Controlled vs Non Controlled drugs delivery and usage

Nemesis RR

New Member
10+ Year Member
I know if I order controlled drugs as steriods it is illegal to just order them from overseas. Also if I were to get drug tested for steriods I would be busted.

Now the question. What if I were to order non-controlled drugs as arimidex or HCG? Are any laws violated? (as far as I know arimidex and HCG is not controlled) Also would these drugs ever come up in a drug test?
Of course its still illegal to order and receive drugs from outside the US.

i wikipedia this once. it sounds like non controlled drugs for personal use is not a big deal. infact, non bodybhuilders and average joes have been reported to be using over seas pharms for cholesterol meds, birth control, viagra, etc. either because their insurance co will not cover it, or its much cheaper.
i wikipedia this once. it sounds like non controlled drugs for personal use is not a big deal. infact, non bodybhuilders and average joes have been reported to be using over seas pharms for cholesterol meds, birth control, viagra, etc. either because their insurance co will not cover it, or its much cheaper.

This is true, but it is still illegal. Congress ran into road blocks when attempting to allow legal importation of drugs. Despite the illegality, many states encourage the practice. I know many elderly who obtain their meds from Canada!
HCG is also on the IOC banned substances list, so depending on who is administering the test, that could likely show up.