Deca Dosage

Bunch of us say "don't do decade, do npp"... OP's next post is, so I'm going to do 300mg deca... Why ask if you won't listen?

This is why we all get pissed off at the young guys. They ask for help from vets, and then just ignore it. Makes me shake my head...

They don't want advice; they want to hear "yes man, do it."
Bunch of us say "don't do decade, do npp"... OP's next post is, so I'm going to do 300mg deca... Why ask if you won't listen?

This is why we all get pissed off at the young guys. They ask for help from vets, and then just ignore it. Makes me shake my head...
I have no problem tossing my deca in a drawer for if I decide to cruise... or sell it.
well damn... I have some deca too. I was gonna run
test e 600 16weeks
deca 300 12 weeks
and some dbol...

I'm not trt as well...

16 weeks is already a pretty long cycle (but obviously makes sense with Deca).

I'd save the Deca for when you go on TRT.
Who did you hear that from?

Bro the deca is what's going to shut you down not dbol(dbol will too but it's a short ester and used for a kick start anyways)
I Know almost nothing about Deca besides it will help fix my joints up and blow me up, so that is why I made this thread. Also with dbol after doing some research I came across some information saying that while taken with Deca will further the suppression and add on sides like deppression and ED.
Joints going to shit? Doubtful. I don't doubt your joints hurt, but they aren't going to shit bud. I don't think you need deca. I don't really care, really, run whatever you want.
Im big and I eat a shit ton, and between highschool sports and working as a roofer my knees and wrists are brittle, snap, crackle, pop, I also have tendinitis in my elbow. so I need to do something for my joints.
Simply put: no, there is no good PCT you can run and recover well on Deca. A single 100mg dose causes 90% suppression, and >50% suppression lasts for 17.5d. NPP is a much better nandrolone for cycling.
I wish that article was in laymans terms I could understand, but I get it deca is suppressive, I've already gotten my hands on some of it, I still have till late july to make up my mind, but I will try and find a decent source of NPP and take some advice from you guys for once, I'm to young to have a broke dick, and I'm single so I've been having some wonderful weekends at the bar, I need my mojo!
I Know almost nothing about Deca besides it will help fix my joints up and blow me up, so that is why I made this thread. Also with dbol after doing some research I came across some information saying that while taken with Deca will further the suppression and add on sides like deppression and ED.
Im big and I eat a shit ton, and between highschool sports and working as a roofer my knees and wrists are brittle, snap, crackle, pop, I also have tendinitis in my elbow. so I need to do something for my joints.

I wish that article was in laymans terms I could understand, but I get it deca is suppressive, I've already gotten my hands on some of it, I still have till late july to make up my mind, but I will try and find a decent source of NPP and take some advice from you guys for once, I'm to young to have a broke dick, and I'm single so I've been having some wonderful weekends at the bar, I need my mojo!

Between 2 deployments, 63 airborne jumps, and god knows how many miles running up and down mountains with at least 100lbs of shit on my back, plus college rugby.... ya stfu you pussy.

You don't need deca.
Deca specifically. I suspect that NPP is a much safer choice for cycling because it can be run for a much shorter duration and the compound is out of your system faster, allowing your system to start recovering much sooner after your last shot than with the long-estered decanoate version.

My thoughts as well, thanks.
16 weeks is already a pretty long cycle (but obviously makes sense with Deca).

I'd save the Deca for when you go on TRT.
Yeah thats the only reason i was gonna run that long. Shit if someones experience saves me money and gear AND protects my health im all for it! (ill prob cruise after i have a kid)

Maybe I will do something like
Test E 600 for 14 weeks
Tren E 400 for 12 Weeks
Kick with dbol 40mg ed
Yeah thats the only reason i was gonna run that long. Shit if someones experience saves me money and gear AND protects my health im all for it! (ill prob cruise after i have a kid)

Maybe I will do something like
Test E 600 for 14 weeks
Tren E 400 for 12 Weeks
Kick with dbol 40mg ed

TestE 600mg/w alone is very effective and presents minimal side effects.

I've become a big advocate of short esters, especially for 19-nors, so I would suggest you consider trenA.


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Between 2 deployments, 63 airborne jumps, and god knows how many miles running up and down mountains with at least 100lbs of shit on my back, plus college rugby.... ya stfu you pussy.

You don't need deca.
fuck you faggot, crosscountry and swimming, and Id take a deployment sitting around on my ass being bored over carrying stacks of shingles up ladders, and walking around on a roof with them. I'd like to see you do that 12hours a day 6 days a week when its like over 100degrees up on the roof and tell me shits not going wrong with your body after doing it for a few years. Want to pull the military card on me faggot, I have a number of friends in the service and even I was going into the marines at one point, PT, fucking easy, my friends all got fat after bootcamp. I'm more likely to fall to my death over putting some roof on some peice of shits house then you are to be shot or blown up so fuck you pussy.
fuck you faggot, crosscountry and swimming, and Id take a deployment sitting around on my ass being bored over carrying stacks of shingles up ladders, and walking around on a roof with them. I'd like to see you do that 12hours a day 6 days a week when its like over 100degrees up on the roof and tell me shits not going wrong with your body after doing it for a few years. Want to pull the military card on me faggot, I have a number of friends in the service and even I was going into the marines at one point, PT, fucking easy, my friends all got fat after bootcamp. I'm more likely to fall to my death over putting some roof on some peice of shits house then you are to be shot or blown up so fuck you pussy.

