Some of the guys replying are clueless, obviously being as overweight as you've made it seem is going to be unhealthier than most of these compounds in the long term. Not sure if you're a trained individual but I'd hope so if you're considering this protocol. If you're just an average guy trying to lose this weight in 6 months, you'll just need the GLP-1 agonist or some discipline to do it naturally. Now if you're a lifter with some PED experience who absolutely hates yourself right now and want to lose the weight as fast as possible, then I think this protocol is more in line with that. You can achieve a lot with your diet alone, but the GLP-1 agonist will make things a lot smoother and less mentally stressful. I'd recommend what I have done previously with some aspects you've suggested. Firstly and most importantly, I'd say research into and perform a PSMF (protein sparing modified fast) and swap the retatrutide for semaglutide. The appetite suppression from sema is greater and hopefully will destroy any cravings and hunger for the duration you're using it. Run test c at 250mg and drop the clen, GH, mk677, and nolvadex (unless for gyno). I'd say if you plan on going balls to the wall you could run the anavar for up to 12 weeks at 20-30mg. Something beneficial you could add in is cardarine (gw 501516), which people believe causes cancer but studies show the pathway that causes this in rats is inactive in humans, along with decades of anecdotal experience from the PED community which have proven it's safe. Cardarine will increase the ability for your body to metabolize fat, boost your cardiovascular ability and health, provide you energy during an aggressive cut, and keep your lipids mostly unaffected by the anavar. I'd say run this the duration of your protocol at 10-20mg/day. With that in mind, you should have all the tools you need to pull this off and retain your muscle mass. I personally used only TRT (800 ng/dL levels), 30mg anavar up to 3 weeks during PSMF diet phases, and cardarine at 10mg the last 3 weeks to go from 272 to 225 in 100 days and kept my strength throughout (actually PR'd with a 435lb bench halfway through). I did 3 total PSMF diet phases for either 2 or 3 weeks where I ate ~1250 calories 250 P 20 F 20 C before returning to a 1000-1500 calorie deficit for two weeks to rest. With the semaglutide, I see no reason you can't just run a PSMF for like 12 weeks straight if needed, but that would be incredibly mentally hard to do without sema. I lost 18lbs (excluding water weight) in the first 3 week PSMF phase I did so you could certainly pull this off in as little as three months if you're disciplined. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck!