I'd get blood work done about mid way thru your cycle. There's a sticky on good places to get lab work on one of these sections..."Serum blood testing" I think. You don't want your e2 (estrogen) to get to high I'd imagine. Aromasin is the safest ai to use to bring down e2. But I don't know much about transitioning, so I'd image you've had all your breast tissue removed so bitch tits shouldn't be an issue. Just safe to keep estrogen within normal ranges for a male.Yeah I’ve been on testosterone for 4 years now so I know all the sides. Everything’s normal and on track atm. By increasing my dosage and taking test in between my 10 weeks shots is there anything else I’d have to take for on cycle support or PCT? I obviously don’t have to worry about production of natural testosterone as I’d continue getting my regular shots but anything else I need to worry about?
I image your doc already does blood work as well. So you be able to see if you're having issues with bad lipids(cholesterol), or kidney and liver problems.