Ciraws/International raws source

Anavar is back

What's the purity? Oh that's right, you don't test any of the garbage that you're attempting to sell.

We'll have to go off of the only test that was ever done on your junk raws and that was Test Cyp at just under 92% purity.

We only do the best stuff. If there's 99% purity, then 98% is shit to us.

So you're basically telling Meso that you sell shit? Worse than shit. Like if a pile of stinky shit took an even stinkier shit. That's your quality.

Hey, remember that time you almost killed one of our members with the low purity, high dimer GH that you sold him?

i know you'd like to forget that, but don't you worry, MSG will make sure you never forget. There's no coming back from that one, asshole.
Hey guys,
so i would like to chime in and say a few words.
First of all, before Ci went absent, he told me he would help me financially to cover the hospital bills etc. Of course i really didnt believe that he will help me and after he was gone for weeks (even months?) i was sure he was just went missing to avoid all the shit that happened.
However, when he reappeared and ive received a WickR message from him and he explained me everything and that he still owes me money i was surprised to say at least.
he told me he is in miserable situation financially but he would like to help as much as he could. So he sent me 200$ in btc and told me he will send more as soon as he gets back on his feet.

He told me he is damn sorry, didnt really know much about hgh, trusted his supplier etc.
weve chatted since then quite a lot, he asks me regularely how i am etc.

what happened cant be reversed, my heart has received permanent damage and i will have to live with it and it sucks.
But the fact that he reappeared after being away for months, writing me and sending me money, asking regularely how i am etc. shows me that he seems to care and that he seems to take a part of the responsibility.
he could have just made a new account and reappear as someone completely different - yet he chose to come back.

Ive told him 2 things:
- be honest and upfront with the meso community. Honesty leads to trust and this is something he needs to regain.
- test test test. no blind shots.
What's the purity? Oh that's right, you don't test any of the garbage that you're attempting to sell.

We'll have to go off of the only test that was ever done on your junk raws and that was Test Cyp at just under 92% purity.

So you're basically telling Meso that you sell shit? Worse than shit. Like if a pile of stinky shit took an even stinkier shit. That's your quality.

Hey, remember that time you almost killed one of our members with the low purity, high dimer GH that you sold him?

i know you'd like to forget that, but don't you worry, MSG will make sure you never forget. There's no coming back from that one, asshole.

For now, only 1-2 factories are able to manufacture Anavar for us.

Everybody is buying from them actually.
Hey guys,
so i would like to chime in and say a few words.
First of all, before Ci went absent, he told me he would help me financially to cover the hospital bills etc. Of course i really didnt believe that he will help me and after he was gone for weeks (even months?) i was sure he was just went missing to avoid all the shit that happened.
However, when he reappeared and ive received a WickR message from him and he explained me everything and that he still owes me money i was surprised to say at least.
he told me he is in miserable situation financially but he would like to help as much as he could. So he sent me 200$ in btc and told me he will send more as soon as he gets back on his feet.

He told me he is damn sorry, didnt really know much about hgh, trusted his supplier etc.
weve chatted since then quite a lot, he asks me regularely how i am etc.

what happened cant be reversed, my heart has received permanent damage and i will have to live with it and it sucks.
But the fact that he reappeared after being away for months, writing me and sending me money, asking regularely how i am etc. shows me that he seems to care and that he seems to take a part of the responsibility.
he could have just made a new account and reappear as someone completely different - yet he chose to come back.

Ive told him 2 things:
- be honest and upfront with the meso community. Honesty leads to trust and this is something he needs to regain.
- test test test. no blind shots.

They say you can't put a price on health.
So far he has for you, and it's $200.

If honesty leads to trust than he's right about where he should be. In the red with a negative value.

Testing is great, but it costs money and he has proven time and time again that he's the typical greedy Chinaman that is trying to spend the least amount of money possible and still be successful.
200$ to keep the donkey happy. Sorry about your situation manu, but you are a fucking clown to even stay in contact with the person that fucked you up PERMANENTLY, let alone speak nice words about him after.
200$ to keep the donkey happy. Sorry about your situation manu, but you are a fucking clown to even stay in contact with the person that fucked you up PERMANENTLY, let alone speak nice words about him after.
im not happy. And Ci knows this.
His fault can not be reversed.
Its not the 200 dollar. Its the fact he came back instead of creating a new acount and tried to help that surprised me.
99% of people would have made a new account and fine..
he knows i wont buy anymore, so staying in contact brings him no business
i have seldom seen someone who tries so hard to do justice to customers as Ci ... you should definitely give it a chance to prove yourself on the market. I have always received very good service from him and the quality of the raw materials has also been good so far. if something is not right, he is always ready to correct the mistakes. he is really a good trader and is looking for the best possible quality at a very good price for his customers. everyone deserves their chance, which is why many should hold back a little in their statements.
i have seldom seen someone who tries so hard to do justice to customers as Ci ... you should definitely give it a chance to prove yourself on the market. I have always received very good service from him and the quality of the raw materials has also been good so far. if something is not right, he is always ready to correct the mistakes. he is really a good trader and is looking for the best possible quality at a very good price for his customers. everyone deserves their chance, which is why many should hold back a little in their statements.

