Detailed cycle log (Testosterone, Deca, Superdrol)

I would hope not, I do not work so I have plenty of free time. Also; knock on wood mister! I can do this :)
I tried to do a detailed log and it got old quick. So pace yourself, also for your workouts. I understand its exciting. But burnout is not fun. If that happens take a week off, and get back into it.
I tried to do a detailed log and it got old quick. So pace yourself, also for your workouts. I understand its exciting. But burnout is not fun. If that happens take a week off, and get back into it.
Do you recommend 3 days on 1 off/ repeat with my PPL split? So I don't start getting run down? I really want to stick to this log. You're advice is greatly appreciated and if you have any tips to not get burnt out on this journey please share some secrets.
Do you recommend 3 days on 1 off/ repeat with my PPL split? So I don't start getting run down? I really want to stick to this log. You're advice is greatly appreciated and if you have any tips to not get burnt out on this journey please share some secrets.
I workout everyday, I also dont work that much so am devoting all my time into getting jacked.

For me keeping my calories at the same amount everyday is the hard part and eating right. This is where I burn out. Not the exercise part. So just make sure you have that in your head.

All I am saying is make sure you find a good pace. Days off are good but I do active rest with cardio. While on cycle. I honestly dont take a day off lol. Unless I just cant make the gym.
Do you recommend 3 days on 1 off/ repeat with my PPL split? So I don't start getting run down? I really want to stick to this log. You're advice is greatly appreciated and if you have any tips to not get burnt out on this journey please share some secrets.
That is a good split.
I workout everyday, I also dont work that much so am devoting all my time into getting jacked.

For me keeping my calories at the same amount everyday is the hard part and eating right. This is where I burn out. Not the exercise part. So just make sure you have that in your head.

All I am saying is make sure you find a good pace. Days off are good but I do active rest with cardio. While on cycle. I honestly dont take a day off lol. Unless I just cant make the gym.
Thanks for the personal experience, I think I'll go with how I feel and hopefully I can get something out of this. I have never been this dedicated before, I just need to stick to it and not be such a vagina.
How do you find working out on/off beta blockers? Always felt like they hinder my workout.

As for the calf, id wait a couple of days unless it gets worse fast
How do you find working out on/off beta blockers? Always felt like they hinder my workout.

As for the calf, id wait a couple of days unless it gets worse fast
If I don't take my beta blocker I seem to have a more intense workout and I get more "into it", but I get chest pains, maybe anxiety but it's uncomfortable.
Day 8

Name - Dosage
Testosterone Enanthate - 250mg
Deca-Durabolin - 300mg
cialis - 10mg
Superdrol - 20mg
aromasin - 25mg
Propranolol - 30mg
Pantoprazole - 40mg
Creatine - 5g
Garlic - 2,000mg
Lecithin - 1,200mg
Omega 3 - 1,000mg
Coenzyme Q10 - 100mg
Niacin - 500mg
Turmeric Curcumin - 600mg
VitaMode Multi Vitamin - 0.5 servings
Silymarin Complex - 1 serving
Organic Spirulina - 500mg
MSM - 1,000
TUDCA - 0mg
Blood Pressure

Time Sys/Dia Bpm
11:30am 128/56/74
10:30pm 123/57/72
Symptoms/Side effects

Day: Calf pip, Tired
Bedtime: Calf pip, Fucking starving, Dry throat
Weight change

Weight since start of cycle +6.2lbs
Current weight 175.2lbs
Body measurements

Body part Current / Since start
DECIDED NOT TO MEASURE BODY PARTS UNTIL END OF CYCLE, could cause a little discouragement if I measure frequently.
Food intake
Water consumption - 4.5 Litres
Workout routine

Exercise Weight/Reps/Sets/Rest
Barbell Squat - 135lbs / 10 / 3 / 90s
Dumbbell Lunges - 10lbs / 12 / 3 / 30s
Hamstring Curl Machine - Lvl6 / 15 / 3 / 60s
Leg Extension Machine -Lvl4 / 15 / 3 / 60s
Barbell Seated Calf Raise - SKIPPED
Standing Calf Raise Machine - SKIPPED
Cable Crunches- 100lbs / 20 / 3 / 30s
Romanian Plate Twist -

