I don't believe that at all. I just don't see why we should all get worked up until we can have labs to back up one of their fuck up. I believe pharmacom provided good oils and orals in the year.
I never trusted their HGH much and I use something else for that reason. I never in fact suggested their HGH to ppl, It's more expensive then the greytop for example.
They improved since they started and anaboliclab confirmed it. Everything they say is gold? Sure as hell not.
Do they lie? I believe so as anyone do.
Did they harm anyone or provided real bunk gear? I don't think so at all. The worse I have seen was their injectable anadrol. Go see the fuck up of muscledevelop on his oils then we can talk about real shit.
Pharmacom is perfect? It isn't. If I could have access to Geneza or jintani would I try them? Yes if naps wasn't the shit it has proved to be.
If I had acces to some of the good private/local source in USA would I try them? Yes!
But I fucking don't! I have only Balkan and pharmacom that I have seen testing well on anaboliclab and that they ship domestic in EU.
Let's get back to the point of this discussion.
I have good experience with pharmacom, I have had good bloods. The stuff I sended to simec were perfectly dosed. What should I say? Pharmacom is shit because you ppl say so.
In my experience it wasn't shit. It hasn't been proved to be shit and I still wait for simec test that show us, bacteria or whatever.
Until then i see ppl that bash PC hard as some do, as ppl that have shady interest in doing so or are mentally stupid or they have been tricked in doing so.
This is about the lab, not about their rep or the behaviour of those rep or whatever is ethically discussed.
Now I'm gonna get myself out of this. You can say or do whatever you prefer. In the end it doesn't affect me in anyway. You think I'm a shill? Or I get stuff from PC?
Take care most of you. See ya in the other sections.
Because his gear source will come above all of his friends, as well as dilute his logic. Sampeii isn't some idiot, he's a bright guy, but he's blinded by his delusions that Pcom is some holy grail...