A wannabe source praising a has-been failure of a source. Now there's something you don't see every day.

Ask him to sell you some of that bargain basement GH that he had a few months ago. i want to see if it was just a fluke that multiple guys wound up in the hospital after using it. You trust him, right? Time to take one for the team, Sparky.
A wannabe source praising a has-been failure of a source. Now there's something you don't see every day.

Ask him to sell you some of that bargain basement GH that he had a few months ago. i want to see if it was just a fluke that multiple guys wound up in the hospital after using it. You trust him, right? Time to take one for the team, Sparky.
I'm sorry for the guys who have health problems because of it, but I use his GH, 10 i.u. per day and don't have any. he deserves his second chance. He is always nice and courteous and tries to find a new, very good GH for his customers. other dealers don't do that. it deserves respect and i think what he does is good
I'm sorry for the guys who have health problems because of it, but I use his GH, 10 i.u. per day and don't have any. he deserves his second chance. He is always nice and courteous and tries to find a new, very good GH for his customers. other dealers don't do that. it deserves respect and i think what he does is good

Pfft. He doesn't deserve shit. Send me money and i'll do a complete 180° turn from my normal cynical attitude. i'll even call you bro and toss in a my friend. It's just meaningless words on a screen.

He's a broke bitch that's half assing his way through trying to find the cheapest GH that won't hospitalize his customers.

His own words were that he only sells the highest quality stuff. 92% pure Test Cyp and dangerous GH were what we got.

You're free to piss your money away with him all you want. Don't let me stop you, but i'll be damned if this asshole thinks he can whitewash his past for new members that weren't here to watch him repeatedly fuck up.
i have seldom seen someone who tries so hard to do justice to customers as Ci ... you should definitely give it a chance to prove yourself on the market. I have always received very good service from him and the quality of the raw materials has also been good so far. if something is not right, he is always ready to correct the mistakes. he is really a good trader and is looking for the best possible quality at a very good price for his customers. everyone deserves their chance, which is why many should hold back a little in their statements.

What kind of horse shit is this?

He should have fully refunded both me and Manu. It's not hard. He bragged about 98% pure being shit for him, how his purity is always at least 99%. Then his HGH tests at 90% and the test cyp tests at 92%. That warrants a refund.

So how the fuck is he trying so hard to do justice to his customers?
What kind of horse shit is this?

He should have fully refunded both me and Manu. It's not hard. He bragged about 98% pure being shit for him, how his purity is always at least 99%. Then his HGH tests at 90% and the test cyp tests at 92%. That warrants a refund.

So how the fuck is he trying so hard to do justice to his customers?

He should've had testing out of the gate after making the claims he did. i don't understand why people will roll the dice instead of demanding that the source proves themselves first.

Now we're in the wrong boat where this shitty source has washed his hands of everything that happened in the past and plans to half ass his return.

It's up to the community to prevent that from happening, and there doesn't seem to be very many involved.
I'm sorry for the guys who have health problems because of it, but I use his GH, 10 i.u. per day and don't have any. he deserves his second chance. He is always nice and courteous and tries to find a new, very good GH for his customers. other dealers don't do that. it deserves respect and i think what he does is good
Thanks Loop.
What kind of horse shit is this?

He should have fully refunded both me and Manu. It's not hard. He bragged about 98% pure being shit for him, how his purity is always at least 99%. Then his HGH tests at 90% and the test cyp tests at 92%. That warrants a refund.

So how the fuck is he trying so hard to do justice to his customers?
Ah, sorry. Didn’t recognize you until you mentioned the test cyp testing

We’ve had talked by phone call for a few times. Thought we have no problem left.

Can you contact me by wicker? And let me know your problem? I’ll try to help as you’re not satisfied with your order. A 10 minutes phone call will solve everything.
Sure will do, just as soon as I want some underdosed raws that you'll refuse to accept testing showing they're underdosed.

Until then .... I'll pass.
This problem does not exist.

Our labs customers or personal user customers, who have really used it, never had any 'underdosed raws problem.
This problem does not exist.

Our labs customers or personal user customers, who have really used it, never had any 'underdosed raws problem.

Not sure how that works when you’ve already acknowledged selling underdosed raws & GH in your threads .....
This problem does not exist.

Our labs customers or personal user customers, who have really used it, never had any 'underdosed raws problem.

Test results from your supplier: 99%


Test results from Jano: 92%


Who stands to gain more by lying?
The factory that sold you the raws or the guy being paid to test the raws?

If the factory told you their Test Cyp was 92% pure then you wouldn't buy it... Knowing you, you'd probably still buy it after haggling the price down. i mean you did sell GH that almost killed a couple people, so it certainly makes sense.

Jano already got paid for the test before testing it. He had nothing to gain or lose by fudging those numbers.

i'll leave the reader to draw their own conclusion with this one. It's their money and their choice in the end anyway.