought that it was probably due to some infect and brushed it off.
last week wednesday again, this time much worse. Woke up in the middle of the night getting no breath, couldnt move and shit.Ambulance got me pretty fast and i was in hospital until this wednesday:
- massive fluid in lungs, EF down to 16%, etc etc. the diagnosis reads terrible.
I have to wear an external defibritllator at least until the next appointment in 4 weeks to see where i am.

BOTH TIMES I'VE STARTED HIS HGH AROUND 6 days prior to the incident.
and i am no noob to hgh, ive been running it straight from august 2020 until now, different brands, different dosages.
both times now was this crappy hgh at a "lower" dose of 4iu.
I am not sure if there can be any connection between impure hgh / high dimer / whatever and acute heart issues, but for me it is too much coincidence that both times after starting this crap ive developed acute cardiomyopathy

BE CAREFUL! I AM NOT JOKING HERE!! everyone who followed this thread knows that i was always trying to defend him but now it is a matter of serious health issues!!
guys i am not sure if it is related, but please DO NOT USE HIS HGH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!
7 weeks ago, i was in hospital due to fluid in lung and absolutely no energy. I couldnt get up 5 stairs. Echo showed acute cardiomyopathy. Ive thought that it was probably due to some infect and brushed it off.
last week wednesday again, this time much worse. Woke up in the middle of the night getting no breath, couldnt move and shit.Ambulance got me pretty fast and i was in hospital until this wednesday:
- massive fluid in lungs, EF down to 16%, etc etc. the diagnosis reads terrible.
I have to wear an external defibritllator at least until the next appointment in 4 weeks to see where i am.

BOTH TIMES I'VE STARTED HIS HGH AROUND 6 days prior to the incident.
and i am no noob to hgh, ive been running it straight from august 2020 until now, different brands, different dosages.
both times now was this crappy hgh at a "lower" dose of 4iu.
I am not sure if there can be any connection between impure hgh / high dimer / whatever and acute heart issues, but for me it is too much coincidence that both times after starting this crap ive developed acute cardiomyopathy

BE CAREFUL! I AM NOT JOKING HERE!! everyone who followed this thread knows that i was always trying to defend him but now it is a matter of serious health issues!!

Unless it's pharma I wouldn't be touching hgh anymore bro. That's fucking nuts bro wow. I hope you recover quickly.
@Crius How will you make this better for Manu? Or will you have excuses?
i dont need anything from him, i want my health back..
the money doesnt hurt as much as not being allowed to train for at least 6 weeks until the next appointment. I also have to wear a lifevest (company zoll, google if interested, didnt even know such things exist) for atleast those 6 weeks day and night (just remove for showering)

i thought he is a good guy, promised me to refund if the purity is lower than 98% (i have his speech memo saved if anyone is interested) but all i got were fucking excuses.. Jano is shit, blabla

right now ill stay off for the next 6 weeks of everything. after that i might get on trt dosage of test (real trt, 80mg a week or so) and maybe 1-2 units pharma hgh. But this would be my absolute wish and i would discuss this with my doc.

about trolling.. i can upload both letters from the doc (one for each time) where the horrondeous diagnoses is made. The last letter even says a sentence
"due to high risk of sudden heart death, the lifevest is mandatory and therefore an insurance matter" or something along those lines
@M@NU All bullshit aside, I hope you fully recover and this has no lasting effects. Take care of yourself.
thanks, appreciated :)
i hope it is an acute "injury" both times due to whatever, docs and myself cant get the root right now. Heart is larger and thicker and a normal one but this is pretty normal for enhanced bodybuilders.. What matters most to me right now is the highly restricted ejection fraction (16% which means i need a implanted defibrillator if it stays this way) and a high mitralinsufficiency.
Right now my plan is to stay off all crap, modify my diet (lower cals, lower carbs, higher healthy fats like salmon etc, keep protein highish but not excessive), take a host of supplements that are more or less proven to have a positive effect (kaneka ubiquinol, d-ribose, curcumin bcm95, krill oil, pycnogenol,.. which costs me a small fortune .. seems health supps are way more expensive than gear ..), no weight training and easy endurance stuff (longer walks and stuff like that as soon as i feel fine doing those)
The next 6 weeks are important for me since no improvement means heart catether and implanted defibrillator which i dont want. This is why i am motivated to do everything in my hands to improve it.