High blood pressure (critical level)

This is "my" thread". You're the useless troll, not me. Reported. Hopefully you and your thread hijacking buddy get kicked by the Admin...

High blood pressure, echo, and ekg are all on topic…. Believe it or not buddy….

If you have high blood pressure (critical level) like the title of you’re thread…. There’s a good chance you’re going to be getting an ekg and echo at point in or later…

I am still Not sure if you’re being serious or trolling at this point… either way… go back to Reddit….
Have you started doing any cardio, even just LISS?

I've stayed 100% sedentary (not even working/socialising) since being put on these 2 new drugs as I wanted to let my GP get an accurate view of my BP readings. At my last appointment they fitted me with a 24 hour monitor to log my readings twice every hour throughout the day between waking up and going to sleep and now they've said mild exercise is fine if it's "little and often" to start with. I'm starting static cycling in the next few days at LISS pace at home and I'll see where things go after that. Not starting lifting heavy again just yet and no chance of me jumping on a test/tren cycle !!!