Deca Dosage

fuck you faggot, crosscountry and swimming, and Id take a deployment sitting around on my ass being bored over carrying stacks of shingles up ladders, and walking around on a roof with them. I'd like to see you do that 12hours a day 6 days a week when its like over 100degrees up on the roof and tell me shits not going wrong with your body after doing it for a few years. Want to pull the military card on me faggot, I have a number of friends in the service and even I was going into the marines at one point, PT, fucking easy, my friends all got fat after bootcamp. I'm more likely to fall to my death over putting some roof on some peice of shits house then you are to be shot or blown up so fuck you pussy.

After reading your post, I am quite surprised the United States government hasn't dedicated a nationwide hospital system to the plight of the roofer. It's so obvious, i just never considered it, roofers must be commiting suicide every 32 seconds, self medicating from the roofing travesties seen daily, 1000s dying each year while at work, not to mention all of the amputations.

Since you are bringing up probabilities, I have been shot and stabbed in combat as well as receiving an injury from an IAD. How many roofs have you fallen from and died?

Do all of us a favor, jump head first off the next roof you are on, asshole. 100 degrees is hot?? You should try 120 degrees in Iraq, you piece of shit.
Shut the fuck up already.
He served our country and you did not. So shut the fuck up have some respect, what the fuck is wrong with you?

For all I know he can be making this bullshit up over the internet, and veteran or not, that still don't give him the right to fucking talk down to me. I made this thread to gain information and this twats just gonna come on here and talk shit, idc who he is, he could be a fucking priest, but if he's not going to show some respect I'm not showing any respect either.
For all I know he can be making this bullshit up over the internet, and veteran or not, that still don't give him the right to fucking talk down to me. I made this thread to gain information and this twats just gonna come on here and talk shit, idc who he is, he could be a fucking priest, but if he's not going to show some respect I'm not showing any respect either.
You sound like a high school kid. Lighten up. It's meso
For all I know he can be making this bullshit up over the internet, and veteran or not, that still don't give him the right to fucking talk down to me. I made this thread to gain information and this twats just gonna come on here and talk shit, idc who he is, he could be a fucking priest, but if he's not going to show some respect I'm not showing any respect either.
you wouldn't be able to get a haircut at my barbershop then. those old fucks are savage.
After reading your post, I am quite surprised the United States government hasn't dedicated a nationwide hospital system to the plight of the roofer. It's so obvious, i just never considered it, roofers must be commiting suicide every 32 seconds, self medicating from the roofing travesties seen daily, 1000s dying each year while at work, not to mention all of the amputations.

Since you are bringing up probabilities, I have been shot and stabbed in combat as well as receiving an injury from an IAD. How many roofs have you fallen from and died?

Do all of us a favor, jump head first off the next roof you are on, asshole. 100 degrees is hot?? You should try 120 degrees in Iraq, you piece of shit.

I'm not degrading anyone that's served, I have friends that serve and I even wanted to serve at one point, my brother is right now, and many of my family have. But people are going to call my line of work easy? And you want statistics...


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After reading your post, I am quite surprised the United States government hasn't dedicated a nationwide hospital system to the plight of the roofer. It's so obvious, i just never considered it, roofers must be commiting suicide every 32 seconds, self medicating from the roofing travesties seen daily, 1000s dying each year while at work, not to mention all of the amputations.

Since you are bringing up probabilities, I have been shot and stabbed in combat as well as receiving an injury from an IAD. How many roofs have you fallen from and died?

Do all of us a favor, jump head first off the next roof you are on, asshole. 100 degrees is hot?? You should try 120 degrees in Iraq, you piece of shit.

Oh and not to mention I have seen dudes fall and get fucked up and they're out of work now, no government benefits, just a small check from the insurance and they're boned... had a guy slip into a bucket of hot tar at the company everyone said when he tool his glove off all his flesh came with it. Just because your not being shot at doesn't make it an easy job. But to each his own I don't have a problem with you I have a problem with fucking @Leancuisine thank you for your service.
Lol. Not degrading anyone who's served. Calls me a faggot.
Hey man. Don't care if you've got an issue with me. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. Because you're a pussy.

I tried giving you advice. You didn't want it. Again I don't care.
Don't believe me? I don't care.
For all I know he can be making this bullshit up over the internet, and veteran or not, that still don't give him the right to fucking talk down to me. I made this thread to gain information and this twats just gonna come on here and talk shit, idc who he is, he could be a fucking priest, but if he's not going to show some respect I'm not showing any respect either.

When have you ever shown any need for respect? I think I was nice to you, up until you played your whole "I need deca because I'm a little bitch card" "my life is so hard because I played sports in high school"
"I almost joined the marines, but I'm not a faggot like you"

You think you deserve any respect?
Good luck trying to get any from members around here.
I'm not degrading anyone that's served, I have friends that serve and I even wanted to serve at one point, my brother is right now, and many of my family have. But people are going to call my line of work easy? And you want statistics...