So much tren
Yeah thats the only reason i was gonna run that long. Shit if someones experience saves me money and gear AND protects my health im all for it! (ill prob cruise after i have a kid)

Maybe I will do something like
Test E 600 for 14 weeks
Tren E 400 for 12 Weeks
Kick with dbol 40mg ed
TestE 600mg/w alone is very effective and presents minimal side effects.

I've become a big advocate of short esters, especially for 19-nors, so I would suggest you consider trenA.

I have considered running tren also, My friend had done the cycle I was just on, and then went and did one with tren and masteron and he went right into competition just after that cycle, I just wanted to continue bulking, I've set a goal to be at 240-250 so I can look like arnie or the rock. Would tren be an option to run instead of deca?
I have considered running tren also, My friend had done the cycle I was just on, and then went and did one with tren and masteron and he went right into competition just after that cycle, I just wanted to continue bulking, I've set a goal to be at 240-250 so I can look like arnie or the rock. Would tren be an option to run instead of deca?

I don't think tren and Deca are directly comparable. Nandrolone is an FDA-approved pharmaceutical that has undergone 60 years of extensive research in humans up to 600mg/w. Tren is a cattle steroid.
I don't think tren and Deca are directly comparable. Nandrolone is an FDA-approved pharmaceutical that has undergone 60 years of extensive research in humans up to 600mg/w. Tren is a cattle steroid.
Well I meant comparable as a means to put on weight, and not shut myself down so hard.
I don't think tren and Deca are directly comparable. Nandrolone is an FDA-approved pharmaceutical that has undergone 60 years of extensive research in humans up to 600mg/w. Tren is a cattle steroid.

Like my goals are to do another bulking cycle and try to get a good 15lbs, and up till now everyone had told me deca and test E, was thee bulking cycle
fuck you faggot, crosscountry and swimming, and Id take a deployment sitting around on my ass being bored over carrying stacks of shingles up ladders, and walking around on a roof with them. I'd like to see you do that 12hours a day 6 days a week when its like over 100degrees up on the roof and tell me shits not going wrong with your body after doing it for a few years. Want to pull the military card on me faggot, I have a number of friends in the service and even I was going into the marines at one point, PT, fucking easy, my friends all got fat after bootcamp. I'm more likely to fall to my death over putting some roof on some peice of shits house then you are to be shot or blown up so fuck you pussy.

He carried shit heavier than your shingles while running up and down fucking mountains. You're complaining about taking a pack of shingles up a ladder lol. And you said you were going in the marines at one point.... But you fucking didn't bc you're a pussy. Even Maury says so

Well I meant comparable as a means to put on weight, and not shut myself down so hard.

Tren is a nandrolone derivative. They'll both put on weight and shut you down hard. Duration of suppression will depend on the ester used.
Like my goals are to do another bulking cycle and try to get a good 15lbs, and up till now everyone had told me deca and test E, was thee bulking cycle

Everyone likely told you that simply because Deca is far more available than NPP.
Good thing you found Meso.
He carried shit heavier than your shingles while running up and down fucking mountains. You're complaining about taking a pack of shingles up a ladder lol. And you said you were going in the marines at one point.... But you fucking didn't bc you're a pussy. Even Maury says so

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when you can carry 2 80lb packs of shingle up a fourty foot ladder come back and talk shit faggot, and yeah I didnt because I got into some trouble, but good fucking thing I didnt because I actually make money, Ive know fellas that finished there 4years and theyre back right where they started, and theyre asking me to get them a job. Now if we do goto war you can bet your ass I'll be there.
Everyone likely told you that simply because Deca is far more available than NPP.
Good thing you found Meso.
Yeah I guess Ill have to do more research and descision making, like i said not starting this cycle till late july-august
fuck you faggot, crosscountry and swimming, and Id take a deployment sitting around on my ass being bored over carrying stacks of shingles up ladders, and walking around on a roof with them. I'd like to see you do that 12hours a day 6 days a week when its like over 100degrees up on the roof and tell me shits not going wrong with your body after doing it for a few years. Want to pull the military card on me faggot, I have a number of friends in the service and even I was going into the marines at one point, PT, fucking easy, my friends all got fat after bootcamp. I'm more likely to fall to my death over putting some roof on some peice of shits house then you are to be shot or blown up so fuck you pussy.

Didn't read it except for the "I almost went into the marines"
Yeah. Pussy.