I ask myself the same question. But this is dosed for therapeutic purposes, as no real pharmacy out there is making Winstrol and slapping a directions sticker on it saying:
Eat clen, tren hard.
I wish tho.
Balkan is pharma, according to balkan regulations.. Take that however you will.
However, Balkan did stop all steroid production, so I wouldn't be out there looking for it if I were yall.
We've been SUPPPPPPER busy. Dragon and Dash have been popping off. We've also been VERY cautious shipping packages. Its obvious the postal service is watching for now, so we're shipping verrrry slowly. I really do apologize for the delay. If anything, we'll close domestic shop if it gets too hectic. Brewly, for whatever reason, has also seen an uproar in orders.
I have obviously bit off more than I could chew(queue frank sinatra)
I have also sent 10 compounds to Janoshik for testing for yall to get some peace of mind. Not like anything was in question, but its always good to test your supplier. We're not getting much testing here in this thread by third party people - so I sent it out myself.
I sent out:
Cialis - Vidalista 20mg
Viagra - Cenforce 100mg
Proviron - Viropace
Modafinil - Modalert 200
Caber - .5mg one
Aromasin - xmalon
Arimidex - femistra
Ralox - raloxo
Clomiphene - clomisign 50mg
Accutane - accufine 20mg
Tamoxifen - tamodexc 20mg
Winstrol - menabol
Estradiol - estrabet