Cyp/Tren/Primo Cut

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Deleted member 123722

Unlike the disastrous "1g deca experiment" log, this won't be a daily log, but I will post pictures here and there as I progress on my cut. I learned how to eat right from @NBE, but I created my own approach, and ran it buy him; he gave me the green light. I will consult with him should I reach any plateaus, but I'm quite confident I won't be.

My current cycle (started Feb 21st):

Cyp: 360mg wk
Tren E: 400 mg wk
Primo E: 400 wk
T3: 50mcg ed
5iu: GH ED

Still taking intra of creatine, glutamine, eaa, with sugar-free gatorade; although I think it's totally useless for me, since I realize I'm not a creatine responder, but I have a fuck ton left, so why not finish it all anyway? Can't hurt.

Workout Regiment:

Low-volume (Yates-style) PPL, 6x a week with Sunday off. All I do a warm up, then 12 rep set to technical failure; final death set: 6-8 reps, drop weight 6 reps to complete failure at 12 total reps. Only two exercises per muscle group per session, except back gets 3, and quads and hams each get 3.

Cardio: PWO 30 mins on treadmill at 3mph; leg days I'll do 10 mins on cycle for warm up, then 20 mins PWO.

My Diet:

I basically eat these foods every day, but I'm not counting or logging these everyday; this is just my menu and total calories.

So far these are the results in just three weeks: Feb, 10th at 240lbs vs Today (March 4th) at 235lbs

Literally only two weeks on my cycle and seeing dramatic changes. (love tren lol).

Is this your first time using Tren? Have you noticed any sides at that dose?
lol, no I love tren...def not the first time running it. I haven't taken 400 tren E in a while though; only notice a slight trensomnia, as I find my mind is racing more than usual, but I easily solve this with a 5mg melatonin chewable...I can even fall asleep without it, but don't feel like waiting 30 mins to do so.
@falseprophet09 that's awesome. I've personally only ever done acetate but have recently seen more accounts of people having less sides using equivalent doses of Tren E.

I hope this blast goes well for you!
@falseprophet09 that's awesome. I've personally only ever done acetate but have recently seen more accounts of people having less sides using equivalent doses of Tren E.

I hope this blast goes well for you!
Ace seems to have more sides because it hit harder and faster; I remember making the finaplix pellets, and I had night sweats and all other kinds of shit. Best tren I ever used though, even at 150mg a week.
Nice progress already,well done. I need to start a hardcore cut too as soon as my gym reopens next month,i got fat as fuck.May i ask why youre using t3 right from the beginning?I would save fatburners towards the end of my cycle when progress stagnates.Another question would be why ure using glutamine? Literally waste of money and does nothing for muscle building.Have fun with your cycle bro,will be following your progress.
lol, no I love tren...def not the first time running it. I haven't taken 400 tren E in a while though; only notice a slight trensomnia, as I find my mind is racing more than usual, but I easily solve this with a 5mg melatonin chewable...I can even fall asleep without it, but don't feel like waiting 30 mins to do so.
I can get to sleep with Tren, I just can't STAY asleep. Drives me crazy.
It was a pic in the discussion forum of u banging some nasty lookin chick actually that I just remebered- my mothers arms are bigger then that - u are a joke man with all your Tren bullshit talk - another guy giving inexperience advice like Habib character

I'm around 210 and I feel comfortable where I'm at. Always looking to improve. Still waiting for your pic.

Edit: Also, post a picture of any woman you've ever done anything more than talk to. I mean, I posted a picture of me after I just busted a nut. So I'll take a picture of any girl you've ever even talked to.

I'll be waiting. But you won't post anything.

In other words, you are a bitter incel.
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Nice progress already,well done. I need to start a hardcore cut too as soon as my gym reopens next month,i got fat as fuck.May i ask why youre using t3 right from the beginning?I would save fatburners towards the end of my cycle when progress stagnates.Another question would be why ure using glutamine? Literally waste of money and does nothing for muscle building.Have fun with your cycle bro,will be following your progress.
I want to take it now instead of waiting for later. I'm not going to increase the dose at anytime; keeping it only at 50mcg until I run out.

I agree, all these powders do jack shit for me, but I already bought them and I might as well use them...and if they do something, well, that's a bonus lol. If not, then no harm.
You’re just a looser man - u talk bullshit
And if you are ever in the midwest and want to sign the waiver and roll at my academy, let's do it. We welcome everyone. You're real tough behind your computer screen. Let's see how tough you are in real life, you depressed incel shit stain.

Let's see if my arms are "small" enough to fit around your carotids.
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