Dbol or Anavar for last 5 weeks?

Superdrol or anadrol?
Anadrol. Superdrol hasn't been a reasonable choice since it became scheduled and just as hard/legally questionable to find as better orals and/or injectables. There's no reason to use it in 2021, IMO. It's time in the sun is well over.

Lots of folks like anadrol, but I still prefer tbol or dbol. Anadrol feels much harsher to me, and I've never managed to run it more than three weeks, even using a pulse dosing method. That being said it is VERY, VERY good at doing what it says on the tin. It is more effective than d- or t- - bol, but also more punishing. Decide for yourself what approach you want to take. I was an alcoholic for years, and while I haven't had any liver issues yet my personal approach will always be to stress the liver as little as possible. That to me means no orals, bujt that doesn't really answer your question.

Sorry, I've had a few drinks for the first time in a couple months and I'm wont to ramble.
Thanks to all of you who gave their opinions. But I think I’m actually more unsure what to do now lmao. It seems like everybody has their own different idea on what to do. I guess I’ll just have to pick one and roll with it. Also, a turnoff with Superdrol and anadrol would be the toxicity. I’m trying to get the most bang for bucks when it comes to gains and health. That’s why I considered anavar over dbol. But now I think I’m more confused.
I got the idea of your goals based off of what you said. That’s why I think anavar would be okay for that.
Less toxicity and idk about anyone else but I feel anavar fairly well at that dose.
I’d prefer more, but it’s not a race.
Run it at that dose and if you don’t like it.
Change it next time.
good luck brotha
I am about 3 weeks into a 12 week test/deca cycle (500/250). I am thinking of throwing in an oral for the last 4-5 weeks of the cycle but I’m unsure of which.
I was originally thinking dbol because I’m trying to put on as much size as possible this cycle. But is it worth it to stack dbol on top of a test blast? Would that cause too much e conversion?
my other option is anavar, but I’m not sure of the dosing that would make it worth throwing it in.
Appreciate any opinions
Anadrol 50mg for 4-6 weeks no more then 50mg unless you've done it before and cap it at 100mg you should not need much if diet and training is in check.
Dbol low dose is good to 20-30 mg is good and won't cause much conversion to estrogen, unless your body respond negatively and convert a ton.
Just keep your does low, don't be that guy that run tons of gear just to bench 225 haha. Training and diet over upping dose = Longevity
The only 2 orals I have ever run are dbol and anavar. I MUCH prefer anavar due to not putting on a shit ton of water weight and not worrying about aromatization. I do believe the strength gains are better with dbol, but anavar isn't as weak as many people make it out to be, IMO

anavar is a lot drier and really helps me lean out, kinda of the opposite of dbol. I always just felt fat/bloated on dbol
Yeah man, but the problem is a lot of the injectable ones are worse to hair than some orals(anadrol, anavar, sdrol, epistane). If someone is prone to baldness then it's up to them. Like masteron,primo,tren,test,winstrol,etc. They're really bad to hair bro.
If you’re prone to hair loss you have very few options, you can fight it using drugs, or you can have big muscles and no hair, these are your choices.
If you’re prone to hair loss you have very few options, you can fight it using drugs, or you can have big muscles and no hair, these are your choices.
True. I would say if someone want to compete they shouldn’t care about hair. Then, that’s where they start using only injectable gear, because orals are worse to health than injectable, if planning to compete you’re making your health and longevity in sport your priority. If someone just want to look good, they will care about hair for sure.
True. I would say if someone want to compete they shouldn’t care about hair. Then, that’s where they start using only injectable gear, because orals are worse to health than injectable, if planning to compete you’re making your health and longevity in sport your priority. If someone just want to look good, they will care about hair for sure.
Then they shouldn't be taking the gear in the first place. If being bald is gonna wreck their look, no amount (or lack thereof) of muscle is gon a fix that. That's shit only personality and attitude will fix.

