Dexa Results: 50 Years Old: Feel like this can't be accurate?

Going to give it 30 days back on OMAD with serious cardio. Will retest then involve a specialist if things have trending seriously the right direction.

What is your rationale for doing OMAD? Do you think having all your daily calories in one sitting will make you healthier?
First off Great work! Keep it up. I take 4000mg of Omega-3 a day and that lowers my lipids but if you really want to get it under control have the Doc give you Atorvastatin Calcium 10mg a day or Ezetimibe 10mg a day. I have experimented with them both and the Atorvastatin works the best. In fact only one dose before your blood test will lower your levels over a 100 points. Well,at least it did in my experiments. Also,

What is your rationale for doing OMAD? Do you think having all your daily calories in one sitting will make you healthier?
I have the same question.
. OMAD is easy for me so that was the thought process.

If you're on a sufficient dose of GLP-1 agonists, it should be difficult to get an adequate amount of protein in one meal. There's also the fact that a 25g bolus of protein early in the day triggers mTOR which will blunt catabolism.
My lipids have always improved running in deficit and during weight loss. OMAD is easy for me so that was the thought process.

If you're on a sufficient dose of GLP-1 agonists, it should be difficult to get an adequate amount of protein in one meal. There's also the fact that a 25g bolus of protein early in the day triggers mTOR which will blunt catabolism.

Yeah OMAD might work for a crash diet but it's not muscle-friendly. Muscles prefer something like 4 protein-rich meals/d.

Guess it also matters what are your goals, how fast you want to get there, and at what cost.
Yeah OMAD might work for a crash diet but it's not muscle-friendly. Muscles prefer something like 4 protein-rich meals/d.

Guess it also matters what are your goals, how fast you want to get there, and at what cost.
Goals are to quickly right the lipids. Then get back to a diet that is conducive to hypertrophy. I don't disagree. I think the lipids issue is likely a quick fix. But it needs to be fixed first. Still training like a banshee. Just dialing down the diet and completely back to TRT.
You’ve got some good advice here. My .02.

Ezetimibe 10mg
Resouvistatin 10mg
Citrus Bergamot 1000mg
High end fish oil like Biotest 4000mg actual dha/epa

If your bp is over 130/80 you really need to be taking Telmisartin (start 40mg) Nevibilol (start 5mg) and see if that gets you under 120/70. Elevated bp at all magnifies risks sssociated with bad lipids.

I didn’t see your glucose and kidney function tests. Likely you should be taking Metformin and astragalus.

The good news is this is an inexpensive group of drugs/supplements that will do wonders to enhance the work you’ve done and doing.
You’ve got some good advice here. My .02.

Ezetimibe 10mg
Resouvistatin 10mg
Citrus Bergamot 1000mg
High end fish oil like Biotest 4000mg actual dha/epa

If your bp is over 130/80 you really need to be taking Telmisartin (start 40mg) Nevibilol (start 5mg) and see if that gets you under 120/70. Elevated bp at all magnifies risks sssociated with bad lipids.

I didn’t see your glucose and kidney function tests. Likely you should be taking Metformin and astragalus.

The good news is this is an inexpensive group of drugs/supplements that will do wonders to enhance the work you’ve done and doing.
Glucose is good. Monitor almost daily. A1C varies between 4.7 and 4.9.EGFR and GGT all well withing range. Cystatin C is very slightly elevated. LabCorp says top into the range is 100 And I'm at 103. A quick search on it says I'm in range for my age but nonetheless it's a focus of mine. First time I've been out of range. Blood pressure was ticking up into the high 120s but I got it coming down now averaging about 115/65 as low as 105 over 60 so I may need to drop one dose the BP meds. Thanks for all the advice everybody. Think I'm on the right track but I'll follow up with blood work here in a few more weeks to make sure that those other markers are coming back in the range If not I'll get into the specialist.