Darius dbol

Without being able to examin you, yr history, and you present with possible patella femoral pain. Im thinking we are looking chondromalcia or patellar(knee cap) tracking issues. Since yr on cycle nsaids are generally out. But aggresive foam rolling and stetching should help. The Focus area for strength should be the VMO which is the big quad muscle that overhangs than knee on the inside. Also focus on foam rolling the outer part of your thigh IT Band. It can hurt like a bitch but it's very important for tracking issues. You roll out from your knee all the way up to your outer hip. I would start there.
Ha ha your kneecap doesn't slide correctly and probably on the underside looks like the Rocky Mountains that's pretty much it!!
I hope you know what foam rolling is. as being that you lift it's the hard poam tube that gives a glorious pain!
Its my job. I cant say 100% obviously what it is without putting u through an exam or MRI but it is a good start based on what you are showing.
Sweet thanks man. I had stopped running because of tren and usually somehow that seems to keep the problems at bay. Ill give this a go and report back. I wont be off of work till the weekend though.
No problem. Running and tren dont mix. That it band i mentioned can cause a shitstorm of issues. If u have any questions im here for u bro!