I do find your statements degrading. I don't know if that was an apology you were conveying or just backpedaling.

There are many things worse than death. I get to see it every time I go to work as a nurse at a veterans hospital. The injuries you have seen are nothing in comparison to what I've seen, and I'm not even going to get into all of the mental damage.

You are very disrespectful and you have no knowledge on this topic.
I cant continue to grow because I'm 13weeks into my cycle, I'm not going to blow up huge, and why the fuck would I run the same shit I'm running now for my next cycle and expect to get good gains???? I shot up 15lbs this cycle, next cycle I want 15lbs again, and not going to happen taking the same compound same dose over and over again.

It doesnt work that way.

You have done this every post you've written since you've joined. First it was getting defensive and talking shit when these guys ripped you for doing a dbol only cycle. If you are not taking the advice thats given to you.....why do you post? Just do what you are going to do.

This was your first real cycle. Do it again and again until you plateau and cant get any bigger from Test/dbol (whatever oral you like to take, and lord knows you like to take them.) Take your break and run it again...youll make gains again. Once you find it hard to gain on the Minimum compound of test....then start looking to add something that will put you over. BUT as always training and food need to be looked at before the drugs man. I feel like this is being parroted to you a lot and its not sticking. Also....45 minutes of biceps is not needed.

Ive stopped reading at this post. I'm sure there are two more pages of flaming bullshit.
Lol. Not degrading anyone who's served. Calls me a faggot.
Hey man. Don't care if you've got an issue with me. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. Because you're a pussy.

I tried giving you advice. You didn't want it. Again I don't care.
Don't believe me? I don't care.
What fucking advice to eat more and lift heavy? I already do that dumb fuck! Your the pussy, idk how long you've been on but you and your madeup10lbs you got on me can fuck off I've ran like one cycle, deca or no deca I'll be up your bitch as 240lbs (that you probably worked your ass off to get) in a few months why? Because I ain't a beta like you.
It doesnt work that way.

You have done this every post you've written since you've joined. First it was getting defensive and talking shit when these guys ripped you for doing a dbol only cycle. If you are not taking the advice thats given to you.....why do you post? Just do what you are going to do.

This was your first real cycle. Do it again and again until you plateau and cant get any bigger from Test/dbol (whatever oral you like to take, and lord knows you like to take them.) Take your break and run it again...youll make gains again. Once you find it hard to gain on the Minimum compound of test....then start looking to add something that will put you over. BUT as always training and food need to be looked at before the drugs man. I feel like this is being parroted to you a lot and its not sticking. Also....45 minutes of biceps is not needed.

Ive stopped reading at this post. I'm sure there are two more pages of flaming bullshit.

Y'know that's actually good advice not one mother fucker has told me this on this thread. I've figured change shit up to keep the receptors from getting bored of it, but if I can get up another 15lbs from doing the same cycle I would.
It doesnt work that way.

You have done this every post you've written since you've joined. First it was getting defensive and talking shit when these guys ripped you for doing a dbol only cycle. If you are not taking the advice thats given to you.....why do you post? Just do what you are going to do.

This was your first real cycle. Do it again and again until you plateau and cant get any bigger from Test/dbol (whatever oral you like to take, and lord knows you like to take them.) Take your break and run it again...youll make gains again. Once you find it hard to gain on the Minimum compound of test....then start looking to add something that will put you over. BUT as always training and food need to be looked at before the drugs man. I feel like this is being parroted to you a lot and its not sticking. Also....45 minutes of biceps is not needed.

Ive stopped reading at this post. I'm sure there are two more pages of flaming bullshit.

And my biceps and triceps have gotten bigger from isolating them to one day, it's totally necessary
Y'know that's actually good advice not one mother fucker has told me this on this thread. I've figured change shit up to keep the receptors from getting bored of it, but if I can get up another 15lbs from doing the same cycle I would.

Jesus Christ I literally told you this shit page 1.

yup you can beat me up. Yup worked my ass off to gain 20lbs and some change. Yup you're right. I'm wrong. Why haven't I started bowing down to you yet
unless you are at "Natural or peak potential" you should be able to make gains. You are too young to be throwing compounds around like your throwing spices into a Tuna Casserole. Plus when you have all that in your system its very hard to trouble shoot problems that come up...and their will be problems. Just adding anavar to my 600ml of test fucked me all up... made me foggy and very angry. If I was on two other compounds i would have had to stop everything or start blindly throwing other drugs into counter the drugs I was already taking. and thats a crap shoot.
Y'know that's actually good advice not one mother fucker has told me this on this thread. I've figured change shit up to keep the receptors from getting bored of it, but if I can get up another 15lbs from doing the same cycle I would.

You were told solid advice throughout page 1 of this thread.
You got combative and escalated your own thread completely off topic.