Cycle Advise/Review Test+Npp+Eq

I don't think 3 years is an optimal duration for staying on gear, I think if you dig up the discussion it was a hypothetical A vs. B, A > B or B > A question.

Seeing these sorts of recollections of these stupid hypos makes me think I should stop answering them (not your fault; whoever gave the hypo is to blame).

Cycling off and on is far superior for maintaining natural T secretion, spermatogenesis, HPG axis functioning, etc. vs. blast and cruising.

It's less advantageous for maintenance of muscle size & strength (GAINZ).
thank you for the honest reply!
Hey mate,

Time off = time on ( + PCT)
so i have waited like 16/20 weeks off each one.
also i have check blood work to see that i not out of whack
If you plan to keep doing cycles, why not just blast and cruise?

I just started my first cycle, I’ll be blasting and cursing
I don’t think people are on this forum to stay natty :)
Gains bro
Yeah but people don't realize that if you do one cycle a year and pct you would make the same progress if just trained natural .
Yeah you make gains but pct comes and the gains go away .
Well for most people at least its hard to eat and train the part with low test levels.
But to each they're own this is just my opinion.
Yeah 100%,
makes no sense to
PcT after each cycle
Thats why i think people should do one cycle and pct and make up they're mind if blast and cruise or stay natty .
This is just my opinions based on how i felt that being said i know a guy who only runs prop and an oral for 8 weeks he is 46 and does this twice a year with no pct and he recovers fast and has no problems he wont run anything else just this but i think guys like this are the exception to the rule
If you plan to keep doing cycles, why not just blast and cruise?

I just started my first cycle, I’ll be blasting and cursing
This is true or just stay natty !
Staying natty is the best tho !

as i said earlier, im 25Y and i want to keep my fertility.
also, i have travelling plans on the summer, every summer.
as part of my job and lifestyle.
i cant risk it and take gear with me to other countries.

also, i'm super hard gainer, and i want to unlock the ability to increase muscle mass and size. yeah yeah i eat like 3150-3300 calories and my diet is checked and on point, enough protein and all the shit.

thats my genes,and im not willing to give up.

if you have any thoughts of the cycle you are welcome to advise,
if any medication is missing or needed, or should i change the dosage,change the compounds etc...
Did you experience hair loss on the cycle you mentioned, or from a previous cycle?

I ran 250mg-500mg of test-e + 750-900mg of EQ for about 10 months when I noticed thinning was progressing, then I ran 500mg test-e/week + 75mg tren-a EOD for 8 months. I added 50-100mg of RU before using tren which slowed down the thinning, but I'm not really getting any regrowth.
I ran 250mg-500mg of test-e + 750-900mg of EQ for about 10 months when I noticed thinning was progressing, then I ran 500mg test-e/week + 75mg tren-a EOD for 8 months. I added 50-100mg of RU before using tren which slowed down the thinning, but I'm not really getting any regrowth.
Thank you

Before using RU, did you try the normal shit like minoxidil, Fin, Dutasteride. etc... or, simply opt for the more experimental stuff right away, like RU?
Thank you

Before using RU, did you try the normal shit like minoxidil, Fin, Dutasteride. etc... or, simply opt for the more experimental stuff right away, like RU?

I've been using minoxidil and fin for years, it does work. My hair gets thicker but only if I'm running less than 250mg/week. Right now, I'm mixing in RU and Dutasteride with my minoxidil.
500 test
300 npp
300 Masteron

Is what I would do and have done many times. It’s one of my favorite combinations.
This is the most recent cycle I ran. I can't say that I was a fan of the Mast, I started it at 350 but then it started giving me low e2 sides so I took it down to 250. Once I did that and kept Test and NPP at 500 and 350/week it was smooth sailing, my next blast I'm planning Test/EQ/NPP. Goal is to keep putting on mass.