Dieting while using HGH/Gear


New Member
So there seems to be a number of topics with dieting and running gear however most just talk of eatting clean and exercise which is a given of course.
What I haven't seen is concreate information talked about or basics layer out. Yes sure one Google search and you have 1 billion people shiling for this product and diet etc etc but what about just the basics of real human traits to diets or simply wanting a better feeling over all.

Many bodybuilders I've read about say they look great and can lift allot feel younger etc but then they say often get sick or, inside they don't feel over all healthy rather just look it.

I've read up on 6 meals smaller per day with examples of 60 30 20 (PCF)

I've read Also whole food diets which is basically plant based with many saying this is the way forwards for over all health & strength

Then the low carb diets that basically just make one eat high proteins and fats.

My question now would be in order to make sense of all this without piling tons of gear or supplements into our bodies but with reason is it possible to run gear on a whole food plant based diet?
I understand fully the example of running GH you should not need to consume many carbs and go higher proteins/fats exercise but is there proper evidence from any fourm readers that the whole food plant based wouldn't work for building a strong bigger body step by step
or does the gh become useless in this cause because the carbs... directly coming from the veg/fruit/nuts, really boost one's hormone naturally..

After my long babble I'll be torn up in sure but oh well!
Just wanting to see if anyone else runs gh/gear on a whole food plant based diet
or is it just strictly eatting health only with higher proteins intake.
So there seems to be a number of topics with dieting and running gear however most just talk of eatting clean and exercise which is a given of course.
What I haven't seen is concreate information talked about or basics layer out. Yes sure one Google search and you have 1 billion people shiling for this product and diet etc etc but what about just the basics of real human traits to diets or simply wanting a better feeling over all.

Many bodybuilders I've read about say they look great and can lift allot feel younger etc but then they say often get sick or, inside they don't feel over all healthy rather just look it.

I've read up on 6 meals smaller per day with examples of 60 30 20 (PCF)

I've read Also whole food diets which is basically plant based with many saying this is the way forwards for over all health & strength

Then the low carb diets that basically just make one eat high proteins and fats.

My question now would be in order to make sense of all this without piling tons of gear or supplements into our bodies but with reason is it possible to run gear on a whole food plant based diet?
I understand fully the example of running GH you should not need to consume many carbs and go higher proteins/fats exercise but is there proper evidence from any fourm readers that the whole food plant based wouldn't work for building a strong bigger body step by step
or does the gh become useless in this cause because the carbs... directly coming from the veg/fruit/nuts, really boost one's hormone naturally..

After my long babble I'll be torn up in sure but oh well!
Just wanting to see if anyone else runs gh/gear on a whole food plant based diet
or is it just strictly eatting health only with higher proteins intake.

As long as you have 1G of protien per lb of body weight, sufficient fats, and carbs, all of your micro nutrients and enough water IMO it doesn't matter how you get it, whether it's plant based or not.
reason is it possible to run gear on a whole food plant based diet

Sure, just crazy hard.

The protein quality matters to a certain degree as well. 1G of pea proteins ain't the same as 1G of beef muscle proteins.

Vegetarian or vegan bodybuilders are running uphill the whole way.
Sure, just crazy hard.

The protein quality matters to a certain degree as well. 1G of pea proteins ain't the same as 1G of beef muscle proteins.

Vegetarian or vegan bodybuilders are running uphill the whole way.
Tell me about it :) but I like the challenge! I’ve been Vegan for 7 years and I’ve learned to adapt and to be honest I definitely wouldn’t have been able to make the progress I’ve made being natty. I’m 45yrs old and on trt so it’s easier for me to maintain my gains. It took me years to figure out my nutrition and I have no issues eating clean and in abundance when needed, and now I know both sides of the coin. I ate every creature that was edible for 37 yrs and wouldn’t change a thing.There were a lot of good memories growing up. Humans are not born meat eaters, it is a tradition passed down by your family. When I was a kid it was eat meat or starve, so I did and I enjoyed it!!

I’m fine with other people eating what they want even if they want to judge me for being vegan. o_O I don’t see why other people get so worked up about when they here someone is vegan? Especially with all the knowledge in this day and age and all the proven benefits of a plant base diet. Haters gonna hate..

I have been teetering towards going back to being a vegetarian but not for the milk, but for the cheese and eggs. If I ever went back to eating animals it would be pescatarian diet.
I’ve been Vegan for 7 years
I honestly had no idea... Not sure how I had missed that...

I have enough problems with my diet as it is, I just couldn't hang with either vegan or vegetarian fare full time.

I think a lot of the energy on the topic comes from communities that focus heavily on competition for BB, Football, PL, or any strength/size dependent comp.

