Deca Dosage

Um, I used to tutor classmates on topics like calculus and statistics lol. I know how statistics work. I'm not sure you do bc the picture you posted shows military deaths are higher per 100,000 than roofers. Here's more info

Military deaths

29,213 from 1990-2011 or around 1400/yr with an average rate of 71.5deaths per 100,000 over that span

Deaths while on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, 1990-2011. - PubMed - NCBI

And roofer deaths for 2015 were 75 in total with a mortality rate of 39.7

I was going into the marines at one point
I dunno if i ever heard somebody say...
"I was going in to the marines"
Heavyweight champ Riddick Bowe couldnt make the Marines. And neither could WWE wrestler Randy Orton

You may "try out", lol
But i can tell right now its not for you
What is the most dangerous profession?

Hey, all you years can take your bullshit off my deca thread and stroll over to this thread linked above!
I dunno if i ever heard somebody say...
"I was going in to the marines"
Heavyweight champ Riddick Bowe couldnt make the Marines. And neither could WWE wrestler Randy Orton

You may "try out", lol
But i can tell right now its not for you
All my mates said the crucible was a cake walk not what it was made out to be, I was a teen at the time and got into some trouble, but now that's off the record I could join, but won't unless there is a war, I need my job currently.
My god is right. Can you imagine the chaos this world would be in if that many roofers were out of a job?
Roofers are the glue that hold this world together goddamnit!
Yeah what would your home be without a roof? You wouldnt have a home and its hard work, someones got to do it, and not a lot of people want to, just because a roofer isn't off fighting some Rich mans war for oil doesn't mean that they dont make vital contributions to our society...
Could you then imagine how dangerous it would have been if the VA treated roofers??? My God man, 21,765 roofers would have been infected with AIDS

Edit* the least that can be done for a person who defended his country is to get decent healthcare. It's fucked up how some people get treated
Yeah funny because most roofers or any nonunion labor don't get healthcare of any sort, so you get hurt, you're fucked, how is that 30,000 insurance check going to support you and your family for the rest of your life because you're now crippled and can't work?
Lol 23 years old and his joints are going to shit and he needs viagra. You need to reevaluate your life hahaha
Yeah I'll take Viagra normally nut twice and bored of it Viagra I'll fuck for 3hours, and the nice thing about being 23 is getting hella pussy that most 40yrold folk can't touch!
What is the most dangerous profession?

Hey, all you years can take your bullshit off my deca thread and stroll over to this thread linked above!

All my mates said the crucible was a cake walk not what it was made out to be, I was a teen at the time and got into some trouble, but now that's off the record I could join, but won't unless there is a war, I need my job currently.

Yeah what would your home be without a roof? You wouldnt have a home and its hard work, someones got to do it, and not a lot of people want to, just because a roofer isn't off fighting some Rich mans war for oil doesn't mean that they dont make vital contributions to our society...

Yeah funny because most roofers or any nonunion labor don't get healthcare of any sort, so you get hurt, you're fucked, how is that 30,000 insurance check going to support you and your family for the rest of your life because you're now crippled and can't work?

Yeah I'll take Viagra normally nut twice and bored of it Viagra I'll fuck for 3hours, and the nice thing about being 23 is getting hella pussy that most 40yrold folk can't touch!
Your pretty much just a twat
Thats all i wanted to say
Your pretty much just a twat
Thats all i wanted to say
Bring all the bullshit, idgaf, everytime anyone on Meso trys to ask for advice you twats come in and start shit talking, well this is a fucked community you all shill the same labs and take shits on any newcomers seeking help
Bring all the bullshit, idgaf, everytime anyone on Meso trys to ask for advice you twats come in and start shit talking, well this is a fucked community you all shill the same labs and take shits on any newcomers seeking help
Post proof
7.5 Week Progress
I was just on this thread the other day, but goto any first cycle thread, or newb thread and tell me that ain't proof.
Bring all the bullshit, idgaf, everytime anyone on Meso trys to ask for advice you twats come in and start shit talking, well this is a fucked community you all shill the same labs and take shits on any newcomers seeking help

You either retarded or you do not understand what PROOF is
The words "YOU" referring to all of us is very general and this "proof" you posted isnt anything of the sort.
@gr8whitetrukker god i wish he would say that to a marine's face. They would lay his ass out cold. And good luck kid with the erectile dysfunction youll have by the time youre 30. I hear the ladies are real into that....
Like my goals are to do another bulking cycle and try to get a good 15lbs, and up till now everyone had told me deca and test E, was thee bulking cycle
Your joints hurt now but you want to put on weight? Why? Ive had some back breaking jobs in my youth and my joints didn't hurt at all, so you must be doing something wrong or have some kind of congenital bone/joint problem. Be careful because you don't want to be gimping around by your early thirties.
Can't believe this is still going on. And yet on another work day. your 12 hour days would probably be shortened to 3-4 if you weren't on your phone all day.
I actually ignored this little cum guzzler so I can't see anything he posts. Don't know, or care, if he can see my posts.
Your joints hurt now but you want to put on weight? Why? Ive had some back breaking jobs in my youth and my joints didn't hurt at all, so you must be doing something wrong or have some kind of congenital bone/joint problem. Be careful because you don't want to be gimping around by your early thirties.

