Ciraws/International raws source

Dunno man, on my part it has been nice and smooth. He told me 50$ shipping and then told me 60$ later on, I just remembered him that he had said 50$ and he apologized and confirmed it was 50$.

I believe he is not used to quote on small quantities and so make a bit of confusion on prices.

I could be wrong but I had a completely opposite experience for now.
Agreed. My experience was very smooth but then again eveything I bought was standard bulk sizes. It's always hard when someone asks for a quantity you don't usually offer. My package arrived in 7 days after payment using a reshipper and was good stealth so personally I have no complaints. I also paid upfront not C. O. D

Sampei did you ever place an order?
Agreed. My experience was very smooth but then again eveything I bought was standard bulk sizes. It's always hard when someone asks for a quantity you don't usually offer. My package arrived in 7 days after payment using a reshipper and was good stealth so personally I have no complaints. I also paid upfront not C. O. D

Sampei did you ever place an order?
Yes I did. I'm waiting for it to arrive. It has been shipped from China. Need to reach reshipper. It's gonna take time.
Here's more proof that this guy is a fucking ass clown trying to rip off Meso members! I was going through my emails and I totally forgot that I asked this clown for prices earlier this month. Check out the prices he gave earlier and then the prices he gave yesterday, ALSO you can see In one of the emails where he agrees to price match. Use this CLOWN at your own risk people!

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That's a pretty significant difference in prices lol.
Especially on the Primo.

What's up @Crius ?

From 5g Primo ace for 100 to 3g Primo ace for 150?

@JetsFan is that his original quote?
Or a price match?
That's a pretty significant difference in prices lol.
Especially on the Primo.

What's up @Crius ?

From 5g Primo ace for 100 to 3g Primo ace for 150?

@JetsFan is that his original quote?
Or a price match?

Those are his original prices. I'd also like to point out that this bitch ass clown rounds up his prices. Look at his price list that I posted, it shows primo being $48 per gram, but then he quotes me $150 for 3 grams so $50 per gram, that an added $6 just for shits and giggles I guess? Now look at his var price on the list it shows $13.8, but he rounds up to $14. He rounds up on test AND the npp as well lol.

This is MESO for fuck sakes, this is the LAST place on the web that don't tolerate bullshit sources like this or am I wrong? Not only does this clown flat out LIE, he also collects info AND he can't even get his fucking prices sorted out!

If we give sources like this a free pass who's to say that one day because of sheer negligence/stupidity/lack of fucks then send someone clen instead of test or something far worse!?
Those are his original prices. I'd also like to point out that this bitch ass clown rounds up his prices. Look at his price list that I posted, it shows primo being $48 per gram, but then he quotes me $150 for 3 grams so $50 per gram, that an added $6 just for shits and giggles I guess? Now look at his var price on the list it shows $13.8, but he rounds up to $14. He rounds up on test AND the npp as well lol.

This is MESO for fuck sakes, this is the LAST place on the web that don't tolerate bullshit sources like this or am I wrong? Not only does this clown flat out LIE, he also collects info AND he can't even get his fucking prices sorted out!

If we give sources like this a free pass who's to say that one day because of sheer negligence/stupidity/lack of fucks then send someone clen instead of test or something far worse!?
You will find this from most Chinese suppliers when you order small amounts bro. If someone only has prices down to 100g and you ask for 3g then it's not that easy to work out prices for that so they usually think of one there and then.
You will find this from most Chinese suppliers when you order small amounts bro. If someone only has prices down to 100g and you ask for 3g then it's not that easy to work out prices for that so they usually think of one there and then.
Why are you making excuses for this fucking goon lol! Put aside him being TERRIBLE at math he also AGREED to match prices then collected my shipping info and then after all that he says "No dice go shopping elsewhere"! THE FUCK is that lol? Going back to prices how fucking stupid does a source have to be to go from $20 per gram to $50 per gram for the same item?
Why are you making excuses for this fucking goon lol! Put aside him being TERRIBLE at math he also AGREED to match prices then collected my shipping info and then after all that he says "No dice go shopping elsewhere"! THE FUCK is that lol? Going back to prices how fucking stupid does a source have to be to go from $20 per gram to $50 per gram for the same item?
I agree he shouldn't of gone back in prices but there's no real rules on this game bro. No source is perfect and there are plenty others in this board if you are not happy with this one. Considering the nature of the product they can charge what they want and will try to get the most whenever they can.

I agree he shouldn't of gone back in prices but there's no real rules on this game bro. No source is perfect and there are plenty others in this board if you are not happy with this one. Considering the nature of the product they can charge what they want and will try to get the most whenever they can.
I'll say it again....... this is MESO, we don't tolerate bullshit like this from sources period!
Not so experienced in quoting small orders. So I just provided the number that pops out in my mind.
Now we've prepared a settled price list for small order. Before that, we only have a KG level price list coz our customers are all labs who take by 100g at least........
That's a pretty significant difference in prices lol.
Especially on the Primo.

What's up @Crius ?

From 5g Primo ace for 100 to 3g Primo ace for 150?

@JetsFan is that his original quote?
Or a price match?
Not so experienced in quoting small orders. So I just provided the number that pops out in my mind.
Now we've prepared a settled price list for small order. Before that, we only have a KG level price list coz our customers are all labs who take by 100g at least........

Post your new price list for small orders so EVERYONE can see it! This way we know your not ripping anyone off by gouging them.
Post your new price list for small orders so EVERYONE can see it! This way we know your not ripping anyone off by gouging them.

I think that's a pretty fair point.
A price list on individual grams..
Then a price for 100g plus orders would be helpful @Crius
It would also show bulk discounts and provide incentives for larger orders... as well as avoid confusion in the future.

Win/win Crius
I think that's a pretty fair point.
A price list on individual grams..
Then a price for 100g plus orders would be helpful @Crius
It would also show bulk discounts and provide incentives for larger orders... as well as avoid confusion in the future.

Win/win Crius
Constructive suggestion!! Thx man.
屏幕快照 2020-10-31 下午12.37.15.png
Price list attached.
That's a gram price list used for order lower than 10 grams of each compound. That's what most people are asking.
Again, thx for advice bro.
I think that's a pretty fair point.
A price list on individual grams..
Then a price for 100g plus orders would be helpful @Crius
It would also show bulk discounts and provide incentives for larger orders... as well as avoid confusion in the future.

Win/win Crius
I'm canadian and I'll pay for my order if I receive what i asked. Order has been made and I promise to keep up my end of the deal