Total Time : 40 Minutes
No cardio
Additional notes

¶Injected 250mg Test and 300mg Deca into left glute with 28g insulin needles.
¶Ate 5k calories or so.
¶Leg is starting to feel a little better, less inflammation and redness.
¶Skipped calves due to pain when trying to do calf exercise.
¶Slight back pump, nothing too crazy.
¶Nothing too exciting happened.
Consumed possibly 5k-7k sodium easily, never doing a cheat day again, I'll have a cheat meal once a week but I'm not doing any more cheat days. Blood pressure was at 140/85 this afternoon. I am retaining an alarming amount of water. Slight chest pains, I feel very stressed out. PhotoEditor_20190831_182525279.jpg PhotoEditor_20190831_182442952.jpg IMG_20190831_181817_1.jpg
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Cheating/sodiumrich meals are very detrimental when you're on wet compounds.

That was to be expected dont you think? Do you have such an extreme apetite?
Cheating/sodiumrich meals are very detrimental when you're on wet compounds.

That was to be expected dont you think? Do you have such an extreme apetite?

I don't normally have cheat days ever, cheat meals yes. I had a farmers wrap for breakfast, than a bagel, donut, and an XL pizza for snack. Wings, burritos, ravioli, pastas, cereal, several chocolate bars, candy and more, i couldn't stop eating. My hunger was out of control yesterday. So no more cheat days, because obviously I don't know how to do eat things moderately. Plus; if i eat something "forbidden", I don't stop, so instead of trying to moderate bad foods I choose not to eat them entirely.
That's the key keep it within moderation. You also hit the nail on the head with cheat meals versus cheat days. Cheat days have a tendency to spiral out of control pretty fast if you aren't paying attention.

In saying all that brother, you figured out, forget about it and keeping pushing forward. It's a marathon not a race.
Day 7

Name - Dosage
cialis - 10mg
Superdrol - 20mg
aromasin - 0mg
Propranolol - 30mg
Pantoprazole - 40mg
Creatine - 5g
Garlic - 2,000mg
Lecithin - 1,200mg
Omega 3 - 1,000mg
Coenzyme Q10 - 100mg
Niacin - 500mg
Turmeric Curcumin - 600mg
VitaMode Multi Vitamin - 0.5 servings
Silymarin Complex - 1 serving
Organic Spirulina - 500mg
MSM - 1,000
TUDCA - 0mg
Blood Pressure

Time Sys/Dia Bpm
11:30am 124/69/69
10:30pm 129/62/80
Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Calf pip
Bedtime:Calf pip, Loss of appetite, Dry throat
Weight change

Weight since start of cycle +5.8lbs
Current weight 174.8lbs
Body measurements

Body part Current / Since start
Waist 33inches/+0.0inches
Chest 39.5inches/+0.0inches
Arms 14inches/+0.0inches
Forearms 12.0inches/+0.0inches
Shoulders 46.5inches/+0.0inches
Hips 37inches/+0.0inches
Thighs 23inches/+0.0inches
Calves 15.25inches/+0.0inches
Neck 16inches/+0.0inches
Forearms 12.0inches/+0.0inches

Food intake

6 Whole eggs / 420kcal/0g/30g/36g
4 Pieces of toast / 360kcal/70g/3g/12g
420g Pasta / 1,482kcal/311.3g/7.4g/59.3g
Mutant Mass Gainer / 530kcal/88g/8g/26g
400ml Milk / 440kcal/40.6g/16.9g/27.1g
Protein / 180kcal/8g/3g/30g

1,584mg Sodium
Total : 3,412kcal / 518g C / 68g F / 190g P
Water consumption - 2.5 Litres
Workout routine

Exercise Weight/Reps/Sets/Rest
Rack Pulls From Knee - 205lbs / 12 / 3 / 90s
Barbell Bent Over Row - 135lbs / 10 / 3 / 90s
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - Lvl7 / 10 / 3 / 60s
Iso Row Machine -70lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
Ez Bar Reverse Curl - 30lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
One Arm Preacher Machine - Lvl1 / 12 / 3 / 60s
Cable Rope Facepull - 50lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s

