CoQ10 and blood pressure


So I’m naturally on the verge of being hypertensive at 41 years old my blood pressure average numbers on a bad day are 140ish over 80-84 something like that …

Anyhow a few months ago I started taking CoQ10 at 400mg daily….kinda forgot about taking my blood pressure for a bit but recently got back into the habit, good Christ my top number is now averaging 132 and my bottom number is consistently in the low 70s …honest to god I’ve NEVER seen the low number in the 70s and prior to CoQ10 and I’ve tested on a variety of machines both my home unit and shoppers drug mart , got my doctor to check it as well manually…

To boot I’m on a blast right now also, and still my blood pressure is the lowest I’ve ever seen it!
Anyone else experienced this with CoQ10? I went to Costco and picked up a big jar of it as it’s so much cheaper there compared to everywhere else now that I’m seeing these results …
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So I’m naturally on the verge of being hypertensive at 41 years old my blood pressure average numbers on a bad day are 140ish over 80-84 something like that …

Anyhow a few months ago I started taking CoQ10 at 400mg daily….kinda forgot about taking my blood pressure for a bit but recently got back into the habit, good Christ my top number is now averaging 132 and my bottom number is consistently in the low 70s …honest to god I’ve NEVER seen the low number in the 70s and prior to CoQ10 and I’ve tested on a variety of machines both my home unit and shoppers drug mart , got my doctor to check it as well manually…

To boot I’m on a blast right now also, and still my blood pressure is the lowest I’ve ever seen it!
Anyone else experienced this with CoQ10? I went to Costco and picked up a big jar of it as it’s so much cheaper there compared to everywhere else now that I’m seeing these results …
I've been taking coq10 (and some other supplements) for 4 weeks now and my blood pressure didn't change or even slightly went up
Right now: 138 79
That's a little more than I usually have.
No gear.
I've been taking coq10 (and some other supplements) for 4 weeks now and my blood pressure didn't change or even slightly went up
Right now: 138 79
That's a little more than I usually have.
No gear.

I guess it just does to prove how differently our systems react …

I’ve been taking my BP on the regular basically since I started blasting (couple years back) but my BP was always high normal and creeping up the last decade or so…

The only real change in my supplement stack has been the addition of CoQ10…maybe it’s something else - either way I’ll take it !
If you're older you start to become deficient of coq10 your body makes it naturally. So maybe that's why. I'm not sure if it effects BP or not though.
Normally I wouldent expect a natural supplement to work so well, I guess it’s possible it’s something else butthat’s the only thing that’s changed , definitely ain’t my diet or upping of cardio! I’ve always been sorta pre hypertensive even when I was a teen….always in the yellow warning ⚠️ level when I test on the machine at shoppers or on my home machine so it’s such a dramatic change for me …and yes I’m talking 20 + tests taken over the last month at all different times…
So I’m naturally on the verge of being hypertensive at 41 years old my blood pressure average numbers on a bad day are 140ish over 80-84 something like that …

Anyhow a few months ago I started taking CoQ10 at 400mg daily….kinda forgot about taking my blood pressure for a bit but recently got back into the habit, good Christ my top number is now averaging 132 and my bottom number is consistently in the low 70s …honest to god I’ve NEVER seen the low number in the 70s and prior to CoQ10 and I’ve tested on a variety of machines both my home unit and shoppers drug mart , got my doctor to check it as well manually…

To boot I’m on a blast right now also, and still my blood pressure is the lowest I’ve ever seen it!
Anyone else experienced this with CoQ10? I went to Costco and picked up a big jar of it as it’s so much cheaper there compared to everywhere else now that I’m seeing these results …
What brand were you using? Costco or another? Ubiquinone or Ubiquinol?

Yes, CoQ10 can lower blood pressure effectively but there are so many causes of hypertension that its effectiveness and people's experiences can vary greatly. For people who have tried it and haven't been successful, they should take something in addition, like pomegranate extract or olive leaf extract, for example.
I take CoQ10 for the past few years for heart health, but I haven't noticed a blood pressure effect. That's good though, great it's having that effect for you.
Ive noticed that cardio helps a lot.

