Pin numero dos this morning was a success using the airlock technique that
@MamaLifts shared with me. I was so happy that all the oil got pushed out even though I still used a 3cc Nipro syringe. Thanks again for sharing!
I tried really hard to pin myself in the left glute but couldn't do it comfortably while injecting at a 90 degree angle. Had to have my husband pin me again while I was laying down. Maybe I should work on stretching some more, lol. Eventually, I'll need to figure this out on my own because he won't always be around to do the pinning for me. I'm going to try and work up the courage to pin quads next. Eek!
Ordered a bottle of Nizoral shampoo in hopes that it will help me not shed too much hair later down this cycle. I worry because I already have thin hair. Going to use it 2 or 3 times a week.