Total Time : 50 Minutes
No cardio
Additional notes

¶Oh no, I forgot my wrist straps, my grip was slipping on my rack Pulls. I wanted to rack pull 255 or more but my grip couldn't hold. Next time i won't forget!
¶Best workout yet, I felt absolutely amazing in the gym
¶Mouth and throat were dry throughout the day, not peeing often, I am going to try to drink 4-5L from now on.
¶Starting to feel very strong, my muscles want me to throw more weight on but I think I should wait until week 2 to try any weight increases so I have a starting point o what to go off of.
¶4 blisters ripped off my hands on the rack pull trying to hold on, I need to increase grip strength!
¶Heart racing really bad throughout workout because I forgot to take my beta blocker pre-work out.
¶Irritated right shoulder slightly on face pulls.
¶Very surprised on how vascular I was in the gym, I had veins popping on places I didn't even know I had veins.
¶Shoulders are actually starting to feel a little better, hmm.
¶Nipples were sore in the morning but they feel fine now.
¶Pip in my calf from tuesdays injection has turned into something worse, I can no longer flex my left calf. I am walking on my tippie toes on my left foot, pain moving into back of my kneecap and hamstring slightly and front of my shin. This all happened since this morning. I may have to visit the ER. Any suggestions? I do have antibiotics on hand I believe.
View attachment 117715 This picture is calves flexed, my injected calf won't flex at all.View attachment 117716
Dude I made the mistake of injecting some injectable winstrol in my calf, ended up in the hospital with a gnarly infection that needed draining with a giant needle. Never injected anything in my calf ever again.
So i am currently experiencing gyno on day 6, been using aromasin 12.5mg EoD. I don't have nolva or clomid on hand (ofcourse i don't... ) Going to bump to 12.5mg ED. I know it's the superdrol as im only on day 6, my test and deca haven't kicked in yet, sorta freaking out. Ran dbol and didn't get signs of gyno this quickly even though dbol aromatizes. I'm running the superdrol at 20mg ED. I will be getting letrozole at the end of september, but by then my superdrol will be finished.
You shouldn’t be getting any gyno from superdrol , please elaborate as to what you mean by gyno flare ups. Based On Your photos. You do not have gyno. Not even close. So please be careful with your words. I have seen guys that worry so much about gyno that THEY END UP GETTING IT. I have also see guys that have gyno, go to town with letro/nolva protocol and kick that shit. Please explain what you Mean by gyno, and list your symptoms. Feel free to pm me with more details pictures if u need some feedback, if you don’t feel comfortable posting them here. Your beta blockers could be a recipe for disaster with gear and actually could be a catalyst for gyno. Superdrol can cause rebound gyno, once it is stopped. But only if running sdrol by itself. And not using proper pct protocols However, that’s fucking stupid, anybody anyone that uses sdrol by itself without test deserves to get gyno anyhow.
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How do you find working out on/off beta blockers? Always felt like they hinder my workout.

As for the calf, id wait a couple of days unless it gets worse fast
Make sure you stretch that calf homeboy. Not applying pressure and staying off it is probably the worst thing you could do.
Firstly I'll start this post off by thanking all of the great advice and awesome fibes you guys are sending. Also I will be posting just a couple replies quickly and doing my log for the day. Heads up; took a rest day for the day, still uploading my update shortly ofcourse.
You shouldn’t be getting any gyno from superdrol , please elaborate as to what you mean by gyno flare ups. Based On Your photos. You do not have gyno. Not even close. So please be careful with your words. I have seen guys that worry so much about gyno that THEY END UP GETTING IT. I have also see guys that have gyno, go to town with letro/nolva protocol and kick that shit. Please explain what you Mean by gyno, and list your symptoms. Feel free to pm me with more details pictures if u need some feedback, if you don’t feel comfortable posting them here. Your beta blockers could be a recipe for disaster with gear and actually could be a catalyst for gyno. Superdrol can cause rebound gyno, once it is stopped. But only if running sdrol by itself. And not using proper pct protocols However, that’s fucking stupid, anybody anyone that uses sdrol by itself without test deserves to get gyno anyhow.
Could you elaborate on the beta blockers effecting gynecomastia? I most definitely have gyno flare ups, I get them for a day and not the next, On and off whenever it wants to. I have been using beta blockers longer than I have been on gear and i have had no gyno issues on dianabol so the logical suspect that's left is the Superdrol thats causing the gyno. High e2 signs are same as low e2 so the side effects won't matter too much in my opinion. Painful nipples and obvious signs of gyno starting gives it away for me, I am just hoping I can somewhat keep it from getting worse before I get letrozole. Wonder what will happen week 3-4 when test kicks in if I can't control this gyno already.. hmm.IMG_20190831_235455_5.jpg IMG_20190831_235554_4.jpg