I'm always baffled why guys post all sorts of problems after taking roids, fucking with their hormones, then running PCT drugs like clomid etc...and wonder why they are all "Screwed up in the head" etc.
Gheez. First of all, taking SERMs doesn't make most people moody, in fact, I get a nice high off of them. Clomid at higher dosages than 12.5mg/day, I might get some, but Torem and clomid combo...nothing but feel great.
People take way too much shit during PCT...50mg clomid/day??? Not necessary. Take 12.5mg/day, and maybe run 20-30mg Torem/day, right there, that puts me in the 600ng/mL range of TT.
And I'm an old man!! Stop taking massive shit and steroids. But if you insist. Chill out and take smaller doses of SERMs for PCT. I talk from years of experience fellas, but do whatever you want. Just my useless two cents.