I really can't understand risking your health, long term and short term, to make it maybe, kinda, barely, slightly easier to nail that 6/10 club bunny - when buying her a strong drink would achieve the same or better results... It's madness to me. Vanity is great and all but it doesn't get you laid or paid.
Anavar is one of my favorite orals. I went up to 50 mg and it was way too much. Pumps were stupid.

25-50 mg is perfect imo. Nice lean gains. Little perk to strength. Drys you up nicely.
I never noticed it being harsh on my body. I didn’t get any toxic feeling I have before.

Cholesterol was a little wacky after I came off cycle but it normalized pretty quick.
I love anavar. Definitely vote for the var. 50 mg per day for 5 weeks would be good IMO.

Honestly, you aren't going to get a quorum on this. Everyone will have a different opinion. Just take your pick and then next time try something else and see if you like it better. That's really all you can do.
Then they shouldn't be taking the gear in the first place. If being bald is gonna wreck their look, no amount (or lack thereof) of muscle is gon a fix that. That's shit only personality and attitude will fix.

I really can't understand risking your health, long term and short term, to make it maybe, kinda, barely, slightly easier to nail that 6/10 club bunny - when buying her a strong drink would achieve the same or better results... It's madness to me. Vanity is great and all but it doesn't get you laid or paid.
That's true but the problem is there's guys that have been training for long time and still look like shit. They aren't satisfied of themselves and want to take gear. This isn't always for girls. There's guys that want to do it for themselves to feel better and of course they know the risks. Everyone has been warned about the consequences of gear. They still want to do it, you know?
If they care about hair, that's why exists some steroids that are hair safes compared to another ones. And of course, if keep at low dose, it wont be worse for health.
Such a nice finisher.
Great strength etc.

I dont understand the idea of 5 weeks Var being a waste.
These days I run Orals for a 4 week maximum and I see awesome results everytime.
Typically resulting in a nice solid PR, even with Anavar

However, if you want to up your game
50mg Adrol for 4 or 5 weeks is a fucking game changer for strength and growth.
I find myself disappointed after I'm done Adrol as I shrink a little bit when I'm back on cruise.
But the fucking RETARD strength stays (Inlove retard strength

With the Var I stay about the same when back on cruise/TRT

As for Dbol, not a fan.
I'm gyno prone, and if I'm adding another aromatising compound... it's going to be TEST.. maybe a prop kicker for 4 weeks on the back end..... great compound, just nor for me.

It's all going to depend on your goals amigo
Good luck with whatever you decide
That's true but the problem is there's guys that have been training for long time and still look like shit. They aren't satisfied of themselves and want to take gear. This isn't always for girls. There's guys that want to do it for themselves to feel better and of course they know the risks. Everyone has been warned about the consequences of gear. They still want to do it, you know?
If they care about hair, that's why exists some steroids that are hair safes compared to another ones. And of course, if keep at low dose, it wont be worse for health.
That's really not exactly true, though. We're gonna get a little semantic here. There are SAFER steroids relative to hair, not safe. If you've got the mpb gene, any exogenous androgen is going to hasten your inevitable balding. You're better off doing smaller cycles, lower doses, and choosing your compounds well while maintaining a hair maintenance protocol like ketaconazol and minoxidil or whateverworks for you.
There are SAFER steroids relative to hair, not safe. If you've got the mpb gene, any exogenous androgen is going to hasten your inevitable balding.
This is what I mean. Dude, doesn’t matter if you take the most hair safe steroid you will still get some shedding there. The real goal is to minimize the shedding as much as we possible can. No one wants to go bald before 30 years old. What we can do is whatever protocol to stop the hair loss/shedding. (Finasteride, minox) like you said above. And avoiding very androgenic steroids.
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Also, a turnoff with Superdrol and anadrol would be the toxicity.
Superdrol is absolutely toxic as hell but anadrol?

People who go on about how toxic anadrol is are just repeating fuckboy nonsense. Anadrol is given to people in a medical context at well over double bodybuilding doses for six months at a time.

