Cycling and PEDs

Hey all,

Wanted to open this discussion about cycling (bicycle) and PEDs. I'm getting pretty into cycling and absolutely love it. I know bodyweight is extremely important from a power to weight ratio perspective and being 6'3" 265 with a lot of upper body muscle, I'm not helping myself.

That's not something I'm willing to give up right now. Basically, I want to be the best "cycler" I can, without intentionally going catabolic and losing muscle mass to improve cycling performance.

Thus, I would like the emphasis of this thread to be on PEDs and training programs / periodization that include both cycling and lifting.

I don't know very many members who are avid cyclers, but I know @readalot you are one of them.

Would you care to elaborate on your PED protocol, or just in general PED protocols that have worked for you to actually HELP with cycling performance and the doses?

I guess I should outline my PED protocol:

30mg test p
50mg mast p
50mg EQ
25mg proviron
20mg anavar
80mg Telmisartan
5mg cialis
200mcg t4
10mg salbutamol
16iu GH
20mg Cardarine
600mg inj l carnitine
500iu HCG or 75iu HMG
150mg armodafinil
~2mg retatrutide (daily avg. I do two 6mg shots per week)
Mots-C 15mg
2mg TB500
2mg BPC157

Current planned alterations:
Drop TB, BPC, and GH to 8iu soon as this groin issue resolved.
Drop proviron (kinda seems to mess with my dick sensitivity which is so weird)
Anavar to 10mg instead of 20mg.
Drop mast p to 30mg instead of 50mg.
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I'm subscribed. Over last few years it's been mostly Test Cyp up to 200 mg/week. When I did Rx Murphs for charity I'd add in 25 to 50 mg/day oxandrolone for the six weeks of training leading up to event. That worked well. I've been limited to only legal Rx AAS.

In the last year I did play around with 12.5 mg/day of stanozolol for about 2 weeks. That was insane. 20 min FTP approximation went up 8 to 10% over that time period. Could have been placebo but I stopped because I thought I would get addicted. Also horrible on lipids.

Best 20 min approx FTP has been 400W. 1 hour FTP is of course way lower ~350W. Utter shit for my LBM but I love the biking. Great thread! Thank you.
Even Lance “the walking pharmacy” Armstrong didn’t take this much dumb sheeit.
Do less.
Hey Ben, nice to meet you. You seem like such a pleasure to be around.

Have you ever tried using hooked on phonics to help with your reading comprehension?

Or perhaps making suggestions to alter my current or planned protocol?

Providing any value at all? I would go through and detail exactly why I have each item in my stack, but I’m not going to waste the time doing that for you.

HINT: it’s not all for cycling performance. I’ve got a better physique than you ever will have and am not interested in min maxing for cycling performance at the cost of my physique.

Have a good one. Maybe next time you pop in you’ll provide some value but given your post history, probably just more of the same bullshit.
Hey Ben, nice to meet you. You seem like such a pleasure to be around.

Have you ever tried using hooked on phonics to help with your reading comprehension?

Or perhaps making suggestions to alter my current or planned protocol?

Providing any value at all? I would go through and detail exactly why I have each item in my stack, but I’m not going to waste the time doing that for you.

HINT: it’s not all for cycling performance. I’ve got a better physique than you ever will have and am not interested in min maxing for cycling performance at the cost of my physique.

Have a good one. Maybe next time you pop in you’ll provide some value but given your post history, probably just more of the same bullshit.
To your point on cardio kills the gainz. Since you were nice enough to share your superior results. Here's my solid spin instructor results.

What kinda FTP can you pull right now? Typically mix up the sprint and distance work?
30mg test p
50mg mast p
50mg EQ
25mg proviron
20mg anavar
80mg Telmisartan
5mg cialis
200mcg t4
10mg salbutamol
16iu GH
20mg Cardarine
600mg inj l carnitine
500iu HCG or 75iu HMG
150mg armodafinil
~2mg retatrutide (daily avg. I do two 6mg shots per week)
Mots-C 15mg
2mg TB500
2mg BPC157

Holy shit.

Sure you did not leave anything out?

What is your hematocrit and hemoglobin?

What is your resting heart rate?

What is your body fat level (best guess)?

I ask the first question to determine the need or desirability of EQ. I ask the second to see about your conditioning. I ask the third because getting rid of weight is the best way to improve your cycling performance. At 265 I am guessing you are carrying extra fluff that can be shed without removing massive slabs of muscle from your frame.

I cannot tell from your post how much cycling you have already done.

If you are just getting started, and not really conditioned yet, then I would tell you not to do anything about PEDs and pedaling. Just work on getting into condition, which does not happen overnight (although the early stages of it happen surprisingly quickly).