Also any salty or super sweet gives me bp spikes, avoiding those i feel better.
So I’m naturally on the verge of being hypertensive at 41 years old my blood pressure average numbers on a bad day are 140ish over 80-84 something like that …

Anyhow a few months ago I started taking CoQ10 at 400mg daily….kinda forgot about taking my blood pressure for a bit but recently got back into the habit, good Christ my top number is now averaging 132 and my bottom number is consistently in the low 70s …honest to god I’ve NEVER seen the low number in the 70s and prior to CoQ10 and I’ve tested on a variety of machines both my home unit and shoppers drug mart , got my doctor to check it as well manually…

To boot I’m on a blast right now also, and still my blood pressure is the lowest I’ve ever seen it!
Anyone else experienced this with CoQ10? I went to Costco and picked up a big jar of it as it’s so much cheaper there compared to everywhere else now that I’m seeing these results …
Your BP does not decrease on Q10. (400mg daily is excessive )
Do your cardio sessions
Your BP does not decrease on Q10. (400mg daily is excessive )
Do your cardio sessions
Actually, no. Go read the studies. CoQ10 DOES decrease blood pressure and dosing can go very high, even several grams per day. Cardio for blood pressure is totally overrated and usually only places excessive stress upon an already overpressured system.
Actually, no. Go read the studies. CoQ10 DOES decrease blood pressure and dosing can go very high, even several grams per day. Cardio for blood pressure is totally overrated and usually only places excessive stress upon an already overpressured system.
140ish over 80-84
Christ my top number is now averaging 132

Is not by Q10 intake. This numbers of BP are normal. Not every measure is exact the same. also how(method) you measure can sort difference in results.
measure 3times on a row and take the average of those 3 results. more BP machines do measure like this.

also 140 is not that high, I had over 180/90 before I got meds prescribed.
Itś common in our family, even when my body fat is longtime low, and I train for over 40 years.

So much anecdotal data here. Fact is everyone is different.

OP just do everything you can to manage your BP, be it supplements or get rx or do cardio, which you should be doing for your heart anyway.

You're the only one who knows if anything is working, take notes and follow what works for you. Everyone's experience is just that, theirs so it might not apply to you.
140ish over 80-84
Christ my top number is now averaging 132

Is not by Q10 intake. This numbers of BP are normal. Not every measure is exact the same. also how(method) you measure can sort difference in results.
measure 3times on a row and take the average of those 3 results. more BP machines do measure like this.

also 140 is not that high, I had over 180/90 before I got meds prescribed.
Itś common in our family, even when my body fat is longtime low, and I train for over 40 years.


I guess anything is possible , maybe it ain’t the CoQ10 but nothing else changed in my lifestyle …I take measurements properly on a variety of machines plus manually at the doctors office so I’m taking an average off those readings….
140ish over 80-84
Christ my top number is now averaging 132

Is not by Q10 intake. This numbers of BP are normal. Not every measure is exact the same. also how(method) you measure can sort difference in results.
measure 3times on a row and take the average of those 3 results. more BP machines do measure like this.

also 140 is not that high, I had over 180/90 before I got meds prescribed.
Itś common in our family, even when my body fat is longtime low, and I train for over 40 years.

Eating grapefruit daily and supplementing with beets chews seems to help me also cutting caffeine pre-workout out of my diet also helped
So I’m naturally on the verge of being hypertensive at 41 years old my blood pressure average numbers on a bad day are 140ish over 80-84 something like that …

Anyhow a few months ago I started taking CoQ10 at 400mg daily….kinda forgot about taking my blood pressure for a bit but recently got back into the habit, good Christ my top number is now averaging 132 and my bottom number is consistently in the low 70s …honest to god I’ve NEVER seen the low number in the 70s and prior to CoQ10 and I’ve tested on a variety of machines both my home unit and shoppers drug mart , got my doctor to check it as well manually…

To boot I’m on a blast right now also, and still my blood pressure is the lowest I’ve ever seen it!
Anyone else experienced this with CoQ10? I went to Costco and picked up a big jar of it as it’s so much cheaper there compared to everywhere else now that I’m seeing these results …
Which brand of CoQ10 were you using originally?