I’m not saying to take 300mg of anadrol for six months (please don’t), but the extreme toxicity is just dumb bro science that gets parroted by goobers.
Add any oral at the end to get a boost in strength to lift heavier or for longer and indirectly get bigger.
I would go with the anavar on this one.
Nice finisher for sure will allow you to push harder in the gym also harden up a bit.
Superdrol or anadrol?
Everyone reacts differently to compounds so yeah, hard to say until you just go for it and see how you feel.

I love superdrol. AST and ALT stay in range and I feel incredible. Going to run Anadrol at the end of this Test/DHB blast.
Such a nice finisher.
Great strength etc.

I dont understand the idea of 5 weeks Var being a waste.
These days I run Orals for a 4 week maximum and I see awesome results everytime.
Typically resulting in a nice solid PR, even with Anavar

However, if you want to up your game
50mg Adrol for 4 or 5 weeks is a fucking game changer for strength and growth.
I find myself disappointed after I'm done Adrol as I shrink a little bit when I'm back on cruise.
But the fucking RETARD strength stays (Inlove retard strength

With the Var I stay about the same when back on cruise/TRT

As for Dbol, not a fan.
I'm gyno prone, and if I'm adding another aromatising compound... it's going to be TEST.. maybe a prop kicker for 4 weeks on the back end..... great compound, just nor for me.

It's all going to depend on your goals amigo
Good luck with whatever you decide
Now you've got me all excited to run Adrol for the first time last 4 weeks of this cycle.
This is what I mean. Dude, doesn’t matter if you take the most hair safe steroid you will still get some shedding there. The real goal is to minimize the shedding as much as we possible can. No one wants to go bald before 30 years old. What we can do is whatever protocol to stop the hair loss/shedding. (Finasteride, minox) like you said above. And avoiding very androgenic steroids.
Got'cha, I was misunderstanding your attitude as more cavalier than that. My over arching point still remains that overall health and wellbeing should be considered, and remain the true priority, even when trying to minimize hair loss. IMO that means sticking to test, npp, maybe mast or primo if you respond well to them*, and maybe some of the injectable orals (which are still more dangerous to the liver than plain injectables, but less so than their oral preperations). *IF* you have mpb and are worried about your hair. But that circles me back to my belief that if you're that worried about your hair while on gear you're on gear for the wrong reasons and should probably stay at trt or just above normal phisiological levels. 20mg test ED or 40mg EOD can get you pretty far in the long run if all you want is to feel manly and look good naked.

At the end of the day, I have biases just like everyone else. I have a passionate dislike for orals, and really only understand their use during competition (I.e. Halo during a powerlifting meet). I get the idea, but the risk v reward doesn't check out to me. Everything you could gain or learn on anavar you could achieve with test prop, and it would be out of your system just as quickly.

*mast doesn't bother my hair at all, primo makes me shed almost as bad as tren - a lot of folks seem to have a one or the other expierence with them, but your milage will vary.
Such a nice finisher.
Great strength etc.

I dont understand the idea of 5 weeks Var being a waste.
These days I run Orals for a 4 week maximum and I see awesome results everytime.
Typically resulting in a nice solid PR, even with Anavar

However, if you want to up your game
50mg Adrol for 4 or 5 weeks is a fucking game changer for strength and growth.
I find myself disappointed after I'm done Adrol as I shrink a little bit when I'm back on cruise.
But the fucking RETARD strength stays (Inlove retard strength

With the Var I stay about the same when back on cruise/TRT

As for Dbol, not a fan.
I'm gyno prone, and if I'm adding another aromatising compound... it's going to be TEST.. maybe a prop kicker for 4 weeks on the back end..... great compound, just nor for me.

It's all going to depend on your goals amigo
Good luck with whatever you decide
Because the guy that said that is wrong, 5 weeks of var is perfectly fine and I would even argue against him that tanking your lipids for longer is a dumb idea. Not to mention he feels 60mg plus is needed is take that advice wirha grain of salt.