Primo Dose?


New Member
Hello Meso,
I have a general question I'm hoping you guys can help me out with. I am a 45 year old and after a long hiatus have been back working out 6 days a week for the past 3 years. I've started my very first trt cycle 3 months ago. I am now at 375 mg test p a week over 3 injections. I have some Primo I was considering adding in. First question what would be a good starter dosage? Second question is there a better option to add in before adding primo? I should add that I also implement four units GH. Thanks
I've been running HCG for the past year. 500IU per week on cruise and up to 1500 on blast. It should keep the balls working to some degree, making it easier if I decide to come off completely or to have kids.

That's just my reasoning for running it nonstop. Note it can increase your E2.
Yeah it can which could have been why I hated it but I got no signs of gyno like do when e2 gets too high with AAS.

Most of the time you can just drop to trt levels to have kids. You don't always need to come off completely. We were having trouble conceiving and I had never touched AAS. Dr found out I was naturally hypogonadal and had a low sperm count and low T. I started trt first and after a month added HCG. Got the wife pregnant sometime in the next two months and we had been struggling for a year before that. Now I have an amazing 9 month old that's running around the house terrorizing the dogs lol
There’s no reason to add a second compound already.

You also didn’t list goals, etc.

Training and diet will come WELL before anything else, period. There’s no reason you can’t ride 250-350 out for 6-12mo. Then if you want more, bump test.

If you’re absolutely hell bent on adding something for the sake of saying you’re running multiple compounds, I’d run an oral like tbol or anavar for 6-8 weeks. I personally like low dose dbol but that’s a love/hate compound.
Yeah it can which could have been why I hated it but I got no signs of gyno like do when e2 gets too high with AAS.

Most of the time you can just drop to trt levels to have kids. You don't always need to come off completely. We were having trouble conceiving and I had never touched AAS. Dr found out I was naturally hypogonadal and had a low sperm count and low T. I started trt first and after a month added HCG. Got the wife pregnant sometime in the next two months and we had been struggling for a year before that. Now I have an amazing 9 month old that's running around the house terrorizing the dogs lol
I heard that's possible on trt dose, thanks for confirming and congrats! I had my sperm count checked before I hopped on this enhanced bodybuilding journey and already had low sperm count (edit: it was 1 week after jumping on 250mg test). I definitely want to have kids so I'm trying to take the safe way.

Probably wouldn't run HCG if fertility didn't matter to me. I remember reading it has positive effects on your brain function as well.
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Gotcha definitely fair enough I'm not in a huge rush to jump into something else though I do have the Primo sitting here staring at me everyday just looking to approach it and the safest most common sense manner
I am definitely not interested in the benefit of it for just fertility purposes because I'm long past wanting to have any more kids if it helped with mood or libido it would definitely be something I would be interested in adding in it seems like there's mixed opinions about if it makes you feel any better utilizing it
The mood and libido benefits are different for each person. Some get mood, sleep and libido benefits. Some do not. And it’s dosage dependent also. Finding the sweet spot can be challenging
So maybe something to not completely rule out just possibly try to sprinkle in after I get everything else really dialed in?
I would increase test. Get labs 6-8 weeks later. Make adjustments as needed. High test could cause high E2, adding Primo could cause low E2. You just don’t know until you do it and get labs. That’s all apart of the journey
Gotcha definitely fair enough I'm not in a huge rush to jump into something else though I do have the Primo sitting here staring at me everyday just looking to approach it and the safest most common sense manner
From my experience, primo is hit or miss. Some guys love it and others feel like shit. Play with it when the time comes. You aren’t missing out on anything glorious.
For me I only did it to get my wife pregnant (500iu 3x/week) and it worked great. Then I stopped and haven't used it in over a year. I feel better without it for sure. I was a moody mess on it. It's not a hormone naturally found in men and it is not identical to LH though it works similar. Some people love it. And others become an emotional wreck like I did and prefer to leave it out. I've never personally cared about the size of my balls or loads (well maybe when I was in HS/college, lol) but now I'd rather feel my best so I don't use it.
Did the same, used the HCG to get the wife pregnant, while maintaining basically a TRT level cruise (200mg Test) I only keep it around now in case E2 crashes and in the event of another kid possibly being a desire for the wife.

Once that ends I'll discontinue the HCG. It comes with its own moodiness issues as well as other sides. It gave me acne when nothing else did.

As far as crashed E2 recovery I do have DHEA supplements, but don't know how effective it truly is at recovering it. HCG and Dbol can help. but Dbol is a shock to jumpstart and according to studies its converted into a methyl estradiol? not gonna dive into it too much as I'm no expert on this stuff. But I've heard of guys recovering fairly quickly using it.

So I keep those as emergencies in case I do crash it.
I would increase test. Get labs 6-8 weeks later. Make adjustments as needed. High test could cause high E2, adding Primo could cause low E2. You just don’t know until you do it and get labs. That’s all apart of the journey
I agree completely I want to be as safe as possible and I appreciate all your responses and those from the community right now I'm just consuming all the information I can get
Did the same, used the HCG to get the wife pregnant, while maintaining basically a TRT level cruise (200mg Test) I only keep it around now in case E2 crashes and in the event of another kid possibly being a desire for the wife.

Once that ends I'll discontinue the HCG. It comes with its own moodiness issues as well as other sides. It gave me acne when nothing else did.

As far as crashed E2 recovery I do have DHEA supplements, but don't know how effective it truly is at recovering it. HCG and Dbol can help. but Dbol is a shock to jumpstart and according to studies its converted into a methyl estradiol? not gonna dive into it too much as I'm no expert on this stuff. But I've heard of guys recovering fairly quickly using it.

So I keep those as emergencies in case I do crash it.
Yeah it converts to methyl estrogen but it feels the same as estrogen so that's why you get relief from crashed e2. The only problem is you can't measure it on a lab test so you really need to be in tune with your body from previous experience to know if you are getting your "methyl" e2 too high so you don't develop gyno. Probably took me a year or so ofv different cycles to be able to discern now when my e2 is starting to get too high
Duuuuuuude…. 20+ years and I don’t do insulin. A 45 year old man should not do that until well acquainted and understand risks. I thought you were joking…. **facepalm**
You're talking about insulin like it's a big thing, I've been on it after my second cycle and it's definitely very safe and worth it. OP was asking for anything good to add to his cycle, I just gave a simple answer, I'm not forcing anyone to use insulin or whatever.
I dont think you are trying to get anyone to use insulin I’m just saying it’s definitely not safe for a beginning user let alone advanced. If the average healthy person takes an injection of insulin it could kill them if they are not diabetic. Do I think with research and years in bodybuilding one can do it safely, sure. Tons of people use it. But saying it’s safer than trt, sorry dude I just can’t agree with you there.
You're just repeating what you're reading on the forums. Do some research.

deliberate overdoses ranging from 100-1600iu of insulin fail to cause suicide or long term systemic damage. Tell me how 5iu of Humalog with a ton of carbs isn't extremely safe.