Did I get scammed?

I have over $300 worth of atlas test and deca that I have filtered and I seriously doubt I will ever use it. Its just money. I'd rather waste $300 than have a hole in my leg. You bought one vial brother, trash it, it's $40. Not worth the risk. At least filter it. By the time your filter came in the mail your pinning schedule is jacked anyways so you might as well end it. Next time be a bit more prepared. I always keep a handfull of .22 whatmans on hand.
I've heard of virgin muscle and needing to open it up... but it's something, my thigh was warm and tender. Completely resolved in 3 days.
I would call it quits on this batch (i bought only one vile from this source and was gonna order more if it didn't kill me) not excited about injecting dirty gear and getting an abscess.
I don't want to quit the cycle after 1 week. Currently not sure who I should be ordering from.
Hey bro if these pics these boys are posting is caused by atlas then it's a no brainer toss that shit and research another source. I'll save you a little time and reading avoid Hammer. Good luck

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Hey guys, I'll throw that shit away.
It's only been 2 pins and I'm here discussing it with y'all. I'm not as concerned about the financial loss as much as getting an infection.
Hey guys, I'll throw that shit away.
It's only been 2 pins and I'm here discussing it with y'all. I'm not as concerned about the financial loss as much as getting an infection.

Quick question.

How did you even find out about atlas?

Did you find atlas on here and just read the first page and say yeah I'll order?

Or did you order from a different forum and come here for advice?

This lab has been proven dirty as all hell but my curiosity of how you ordered from them like a week or so ago baffles the hell out of me
Stop and throw that shit away. And since it's only been a few shots I think you wouldn't need to do any kind of pct but I'm no expert maybe somebody else could answer that better. Get some different gear and chalk it up as a loss and start over. It's not worth the couple hundred dollars to "see" if it gets better. JMO
Listen to @HIGHRISK as he gave you very sound advice. Throw that shot in the garbage asap and do some research on another lab.
Hi guys,
First cycle and I thought I was doing everything right. Got the test cyp 250mg/cc from AtlasLabs@anonymousspeech.com and
injected in my thigh last week and 3 days after. Plan is to do 1cc (250) every 3 days (for 12 weeks with pct after, would get my serum testo tested after about 3 weeks..)

Physically I don't feel like my libido changed or that there is any androgen running in my system. Locally, and I'm not scarred of injections or concerned about pain... that shit gave me a very sore thigh for 3 days and a very sore glut for three days too. Btw I'm 31 5'11 180, 8-10%bf.

Should I call it quits or give it another week?
Atlas sucked bro.....I gave them a chance and I crashed big time, was back to normal as soon as I switched UGLs
Order some syringe filters. You wont be able to see bacteria but i wouldn't be surprised if you saw a hair in atlas gear.
I have always filtered ugl gear period. It's cheap and if you do it properly you can rule out infection. The pip is most likely due to the solvents, or if eo was used, some guys have problems with that.
That abcess looks nasty as fuck!
You didn't get scammed but you have put yourself at risk.
Quite a few people found shit in their vials from him. A few of us got lucky and survived without anything more than a lump or two.
You don't need to risk the same.
Find you a new source with good reviews and get back to work.
I too am curious, what made you order atlas after all the shit going on within the last month?
I think the ass shots were posted at least a month ago
Hi guys,
First cycle and I thought I was doing everything right. Got the test cyp 250mg/cc from AtlasLabs@anonymousspeech.com and
injected in my thigh last week and 3 days after. Plan is to do 1cc (250) every 3 days (for 12 weeks with pct after, would get my serum testo tested after about 3 weeks..)

Physically I don't feel like my libido changed or that there is any androgen running in my system. Locally, and I'm not scarred of injections or concerned about pain... that shit gave me a very sore thigh for 3 days and a very sore glut for three days too. Btw I'm 31 5'11 180, 8-10%bf.

Should I call it quits or give it another week?

Let's not jump to conclusions... my first couple of injections I was sore for a week, limping etc. I mean atlas has a bad rep but let's not put any ideas into this guy's head. I didn't start seeing my TestE work til week 8 when I was blowing through sets like nothing. Test gives me endurance strength and vascularity but it takes a while. But all in all Atlas does scare the shit out of me but you might want to consider buying from another LAB and when you're experienced just buy a filter and filter out the Atlas gear. I personally would never buy from a source on Meso... I rather go looking on a source board, research the Labs and make an informed decision.
I have over $300 worth of atlas test and deca that I have filtered and I seriously doubt I will ever use it. Its just money. I'd rather waste $300 than have a hole in my leg. You bought one vial brother, trash it, it's $40. Not worth the risk. At least filter it. By the time your filter came in the mail your pinning schedule is jacked anyways so you might as well end it. Next time be a bit more prepared. I always keep a handfull of .22 whatmans on hand.

That sucks man. $300 is still a lot. I didn't read that he only has one vial. In that case he should trash it.
Quick question.

How did you even find out about atlas?

Did you find atlas on here and just read the first page and say yeah I'll order?

Or did you order from a different forum and come here for advice?

This lab has been proven dirty as all hell but my curiosity of how you ordered from them like a week or so ago baffles the hell out of me

This is a great question.
Would love to know the answer.