Dallas McCarver Autopsy Report.

I've seen @Swiper around the boards for years now and the dude is a great guy and also a huge fucking beast lol. I seriously doubt anyone here is as advanced as him and yes @Swiper lot's of immature and childish people here, but a few great people as well :)

Post up some current photos brother ;)
I've seen @Swiper around the boards for years now and the dude is a great guy and also a huge fucking beast lol. I seriously doubt anyone here is as advanced as him and yes @Swiper lot's of immature and childish people here, but a few great people as well :)

Post up some current photos brother ;)
Guys like him don't have to post pics up :) Those that know him know he's a beast.

it only leads me to one conclusion they have some mental disorders or some kind of personality issues.

This is a fairly common occurrence here. Many of the trolls you will find, especially on Meso, have no physique, desire to lift or any AAS knowledge. They are bored and come to fight and cause drama. Of course there are instances in which speaking up is necessary, however you will quickly notice a trend.

Those who do not provide advice, thoughts, questions, logs etc. are almost always the first to start shit here. Boredom, I suppose.
nope i’m done with it
I think he's serious about trying to locate page 3. I asked earlier in the thread but nobody said anything.

I'm wondering what was tested on page 3 or if there were any other notes. Maybe ask Dave if he can locate it.

What's the big curiosity for here? The dude clearly had preexisting medial issues and on top of that he ran a shitload of many various drugs that helped to shorten his life......end of story.

EVERYONE knows moderation is key, but most who strive to be the best sometimes cut corner and forget about the consequences. Just because tren makes you feel invincible don't mean that you are invincible lol.

I feel sorry for the thousands of children who die every day from starvation, disease, abuse and neglect........this guy pretty much put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger so I don't feel bad for him as harsh as that sounds.
Sooooo, what about nothing else showing up? No orals, and he hasn't ran nandrolone?
Only Test and Tren??????
Of course GH, maybe slin....

But only Test and Tren?
Previous report on 09/07/17 did not indicate Anabolic Steroid Panel on Urine.
Help me out. What does that mean. Did "not" indicate Anabolic Steroid Panel on Urine.

I am not a doctor or an ME, so this does not mean much to me.

When I read "Anabolic Steroid Panel" I think a panel of tests for anabolic steroids. When I read "on urine" I think this says they did not run a urine anabolic steroid panel in the previous test. That is my plain English way of restating it.

Could somebody more knowledgeable explain to me why I am wrong? Why does "Previous report on 09/07/17 did not indicate Anabolic Steroid panel on urine" actually mean that they DID run an anabolic steroid panel on his urine?

It is quite ok if you want to treat me like I am five and respond with the "for Idiots" version, breaking it down simply. Like I said, I am not a doctor or ME. I am just sharing what the sentence appears to mean when I read it, which is the opposite of what you and Millard Baker were saying (or at least I think so).