DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Placed my 1st a few days ago and it already says 'shipped'
1st time getting pharma ai and I'm excited bc I'm not big on taking lots of ai but it's like it's an everyday battle with this bs liquid shit I got right now... Not happy with how nipples look or the extra fat around them while taking what's supposed to be letro and aromasin
Also 1st time using Bitcoin so even tho I feel old, after limited yelling and cursing figured it out.
Here's to hoping can dose correctly and all that
Placed my 1st a few days ago and it already says 'shipped'
1st time getting pharma ai and I'm excited bc I'm not big on taking lots of ai but it's like it's an everyday battle with this bs liquid shit I got right now... Not happy with how nipples look or the extra fat around them while taking what's supposed to be letro and aromasin
Also 1st time using Bitcoin so even tho I feel old, after limited yelling and cursing figured it out.
Here's to hoping can dose correctly and all that
jesus man. ONLY use pharma AI and of course only if its really needed. And theres no reason to use two ai's at the same time.

Looking juicy man its just the body dysmorphia we all suffer from. Take it easy with the ai's from now on and throw that liquid shit you have in the trash. Hope everything goes well with the order and if needed their customer service is great at least thats my experience

...god i probably sound like a huge shill idk might be the pregabalin, afinils working heh
jesus man. ONLY use pharma AI and of course only if its really needed. And theres no reason to use two ai's at the same time.

Looking juicy man its just the body dysmorphia we all suffer from. Take it easy with the ai's from now on and throw that liquid shit you have in the trash. Hope everything goes well with the order and if needed their customer service is great at least thats my experience

...god i probably sound like a huge shill idk might be the pregabalin, afinils working heh
Hey!!! Just because I inject myself with shit I bought on the internet doesn't mean I have body dysmorphia. I kid, but in all seriousness he is right only ever use pharma grade AIs
Please don't. Thank you.

We have lab holidays until 11th of October anyway
Okay daddy.
When will the domestic store be opening back up?
Soon. Don't want people getting any delays when ordering domestic, so I'm hiring new guys to help my guy ship faster and such.
Please advise on how to pay for shipping (of enclomisign) to Jano.
Contact Jano, tell him DashPCT is going to pay for this testing, and get all his instructions. He'll send us an invoice, we get it paid, and all you gotta do is ship it out.
Wouldn't it be better to make the payment after the "blind" test? So Jano doesn't know whose product he's testing. Otherwise, it's not blind.

Or is this test not supposed to be blind?
Wouldn't it be better to make the payment after the "blind" test? So Jano doesn't know whose product he's testing. Otherwise, it's not blind.

Or is this test not supposed to be blind?
I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the meaning of blind testing is testing the compounds without knowing what they are or what they are supposed to be.
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Contact Jano, tell him DashPCT is going to pay for this testing, and get all his instructions. He'll send us an invoice, we get it paid, and all you gotta do is ship it out.
Dash--just to clarify, I will pay for shipping from your int'l warehouse to Jano (I do not have the item). So let me know how to pay you for the shipping (assuming BTC for $25 equivalent).
I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the meaning of blind testing is testing the compounds without knowing what they are or what they are supposed to be.

In true blind testing @janoshik wouldn't know what was being tested. It may or may not matter; eg, if you send in a sample of Test C and it comes back at zero, yes it'd be nice to know if it was totally bunk or just the wrong ester. But that's not really what the test is for. I don't know if Jano does both.

I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the meaning of blind testing is testing the compounds without knowing what they are or what they are supposed to be.
Correct. You send him a vial of oil with no label and he identifies the hormone and concentration.
Wouldn't it be better to make the payment after the "blind" test? So Jano doesn't know whose product he's testing. Otherwise, it's not blind.

Or is this test not supposed to be blind?
It's blind to us if you receive the product first, then contact Jano and have it paid.

If you want us to send it since laziness/etc, welp, I guess.
Dash--just to clarify, I will pay for shipping from your int'l warehouse to Jano (I do not have the item). So let me know how to pay you for the shipping (assuming BTC for $25 equivalent).
Just email us to place an order and letting us know jano's instructions for said package. Pay the order, we'll do the rest (pay jano and send it)