If you have plateaued, and already lost what fat you can, and your resting heart rate is in the 50s, and your hematocrit and hemoglobin are low, then maybe there is an advantage to be gained by doping of some sort.
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To your point on cardio kills the gainz. Since you were nice enough to share your superior results. Here's my solid spin instructor results.

What kinda FTP can you pull right now? Typically mix up the sprint and distance work?
You look sick.
Holy shit.

Sure you did not leave anything out?

What is your hematocrit and hemoglobin?

What is your resting heart rate?

What is your body fat level (best guess)?

I ask the first question to determine the need or desirability of EQ. I ask the second to see about your conditioning. I ask the third because getting rid of weight is the best way to improve your cycling performance. At 265 I am guessing you are carrying extra fluff that can be shed without removing massive slabs of muscle from your frame.

I cannot tell from your post how much cycling you have already done.

If you are just getting started, and not really conditioned yet, then I would tell you not to do anything about PEDs and pedaling. Just work on getting into condition, which does not happen overnight (although the early stages of it happen surprisingly quickly).

If you have plateaued, and already lost what fat you can, and your resting heart rate is in the 50s, and your hematocrit and hemoglobin are low, then maybe there is an advantage to be gained by doping of some sort.
RHR ~70 due to Reta + GH

Unsure where HGB and HCT are now that I’m back on gear for ~40 days. Was 39% off gear.

I got heavy into cycling in late July of this year.

No idea my body fat level there is a pic from yesterday vs my peak physique. I’m rebounding from being off AAS for 7 months. I’ve got an intro thread that details all of it.

I’m sure I didn’t leave anything out, lol. I was very thorough but I know that was a sarcastic funny comment and I appreciate it.

I appreciate your approach. Kind of a bad response on my part on mobile right now, sorry.


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I read the word "bike" and this list of stuff and kind of felt a little sick.
Cycling is my cardio and I do a fair amount of it.
I love the bike and being on it.
I also follow the sport a bit and really enjoy it.

However, what cycling means to me is different, I suppose.
The best way I have to describe it is that it is a cleansing experience.
I cannot reconcile all this drug taking with being on a bike.

And yes, someone brought the easy Armstrong reference, but his drug schedule was (by all accounts) very simple and 100% rational with regards to his needs.

Your cardio suits the purpose of offsetting some of the damage the other substances may be doing and so cardiovascular health + weight maintenance.
You do not need to do more (if anything probably less, if /when you are trying to build mass?) and you are not racing.

Also, your mileage is so low, I am really not sure why you are entertaining what drugs to use/introduce.
Surely, to do 10-20 miles, one doesn't need to think about drugs.

I only take something in the forms of stims, as I often don't sleep well or enough, so that's something that may help me a little, psychologically, too.

If it were for fun and because I want a bit of excitement in my life, the thing I would try is EPO. obviously.
But do I NEED it?
Cardarine is the other, easier thing, I suppose.
PD saw really good improvements to his running time and cardio performance but was eventually put off by the cancer risk, which is something he is not prepared to entertain.

I am sure all this is not helpful to what you have in mind, but by looking at what you actually do on that bike is the only thing I can say.
I read the word "bike" and this list of stuff and kind of felt a little sick.
Cycling is my cardio and I do a fair amount of it.
I love the bike and being on it.
I also follow the sport a bit and really enjoy it.

However, what cycling means to me is different, I suppose.
The best way I have to describe it is that it is a cleansing experience.
I cannot reconcile all this drug taking with being on a bike.

And yes, someone brought the easy Armstrong reference, but his drug schedule was (by all accounts) very simple and 100% rational with regards to his needs.

Your cardio suits the purpose of offsetting some of the damage the other substances may be doing and so cardiovascular health + weight maintenance.
You do not need to do more (if anything probably less, if /when you are trying to build mass?) and you are not racing.

Also, your mileage is so low, I am really not sure why you are entertaining what drugs to use/introduce.
Surely, to do 10-20 miles, one doesn't need to think about drugs.

I only take something in the forms of stims, as I often don't sleep well or enough, so that's something that may help me a little, psychologically, too.

If it were for fun and because I want a bit of excitement in my life, the thing I would try is EPO. obviously.
But do I NEED it?
Cardarine is the other, easier thing, I suppose.
PD saw really good improvements to his running time and cardio performance but was eventually put off by the cancer risk, which is something he is not prepared to entertain.

I am sure all this is not helpful to what you have in mind, but by looking at what you actually do on that bike is the only thing I can say.
You have one of those Expresso bikes in your gym or any of the online competition bikes? Pretty addictive. You can compete against "ghosts" for routes up to 20 miles. Pretty humbling to see some of these folks assuming they are real. There was one course where a dude held 600 W for 2 mile sprint. I was shaking my head. This was a dude supposedly from a local Y. A little sketchy haha.