Did I get scammed?

Let's not jump to conclusions... my first couple of injections I was sore for a week, limping etc. I mean atlas has a bad rep but let's not put any ideas into this guy's head. I didn't start seeing my TestE work til week 8 when I was blowing through sets like nothing. Test gives me endurance strength and vascularity but it takes a while. But all in all Atlas does scare the shit out of me but you might want to consider buying from another LAB and when you're experienced just buy a filter and filter out the Atlas gear. I personally would never buy from a source on Meso... I rather go looking on a source board, research the Labs and make an informed decision.

Thanks for the reply bro,
I didn't expect quick results, my primary concern was clean gear. I'm on here because you guys have experience and I respect most your opinions. I'm not looking for quick easy results, & understand that's one it's a process, and two that I have to be caustious as this industry is not regulated. I have read a lot and will continue educating myself. That said, with this atlas bunk gear I'm still motivated and would like to look for another source.
That abcess looks nasty as fuck!
You didn't get scammed but you have put yourself at risk.
Quite a few people found shit in their vials from him. A few of us got lucky and survived without anything more than a lump or two.
You don't need to risk the same.
Find you a new source with good reviews and get back to work.
I too am curious, what made you order atlas after all the shit going on within the last month?
I think the ass shots were posted at least a month ago
I got the stuff over 2 months ago, I've been traveling and working late nights and thought I'd delay the cycle until I have more time off.
Hi guys, new gear old trouble,

so an update: I got rid of the atlas gear and ended up getting TestE500 from pharmacom.

the delayed was delayed and took more than 3 weeks to arrive, but I was in no rush.
I pinned my right quad with 1 cc of TestE500 and was fine for 12 hours. The next evening I was disabled, the PIP was so bad I could not bend my knee. I was walking very funny and the pain was unbearable for another 26 hours and started slowly easing. I took the pic around day 4, (had started antibiotics that didn't help at all). It might be the oil carrier, but i believe the steroid is just precipitating and causing local inflammation and damage. The swelling was so bad the quad fascia because so tight and that probably led to some compartment syndrome. Had to take it easy, keep my leg raised and take tons of ibuprofen. Day 7 now and I am physically back to normal with some pain on running or flexing the knee all the way.

Clearly its not an infection, its severe PIP. I had done 1 dose of TestC (i did 250) before and this is TestE (500). The 1 cc was too much for my virgin muscle, but still my reaction was disabling.

PS my legs are quite hairy.


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Could be an allergic reaction to any solvents possibly used in the gear itself, also that's extremely high dosed gear if it's accurate. I would expect it to be painful as fuck. Next time maybe split the injection into two different sites? See if you're allergic to any solvents in the gear? Generally with high dose gear they have to use solvents to keep it in suspension in the oil. I'm not super experienced, maybe some vets will chime in as well. Just my little knowledge though, maybe it will help.
Hi guys, new gear old trouble,

so an update: I got rid of the atlas gear and ended up getting TestE500 from pharmacom.

the delayed was delayed and took more than 3 weeks to arrive, but I was in no rush.
I pinned my right glute with 1 cc of TestE500 and was fine for 12 hours. The next evening I was disabled, the PIP was so bad I could not bend my knee. I was walking very funny and the pain was unbearable for another 26 hours and started slowly easing. I took the pic around day 4, (had started antibiotics that didn't help at all). It might be the oil carrier, but i believe the steroid is just precipitating and causing local inflammation and damage. The swelling was so bad the quad fascia because so tight and that probably led to some compartment syndrome. Had to take it easy, keep my leg raised and take tons of ibuprofen. Day 7 now and I am physically back to normal with some pain on running or flexing the knee all the way.

Clearly its not an infection, its severe PIP. I had done 1 dose of TestC (i did 250) before and this is TestE (500). The 1 cc was too much for my virgin muscle, but still my reaction was disabling.

PS my legs are quite hairy.
Sounds like the concentration of the test is what is giving you the pip. Some guys will get some sterile gso or something to cut it with so it isn't so harsh. Like mentioned above it may also be an allergic reaction to EO or something else they sue to make that high concentration. I'd say get a lower dose of test and see how you react to it.
The allergy doesn't make any sense, 7 days for an allergic reaction is too long, could be the high concentration of the oil ester precipitating. I did hear that the quad and felt are better spots to start
The allergy doesn't make any sense, 7 days for an allergic reaction is too long, could be the high concentration of the oil ester precipitating. I did hear that the quad and felt are better spots to start
I usually pin glutes but I'm allergic to mct oil. I'd get golf balls in my ass cheeks from mct and when my dude switched to cottonseed oil I didn't have that issue again.
It's high dosed gear man... You need to cut it with some sterile GSO. Heat the gear too that will help a lot. But definitely use some GSO
Grapeseed is very good
MCT fucks up a lot when heated too I have used grapeseed and Wesson without trouble but grapeseed is thinner and comes out so nice when baked for hours ...
T500 for virgin muscle yikes!!! Haha you're crazy bro, why the t500? It even has warnings on the site that it shouldn't be used by newbs, were you trying to save a shot a week or something? Also, what size pin are you using, that can be a factor too.
That's ridiculous I'd never brew over 300.. I'd never do 300 again either ..too much pain plenty people here can vouch for that haha good stuff though
The allergy doesn't make any sense, 7 days for an allergic reaction is too long

Too long how? The carrier oil that's in depot takes many days to dissipate. If you're allergic to EO or MCT, or the BA is high, you're going to be in pain for a while. You have a lot of opinions for someone that appears clueless. Do more homework.

Pinning T500 for a first cycle is silly, as others mentioned. There's no reason or benefit in using such high-dosed gear.