His life isn't near as tough as he talks it out to be.
And he needs to get bigger to balance out his insecurities. This thread just needs to die out already.
when you can carry 2 80lb packs of shingle up a fourty foot ladder come back and talk shit faggot, and yeah I didnt because I got into some trouble, but good fucking thing I didnt because I actually make money, Ive know fellas that finished there 4years and theyre back right where they started, and theyre asking me to get them a job. Now if we do goto war you can bet your ass I'll be there.

Yeah I guess Ill have to do more research and descision making, like i said not starting this cycle till late july-august
Oh for fucks sake man your just slapping shingles...but its hot boo fuckin hoo. I roofed for a couple years right after high school seen 100lb dudes run two bundles all fuckin day! Not a big fucking deal. I can tell you what hasn't changed its the damn pill/meth addictions.
Started as a roofer at 18, joined service at 24, got out and went back to roofing, they are both dangerous.

I was navy, not as dangerous as airborne.

Two things I can't stand

Young roofers that lie like a mofo and people that do not respect the military.

Packing bundles up a ladder ain't tough, leaving for 6 to 12 months at a time to serve your country is even if there is a lot of butt time.

Sorry, it's an old thread but after reading I had to comment.
I have 1 more week left of my current cycle and I'm hoping to get back on late July or August. I've packed a shit load of mass on with 600-750mgs of test E a week and some anadrol and dbol in the mix. I am a big mother fucker right now.
Anyways, I want to get even more bigger and would like to run the same cycle just with deca in the mix.
My question is, how much deca should I run alongside 600mgs of Enth to pack on alot of mass but keep my dick working?
Also how should I dose? 1 or 2 injections a week? Should I run it 10 weeks and the test 12weeks? Should I wait till later in the cycle to start it?
Stats 230lbs 6'2

I run Deca at 300 an start having problems at week 5 so, that will give you an idea. I run only 150mgs test tho.

Make your own conclusions and be ready to drop it off as soon as you notice the smallest of the problem., because I spent months with problems after a deca only cycle back in the days of ignorance when there was no info on the internet

Caber and Test have fixed me quick on my last few screw ups. I drop the deca, up the test to 200 and run some caber on the side for a week or two

I make great gains with short Deca cycles
I run Deca at 300 an start having problems at week 5 so, that will give you an idea. I run only 150mgs test tho.

Make your own conclusions and be ready to drop it off as soon as you notice the smallest of the problem., because I spent months with problems after a deca only cycle back in the days of ignorance when there was no info on the internet

Caber and Test have fixed me quick on my last few screw ups. I drop the deca, up the test to 200 and run some caber on the side for a week or two

I make great gains with short Deca cycles
As if this thread wasn't fucking retarded enough already
when you can carry 2 80lb packs of shingle up a fourty foot ladder come back and talk shit faggot, and yeah I didnt because I got into some trouble, but good fucking thing I didnt because I actually make money, Ive know fellas that finished there 4years and theyre back right where they started, and theyre asking me to get them a job. Now if we do goto war you can bet your ass I'll be there.

Yeah I guess Ill have to do more research and descision making, like i said not starting this cycle till late july-august
I know it’s an old post but, fuck it. If your joint were hurting then, they’re fucking screaming now if you’re still roofing. Roofing is a fucking hard job brother. You’re no pussy if that’s how you pay the bills. I did both the shingles and the military. Trust me, you want the shingles. I’m 36. No cartilage in either shoulder. Knees shot.

As little as 100mg Deca/wk will give you joint relief. If that’s why you’re doing it, stick to that. Remember that once you get used to a compound at bulking strength, small therapeutic doses for joint pain won’t work as well anymore.

Lots of super compounds out there bro. Spend time in the books. Find out what each one is for, where it came from, what it does and , finally, how it interacts with your body. Then you will know what to do.

Remember that your knees can’t tell if they’re carrying body fat or muscle tissue. Weight is weight to them. If your joints hurt, be careful how much you bulk. You’ll just end up being the hottest guy at the a wheelchair. Remember there is no substitute for surgery, when the time finally comes for it, I mean.

Old advice from my grandfather: “start out like you can hold out”
You are 23. It seems like you only have so long on gear before it really starts taking its tole. The earlier you start the earlier you will have to stop or start doing mild cycles (300-600mgs total gear). 400 deca just isnt that much because a lot of it is ester weight. Deca should be dosed 600+ imo. I will prob never run below 500mg of test again in my whole life haha but thats just me. If ya wanna be "beach" buff 1000mg total gear or less is fine but if ya wanna start to get big ya gotta be 1000-2000mg. Above all else health is key because later in life your priorities may change and you dont wanna be some broke mother fucker trying to play with your kids and your body work just as an example