Yesterday's log!
Day 12
Name - Dosage
Testosterone Enanthate - 250mg
cialis - 10mg
Superdrol - 20mg
aromasin - 0mg
Propranolol - 30mg
Pantoprazole - 40mg
Creatine - 5g
Garlic - 2,000mg
Lecithin - 1,200mg
Omega 3 - 1,000mg
Coenzyme Q10 - 100mg
Niacin - 500mg
Turmeric Curcumin - 600mg
VitaMode Multi Vitamin - 0.5 servings
Silymarin Complex - 1 serving
Organic Spirulina - 500mg
MSM - 1,000
TUDCA - 500mg
Blood Pressure
Time Sys/Dia Bpm
11am 123/62/57
11pm 133/68/74
Symptoms/Side effects
Day:Irritated, Short tempered, Rude
Bedtime:Restless ,Feeling Irritated, Short tempered, Rude, Slight acne, Slight insomnia.
Weight change
Weight since start of cycle +9.6lbs
Current weight 178.6lbs
Food intake (Ate the same thing, going to up my calories tomorrow by 200-300 calories.)
6 Whole eggs / 420kcal/0g/30g/36g
4 Pieces of toast / 360kcal/70g/3g/12g
400g Pasta / 1,412kcal/296.5g/7.1g/56.5g
400ml Milk / 440kcal/40.6g/16.9g/27.1g
3 Scoops of Gainer / 795kcal/132g/12g/39g
1,663mg Sodium
Total : 3,427kcal / 539g C / 69g F / 171g P
Water consumption 3.5 Litres
Workout routine
Exercise - Weight/Reps/Sets/Rest
Assisted Wide Pullup - 40lbs / 10 / 3 / 90s
T Bar Row - 45lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
Reverse Grip Lat Pull - Lvl7 / 12 / 3 / 60s
Bench Rear Delt Fly - 15lbs / 10 / 3 / 60s
Barbell Shrug - 155lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
Barbell Curl - 55lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
DB Incline Bench Curls - 15lbs / 8 / 3 / 60s
Rope Facepull - 60lbs / 12 / 1 / 0s
Total Time : 55 Minutes
No cardio.
Additional notes
¶Injected 1cc/250mg of Testosterone Enanthate into left delt with 28g 1/2 insulin needle, no pain, no pip, no prob. Feelsgoodman.
¶I need to start doing cardio.
¶Starting to feel a little beefy in my back and traps.
¶Felt very hungry throughout day.
¶Right cuff irritated again.
¶Been acting like an asshole to my fiance for no reason. I'm just always on edge, frustrated, annoyed and nobody to take it out on.
¶Going to switch barbell shrugs for power shrugs in the future and use wrist straps.
¶Going to add a new day to my routine, consisting of mainly neck hypertrophy with bicep and forearm aswell. Not sure if I should put it on a separate day or just add that to my pull days.
¶I never get back pump when working out, but when I do dishes or sweep, oh god..
¶DOMS in triceps and pecs still.