Cycling and PEDs

Oh yeah, I remember you, looking for EPO.
What happened next?
Nothing right now lol but i found the source i wait for winter to order, and i do the First part of cyclocross clean
Because i think that the shipping from india to Europe could damage Epo because Is still hot
I also thought It would be a lot more expensive and Needed a lot of more unità but 40k for a cyclette Is great and to maintain during the year the same
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Surely, to do 10-20 miles, one doesn't need to think about drugs.
and I get what you mean here. I used to love outdoor rec biking.

They help though if used right and you want to do 10 to 20 miles really fast. I really find low dose Test plus rational oral use to be extremely beneficial for sprint events (under 1 hr).
and I get what you mean here. I used to love outdoor rec biking.

They help though if used right and you want to do 10 to 20 miles really fast. I really find low dose Test plus rational oral use to be extremely beneficial for sprint events (under 1 hr).

Obviously, I didn't say peds don't work.
Jesus, anyone into cycling races and history knows what has gone down over the years.
But you said it, you were taking part in something, so it was functional to that.
Because you want to do 10 miles on a bike a little faster just because, I am like, ok, what are you going to do with that, especially when you stop taking whatever makes you go faster?
There is a place for everything but here, I am not sure.
Obviously, I didn't say peds don't work.
Jesus, anyone into cycling races and history knows what has gone down over the years.
But you said it, you were taking part in something, so it was functional to that.
Because you want to do 10 miles on a bike a little faster just because, I am like, ok, what are you going to do with that, especially when you stop taking whatever makes you go faster?
There is a place for everything but here, I am not sure.
I started to think about doping when i reached and ftp of 4.5w/kg i am planning to do It now when im basically 4.8/9 w/kg so there Is still a lot of improvement but i got to a point where you feel sick everyday during hard training blocks and i tested the other day for bloods but i feel i have low crit i feel not more than 40 ( probably tomorrow im going to receive the results)
Absolutely nothing LOL. It's all vanity and excess. Something to do so I don't swallow a pistol.

No, no, I didn't mean "you " as in you, Readalot.
It was about this particular person/situation, so maybe I should have written "one".
Sorry it was not clear.
Like I said your drug taking had a reason, so I would not question that.
I started to think about doping when i reached and ftp of 4.5w/kg i am planning to do It now when im basically 4.8/9 w/kg so there Is still a lot of improvement but i got to a point where you feel sick everyday during hard training blocks and i tested the other day for bloods but i feel i have low crit i feel not more than 40 ( probably tomorrow im going to receive the results)
I have seen that sometimes the improvement could be in the 20 percent of ftp,i think its realistic and still conservative in a year to reach like 5.5 w/kg and for and for early under 23 years Is a great Number
If i have really hct that low with Epo i could reach world tour Number in First year under 23
But if you are a bb you are not going to be fast
Its all about w/kg of course there are sprinters or people like mvdp that Is around 70 kg but its hard to find pros that are more 80kg and they climb like shit btw (the First example that come in mind Is Pippo ganna) but Is basically 2 m tall
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I dont want to offend but the best way i see to be a lot fastwr for you Is loosing weight while tryng to keep the Power output i have seen a guide here on meso, i think i am heavy at less than 70kg 185cm
no offense taken. I know that’s the easiest way. I covered it at some point in this thread; if I lose muscle I lose muscle, if I don’t I don’t. But yes I am trying to cut fat and spending less time in gym and more time on bike
I dont want to offend but the best way i see to be a lot fastwr for you Is loosing weight while tryng to keep the Power output i have seen a guide here on meso, i think i am heavy at less than 70kg 185cm
Reading your comment reminds me of this video:


You mean I can't be 250 diced and get that marathon time down to 2:30?

We want it ALL!! But we can't have it.

Great points. I've road with some dudes 60% my size and they completely and totally owned me. The joy of cross training. Hail Bo Jackson!
Reading your comment reminds me of this video:


You mean I can't be 250 diced and get that marathon time down to 2:30?

We want it ALL!! But we can't have it.

I think that’s what is getting confused! I said I’m not interested in min maxing at the total expense of my muscle nor am I interested in maxing muscle at expense of cycling anymore.

I’m gonna be the swolest best cyclist I can be. Dual sport.

I don’t compete in any of this. I just like to push myself and improve so I don’t get bored and do dumb destructive shit
I think that’s what is getting confused! I said I’m not interested in min maxing at the total expense of my muscle nor am I interested in maxing muscle at expense of cycling anymore.

I’m gonna be the swolest best cyclist I can be. Dual sport.

I don’t compete in any of this. I just like to push myself and improve so I don’t get bored and do dumb destructive shit
They aren't quite getting the insanity yet!

Carry on. I get you.
Reading your comment reminds me of this video:


You mean I can't be 250 diced and get that marathon time down to 2:30?

We want it ALL!! But we can't have it.

It would be cool ad if i could be fast and maintain at least Athletic body with muscles everywhere but i have to beskinnier to be faster when you reach 80 as AN amateur rider could be good
Thus, I would like the emphasis of this thread to be on PEDs and training programs / periodization that include both cycling and lifting.

If you're serious about cycling, save the money you would spend on PEDs and get yourself a power meter. My favorite is the Favero Assioma Duo if you have road shoes or the Pro MX-1 if you have SPD.

For as long as you've been at it, I guarantee your FTP is shit. Probably you could do focused work to improve it, but until you lose weight your W/kg is going to be shit. If you were to do an FTP training block, you would become catabolic and it would interfere with your bodybuilding goals.

For general health and well-being you could do 6 or so hours of Z2 a week. Aim for the top of your Z2 power range and use a trainer or pick a route that's relatively flat in which you spend very little time coasting. You want to pedal as continuously as possible. This won't cause any catabolism and won't affect your gains if you space your cycling more than 8 hours or so after leg day. It may drive some conversion of type II muscle fibers which could impact strength, but I've not personally seen that happen.

After a couple months of that with a good base established, if you really want to get after it add one or two VO2Max sessions per week. The protocol is 4x4. That is to say, you want to pick a power that you can maximally sustain for 4 minutes, rest for about 5 minutes and repeat for a total of four times.

Coupled together and done consistently, these should drive massive improvements in fitness without compromising your resistance training overmuch. You'll reach 80-90% of your genetic potential within about a year or so. Beyond that, you'd want to add in dedicated FTP training blocks, but that is absolutely going to wreck you. You would probably have to stop resistance training entirely to make any real progress.

In the world of cycling training at that level, everyone uses the "performance management chart" as defined by Coggan in "Training and Racing with a Power Meter". I could write a couple thousand words on the topic from memory, but in essence there is a formula based on your FTP that tracks power output for a given period of time and assigns a training load metric to that. Athletes will then ramp their chronic training load, which is a 42 day rolling average while managing their acute training load which is a 14 day rolling average. The higher the former, the better the fitness, the higher the latter, the greater the training stress. The whole thing is then tuned to the limits of your body's potential following which you push your CTL as hard as you can stand it for as long as you can stand it, deload a bit, and then feel like a fucking rocket ship on a bike or if you fuck it up, you hit a wall, throw your bike in the ditch and vow never to get on one ever again.

Ask me how I know.

Anyway, if you do manage to get a power meter and want some specific guidance on how to proceed on some of the stuff I mentioned send me a DM.