Dirts Brew log

And honestly if that was the case I would just state "this gear I made is cloudy.. imma bang it and see how it goes"
It happens to me all the time brother but unlike you I don’t analyze why at all hahaha. It always end up in my ass with no pip and potency is on point, so I don’t put any thoughts about it at all.

I probably worried on the first few times but after a while I just thought it’s probably condensation on mixed and had to heat it up a little bit more then it clears after filtering.
Test NO Ester

BA 1.5
BB 20
EO/MCT 50/50
The highest amount of solvents... holding in the freezer for a few hours
MCT/EO 70/30
Holding well in freezer for few hours
G- 8%
MCT/EO 75/25
Never made it to freezer started snowflaking shortly after filter.
MCT/EO 60/40
Holding so far we shall see.
I will say there were a couple other disastrous batches i will spare you guys the details. As i have searched for receipts for TNE their just aint much post here or other places. I know most of the homebrewers here are strickly against guaiacol and EO. every source i have got TNE from obviously uses it. Batch 4 will be what i try if it holds till before i go to the gym later. Obviously batch 1 will got to the trash bin.
Wanted to kinda update on the tne recipes.
1&3 got threw out.
2 holding haven't used any
4 1 out of the 3 vials crashed and I've used about half a vial.. good stuff no pip
It happens to me all the time brother but unlike you I don’t analyze why at all hahaha. It always end up in my ass with no pip and potency is on point, so I don’t put any thoughts about it at all.

I probably worried on the first few times but after a while I just thought it’s probably condensation on mixed and had to heat it up a little bit more then it clears after filtering.
The tren e I made was definitely cloudy but it cleared up. At first I was afraid it was dissolved membrain from the filter, but when it cleared up I was like you... oh well. So far everything I e made has been pretty smooth. I can put a ml of each for a total of 3ml shots.. no pip. I only made small 100ml batches. Now that I have it down a little I'm going to start making 250ml batches of each compound and send in samples for concentration, sterility, and microb testing on each batch.i didn't know jano offered those test but I read a post by @UncleBuns where he mentioned it. I curious to know.
The tren e I made was definitely cloudy but it cleared up. At first I was afraid it was dissolved membrain from the filter, but when it cleared up I was like you... oh well. So far everything I e made has been pretty smooth. I can put a ml of each for a total of 3ml shots.. no pip. I only made small 100ml batches. Now that I have it down a little I'm going to start making 250ml batches of each compound and send in samples for concentration, sterility, and microb testing on each batch.i didn't know jano offered those test but I read a post by @UncleBuns where he mentioned it. I curious to know.
keep up the good work brother , i bet your building one hell of a good stash .....
Just want to chime in since I'm having the same infuriating experience trying to find PTFE in stock... fortunately nylon works for most of what we do, but it's still difficult to find good deals on. FYI according to the chart, the only thing we should be buying is PTFE:

I see PVDF mentioned everywhere, and even PES which is recommended specifically by Chase Irons is literally INCOMPATIBLE with benzyl benzoate, which rules it out for all of us.
Just want to chime in since I'm having the same infuriating experience trying to find PTFE in stock... fortunately nylon works for most of what we do, but it's still difficult to find good deals on. FYI according to the chart, the only thing we should be buying is PTFE:

I see PVDF mentioned everywhere, and even PES which is recommended specifically by Chase Irons is literally INCOMPATIBLE with benzyl benzoate, which rules it out for all of us.
KS-TEK.COM has sterile nylon bottletop filters..
You. An get PTFE syringe filters on Amazon.. PVDF will do if your solution does not have a high amount of solvent but I will not be buying anymore myself.
I bet you could sterilize just like you do baby bottles...
I'm sure there is a way to sterilize filters but I don't know how. The filtering/sterilization part of the process is the most important to me so I invested in a couple of cases of the sterilized bottletop nylon filters and a couple hundred syringe filters..
Well figure I'll try my hand at making some deca. Today.. gonna try it like this
Deca 400mg/ml
Then probly gonna make another small batch of
TNE. I do beleive I have came up with a recipe that works well without crashing. But even if it eventually does I'll just heat it up before use..
Made the deca 400mg/ml and some more tne 100mg/ml and vialed up some masteron 350 I had in a media bottle. The deca has a yellow tent but imma rill with it.. deca raws and test c raws kinda have the same distinct smell to me.. here is my stash I have made up so far..please feel free to fire me up on my lame labels.
Looks great bro! From the start of the process until the end, how long are these batches usually taking you?
Well figure I'll try my hand at making some deca. Today.. gonna try it like this
Deca 400mg/ml
Then probly gonna make another small batch of
TNE. I do beleive I have came up with a recipe that works well without crashing. But even if it eventually does I'll just heat it up before use..
looking good @dirthand !
Looks great bro! From the start of the process until the end, how long are these batches usually taking you?
Honestly I do not keep up with the time at all..but I bet if I needed to I could start to finish a batch ( prep-work, brew, filter, label, clean up) in less than 2 hours if I had to maybe.. I'm in a hurry all week long no sense in rushing on the weekend!!