Depression during pct


New Member
Today marks the end of week 2 of pct for me (coming off 1st cycle), and everything was going well in terms of mood until today. It's like my mind is focusing on all the areas in my life that are lacking, and it seems like none of the positive aspects matter.

Is this normal, or am I actually becoming depressed?

PCT protocol:

clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/20/20/20
Totally normal brother... that's why no one enjoys pct.. unfortunately it's the price u pay to play hard.... you just gotta stick with the gym and power through it... remind yourself that it's only because of your pct and it's temporary.... it sucks man.... I'm 36 so I don't pct anymore due to naturally low t... but I been there.... couple weeks...
Hit u like a brick wall right? 2 weeks in? Totally normal
Totally normal brother... that's why no one enjoys pct.. unfortunately it's the price u pay to play hard.... you just gotta stick with the gym and power through it... remind yourself that it's only because of your pct and it's temporary.... it sucks man.... I'm 36 so I don't pct anymore due to naturally low t... but I been there.... couple weeks...
Hit u like a brick wall right? 2 weeks in? Totally normal
Brick wall - perfect analogy. I can just about pinpoint the exact moment things took a nosedive. Had a great workout today though.
Yes... for me it was the 2nd day I took nolvadex. .. it's weird, that 2 week window your test is dropping but that nolva sealed the deal for me.... I crashed.... sex drive went south and I wouldn't call it depression but just bummed... down... ... 2 ish weeks and I felt better... sex drive took a little longer... but I was 35 lol so you may rebound much faster...
Avoid alcohol brother.... it only makes the mood worse...
Thanks for the replies. It's just kinda funny, yesterday I was in a great mood, then today after lunch - BOOM, started feeling empty. I'm gonna push through this, as real as it feels, I know it is just my hormones all fucked up.
Thanks for the replies. It's just kinda funny, yesterday I was in a great mood, then today after lunch - BOOM, started feeling empty. I'm gonna push through this, as real as it feels, I know it is just my hormones all fucked up.
Hang in there man.... it will balance out quick... next thing u know you will be ready to do it all over again... keep us posted man on your mental state and when you start feeling better.... not sure if there are other threads about this, I would assume there are but it would be good for peeps in the same boat know what to exp3ct...
Hang in there man.... it will balance out quick... next thing u know you will be ready to do it all over again... keep us posted man on your mental state and when you start feeling better.... not sure if there are other threads about this, I would assume there are but it would be good for peeps in the same boat know what to exp3ct...
Thanks bro. I will keep this thread going with updates. Hopefully it will help new users know what to expect.
I find that planning my next cycle puts me in a happy place lol...
Mine is pretty much all planned out, still need to order a couple more things first. But I also need to cut before I start. Probably shouldn't start lowering cals anytime soon lol.
Mine is pretty much all planned out, still need to order a couple more things first. But I also need to cut before I start. Probably shouldn't start lowering cals anytime soon lol.

I hear that! I'm close to completing PCT and I've dropped my calories. I really don't get affected much mentally by PCT but cutting calories.... mindfuck.
I thnk its interesting how we are all so different. When i would come off cycle( trt now) i always felt way better. Never missed a workout and never felt depressed in any way.
Anyway, good luck and hope your depression subsides[emoji4]
I just finished PCT and never got depressed at all. Why? I ditched clomid, and went with half nolv half torem. This PCT has been in stark contrast to my prior two PCTs wherein clomid was employed. You could ditch clomid at this point, or really reduce its dosage (e.g. 25mg EOD) and things will likely improve.

Regardless of what you end up choosing, stick to your training and diet and you'll be on the best track possible.