In those areas, someone coming in and convincing a promising competitor to go the a plant based diet has basically hung an albatross on the coaches neck. It is within the realm of possibility to be elite on those diets, but the percentage of folks who can manage it gets exponentially smaller (probably).

Ergo, they (the coaches) get honked off quite quickly depending on where/how the idea is being posited.
to note your reply.. many NFL giants and NBA superstars are vegan or WFPB rather then meat dairy eaters and they still consume base amounts of protein

in was just curious.. I'm here eatting my lentil pasta with vegan cheese tomatoes and other veggies .. totalling 67 grams protein, 80 grams crabs so not sure on this but chicken breast ain't given me that protein in a sevring unless I eat multiple amounts
Eat whatever you like but... come on... at least have the basics of equivalency down...

totalling 67 grams protein, 80 grams crabs so not sure on this but chicken breast ain't given me that protein in a sevring unless I eat multiple amounts

Literally 220 grams (slightly less than 8oz) of chicken give you the protein amount and literally any pasta will give you those carbs. So, no.

Additionally the proteins from those lentils don't have the full range of aminos either. Proteins aren't created equal. Can be easily remedied with food combinations... but rather than being efficient and allowing you to get the same from less, it takes more.

Chicken nutrition:
Chicken breast - Google Search

Completing Lentil proteins:
What Foods Mixed With Lentils Provide a Complete Source of Amino Acids?
Props on knowing about Complete vegan proteins @grey , I’ve had to explain this topic many times. A lot of vegan and vegetarians still don’t understand the basic concept. But once you get it down it becomes really easy to utilize these foods in a efficient way.
Props on knowing about Complete vegan proteins @grey , I’ve had to explain this topic many times.

Came up a few times while I was still in uniform and had vegans to look after.

Though I didn't really grasp how crucial it could be under more extreme physical duress (what we were doing in uniform was decidedly not that difficult physically).

That came later while following some very strong vegan and vegetarian lifters running into issues on the ragged edge of the performance envelope over at SS.

Doc Feigenbaum ended up doing a fair few articles/posts on the matter.
I don’t see why other people get so worked up about when they here someone is vegan?

In one word: Cheeseburgers. :)

I'm just thinking about how much of a difference it would be to simply add eggs back into your diet! Lol, just that one food group would make meal planning so much easier.

I think a lot of guys could learn a ton from vegans. I dated a girl who was a vegan, I really should have kept her around a little longer to learn a few dishes.
to note your reply.. many NFL giants and NBA superstars are vegan or WFPB rather then meat dairy eaters and they still consume base amounts of protein

in was just curious.. I'm here eatting my lentil pasta with vegan cheese tomatoes and other veggies .. totalling 67 grams protein, 80 grams crabs so not sure on this but chicken breast ain't given me that protein in a sevring unless I eat multiple amounts

I have madd respect for all the professional athletes that’s live a plant based lifestyle.
The funny thing to me is the media and the endorsements they do like portray them as being super ripped athletic superstars from being Vegan. Lmao, even though genetics are usually what are responsible. Not only that but they’ve prob been on strength and weight training programs since high school.

Also there diet to get that big or strong to play in the NBA or NFL was almost definitely omnivorous. My point it’s much easier to live a vegan lifestyle if your a genetic freak and have already built a foundation on a fully grown adult body. Building a BB physique from nothing using a vegan diet is incredible difficult![/QUOTE]
even though genetics are usually what are responsible.

This same effect is likely responsible for the endless parade of bullshit "training programs" that come out from these pools of self and institutionally selected genetic cream crops too.

By the time an athlete reaches the NFL, they aren't the 1%, they are the 0.000001% at least.

Everyone else even close to only being a 1% got left in their dust way before.
In one word: Cheeseburgers. :)

I'm just thinking about how much of a difference it would be to simply add eggs back into your diet! Lol, just that one food group would make meal planning so much easier.

I think a lot of guys could learn a ton from vegans. I dated a girl who was a vegan, I really should have kept her around a little longer to learn a few dishes.
I think about it all the time and free range Hens naturally lay eggs. Lol, So no harm no fowl. One of the main reasons I’m contemplating eggs is because I have a lot of dental work being performed in the next year.

I’m kinda stressed it’s a lot money and it’s going to be painful. I have to get bone graphs and then I’m getting numerous dental implants put in. So my choppers aren’t going to be in the best shape and eating will be a challenge at times.

I think this is when I’m going to add the eggs back into my diet. I’ll probably add a little something to negate muscle wasting if I’m unable to consome enough calories..
Maybe a low dose of deca to my trt.