Deca Dosage

Jesus Christ I literally told you this shit page 1.

yup you can beat me up. Yup worked my ass off to gain 20lbs and some change. Yup you're right. I'm wrong. Why haven't I started bowing down to you yet

He did...its true...but the trolls got a hold of him and took it from there. Op... Dont be troll bait. At this point its too easy for them
He did...its true...but the trolls got a hold of him and took it from there. Op... Dont be troll bait. At this point its too easy for them

I think he kind of shot himself in the foot.
Meso is filled with vets, and he disrespected all of them. At this point, don't think many members will take kindly to him.
What fucking advice to eat more and lift heavy? I already do that dumb fuck! Your the pussy, idk how long you've been on but you and your madeup10lbs you got on me can fuck off I've ran like one cycle, deca or no deca I'll be up your bitch as 240lbs (that you probably worked your ass off to get) in a few months why? Because I ain't a beta like you.

You're a fucking idiot. I would consider chemically neutering yourself with trest to stop procreation. Then take a long walk off a short roof.
I think he kind of shot himself in the foot.
Meso is filled with vets, and he disrespected all of them. At this point, don't think many members will take kindly to him.

I've read most of that from the beginning of his tenure. Young and headstrong.
I don't know which one of your uncles touched you, or what your issue is, but talking yourself up on a steroid forum isn't helping your case.
Best advice anyone can give you now is to re join meso with a different name and this time around be more open to advice. Especially when you ask for it o_O
You were told solid advice throughout page 1 of this thread.
You got combative and escalated your own thread completely off topic.
I was told not to run Deca because it was so suppressive and I did take this advice I have my hands on deca now and I'm going to try and trade it. Now did anyone say that I can get good gains just running the same thing again? No they did not, and I got combative because @Leancuisine started riding my dick talking about my joints not being messed up even though I do have fucked up joints right now.
I don't know which one of your uncles touched you, or what your issue is, but talking yourself up on a steroid forum isn't helping your case.
Best advice anyone can give you now is to re join meso with a different name and this time around be more open to advice. Especially when you ask for it o_O
Yeah you're right about talking yourself up on a steroid forum. "I'm bigger then you, Im 240lbs" I got hit by an ied and killed 16 men in Okinawa... stfu dude you're a hypocrite
Yeah you're right about talking yourself up on a steroid forum. "I'm bigger then you, Im 240lbs" I got hit by an ied and killed 16 men in Okinawa... stfu dude you're a hypocrite

Lol you really just need to demean me so you look better don't you?
Also it's 242*
And was hit by 2.
One was in panjwai the other Jalalabad. Never been to Japan.
6'2" 230 isn't very big. Unless you're single digit bodyfat.
I'm 6'1", 242, and achieved it by running 250mg of test and some masteron. Just lifted heavy and ate food.

Joints going to shit? Doubtful. I don't doubt your joints hurt, but they aren't going to shit bud. I don't think you need deca. I don't really care, really, run whatever you want. But I think if you put the money towards food instead of deca, the results would be much greater.
Again I don't care what you do. It is your decision. I'm a huge believer

Yeah tell me about demeaning jackass, at what point do you give good advice in this thread, I eat, and I lift heavy, so what're you telling me??? To take less test? 250mg is not enough test to get anything phenomenal unless you never touched the stuff
Yeah tell me about demeaning jackass, at what point do you give good advice in this thread, I eat, and I lift heavy, so what're you telling me??? To take less test? 250mg is not enough test to get anything phenomenal unless you never touched the stuff

Maybe your stuff is under dosed. How could you tell without blood tests?
I give decent advice to people who aren't little cunts like you.

You get shat on all day by your coworkers because they realize how big of a pussy you are, so you come home and today decided to take it out on me huh?
Maybe your stuff is under dosed. How could you tell without blood tests?
I give decent advice to people who aren't little cunts like you.

You get shat on all day by your coworkers because they realize how big of a pussy you are, so you come home and today decided to take it out on me huh?
I said nothing to you and you started talking shit so get out of here with your bullshit and quit mirrin your shitty office job life on to mine. Your bitch ass is the one who probably got upset today because his boss talks down to him like he ain't a human being even though you got blown up by ieds...

I didn't have shit to take out on you faggot, I've been having a great couple of weeks, your bitch ass just has to go on my thread and be like "oh your small, I got 10lbs on you" "your joints aren't fucked up, I was in the military I'm more hard then you..." quit riding my dick dude
Yeah you've been talking out your ass this whole thread.

Never claimed to be anything special.
Don't make shit for profit. But I also just started last month.

I keep in watching this shot but your dumb ass keeps dragging me into it.
Don't you have shingles to move? Your 12 hour work day has consisted a lot of posting here.
I said nothing to you and you started talking shit so get out of here with your bullshit and quit mirrin your shitty office job life on to mine. Your bitch ass is the one who probably got upset today because his boss talks down to him like he ain't a human being even though you got blown up by ieds...

I didn't have shit to take out on you faggot, I've been having a great couple of weeks, your bitch ass just has to go on my thread and be like "oh your small, I got 10lbs on you" "your joints aren't fucked up, I was in the military I'm more hard then you..." quit riding my dick dude
Did you just say "mirrin"?? You're on the wrong board kid lol if think anybody here is going to have any kid of respect for your zzyz cock sucking ass then you got another thing coming.