Dirts Brew log

The cream I make is with QSC’s test base (no ester), so it peaks within a few hours from what I’ve read. I’ve been making it for a few family members and it’s worked well for them, so I decided to try it myself about a month ago and I’m impressed with it. You could use it as a boost here and there or use it for trt. I’ll post my recipe and info in a couple days when I have more time along with some videos by Dr keith Nichols from tier 1 one health that are relevant in case you ever want to give this a try.

Here’s the formula I use from PhloJel for making Testosterone Cream 20% strength. It’s really super simple, and I’ve been using QSC’s test base for this. Please note that this cream is much stronger and way more bioavailable than various transdermals such as Androgel, and some of the other creams and gels available from various pharmacies.

Equipment Needed:
Slab & Spatula, (optional two 100mlL syringes with syringe adapter)

Procedure to make 50g
This will fill up two Topi-Click 35 dispensers that dispense 0.25mL per click using PhloJel Ultra as the base penetrant which can be found at this link https://phlojelultra.us

Triturate and levigate 10g testosterone base with 13mL (11g) Olive Oil until non-gritty. Make sure to do this step well so that it’s truly non gritty. Watch the videos linked below for these principles being demonstrated.

Incorporate 40g PhloJel Ultra in divided portions until complete. The olive oil is considered a pharmaceutical necessity and is not included in the total weight. You can optionally incorporate up to, but no more than 1mL of DSMO, but I prefer to use it separately (if it at all) with a small spray mist bottle if I want faster absorption. I generally don’t use any DMSO, but it is an option.

The final product should be soft, yet firm and non-gritty.


I’d recommend a starting dose of 1mL per day either in divided doses or a single dose in the morning for TRT based on using the PhloJel Ultra as the base penetrant, and adjust your dose up or down from there. Scrotal application will give you higher levels. You’ll need to shave often to get the best results and it’s really super simple and quick to do with a five bladed Gillette swivel head razor as Doctor Keith Nichols talks about in one of his videos below, along with transference risks, etc. I believe T levels peak in just a few hours with this cream and it only takes something like three days to achieve a steady state, so it’s much quicker than with injections such a test cypionate. You could also use this cream as a booster along with injections.

Here’s a few videos demonstrating the principles of geometric delusion and levigation for compounding will come in handy if you decide to make this.

View: https://youtu.be/we8gV8DQWMc?si=Hp90WkycAr6DxZ2J

View: https://youtu.be/hualGfSQPqg?si=4biJr6qjucJhwb0P

View: https://youtu.be/2oihtO3xsSE?si=e-b5iM5J9oohEB3I

I used the PhloJel Ultra base to make my cream because its been proven to work great, but I’ve read where some people have used a much less expensive base such as Vanicream, which can be found on Amazon at the link below.

Other popular bases for hormone creams that are known to work are HRT base, Pentrovan, Atrevis Hydrogel and a few others, but PhloJel Ultra was easy for me to obtain and its been proven to work, and that’s why I went with it.

Here’s some videos from Dr Keith Nichols of Tier One Health in regards to the testosterone cream he’s been prescribing for his patients for a number of years with very good success. I believe his cream is compounded with HRT base, but I wasn’t able to obtain it and that’s why I didn’t use it.

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If you’re interested in making your own base with good bioavailability, then I’d recommend reading about the use of Ethosomes in transdermal delivery systems to start with.
Here’s the formula I use from PhloJel for making Testosterone Cream 20% strength. It’s really super simple, and I’ve been using QSC’s test base for this. Please note that this cream is much stronger and way more bioavailable than various transdermals such as Androgel, and some of the other creams and gels available from various pharmacies.

Equipment Needed:
Slab & Spatula, (optional two 100mlL syringes with syringe adapter)

Procedure to make 50g
This will fill up two Topi-Click 35 dispensers that dispense 0.25mL per click using PhloJel Ultra as the base penetrant which can be found at this link https://phlojelultra.us

Triturate and levigate 10g testosterone base with 13mL (11g) Olive Oil until non-gritty. Make sure to do this step well so that it’s truly non gritty. Watch the videos linked below for these principles being demonstrated.

Incorporate 40g PhloJel Ultra in divided portions until complete. The olive oil is considered a pharmaceutical necessity and is not included in the total weight. You can optionally incorporate up to, but no more than 1mL of DSMO, but I prefer to use it separately (if it at all) with a small spray mist bottle if I want faster absorption. I generally don’t use any DMSO, but it is an option.

The final product should be soft, yet firm and non-gritty.


I’d recommend a starting dose of 1mL per day either in divided doses or a single dose in the morning for TRT based on using the PhloJel Ultra as the base penetrant, and adjust your dose up or down from there. Scrotal application will give you higher levels. You’ll need to shave often to get the best results and it’s really super simple and quick to do with a five bladed Gillette swivel head razor as Doctor Keith Nichols talks about in one of his videos below, along with transference risks, etc. I believe T levels peak in just a few hours with this cream and it only takes something like three days to achieve a steady state, so it’s much quicker than with injections such a test cypionate. You could also use this cream as a booster along with injections.

Here’s a few videos demonstrating the principles of geometric delusion and levigation for compounding will come in handy if you decide to make this.

View: https://youtu.be/we8gV8DQWMc?si=Hp90WkycAr6DxZ2J

View: https://youtu.be/hualGfSQPqg?si=4biJr6qjucJhwb0P

View: https://youtu.be/2oihtO3xsSE?si=e-b5iM5J9oohEB3I

I used the PhloJel Ultra base to make my cream because its been proven to work great, but I’ve read where some people have used a much less expensive base such as Vanicream, which can be found on Amazon at the link below.
https://a.co/d/3z72tgU (Amazon.com)

Other popular bases for hormone creams that are known to work are HRT base, Pentrovan, Atrevis Hydrogel and a few others, but PhloJel Ultra was easy for me to obtain and its been proven to work, and that’s why I went with it.

Here’s some videos from Dr Keith Nichols of Tier One Health in regards to the testosterone cream he’s been prescribing for his patients for a number of years with very good success. I believe his cream is compounded with HRT base, but I wasn’t able to obtain it and that’s why I didn’t use it.

- YouTube

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If you’re interested in making your own base with good bioavailability, then I’d recommend reading about the use of Ethosomes in transdermal delivery systems to start with.

Imma check into it.. it's actually seems a little more complex than I initially thought
Finally getting samples sent out today... concentration, harmful substances, and sterility. I really dont care about heavy metals and endotoxins. . However I send enough sample in one to order the test while it's on the way... contemplating . Spaceman spliff said it in another thread.. dont really wanna know.. .
Imma check into it.. it's actually seems a little more complex than I initially

It’s probably the way I wrote it out that makes it seem complex, but it really is simple and quick to do.

Thoroughly mix 10g test base with 13mL (11g) Olive Oil until it’s non-gritty. Then add 40g PhloJel Ultra or whatever base penetrant you’re using and mix thoroughly. You can dispense from a syringe, or a lotion container or get fancy with metered doses via Topi-Click.
It’s probably the way I wrote it out that makes it seem complex, but it really is simple and quick to do.

Thoroughly mix 10g test base with 13mL (11g) Olive Oil until it’s non-gritty. Then add 40g or whatever base penetrant you’re using and mix thoroughly. You can dispense from a syringe, or a lotion container or get fancy with metered doses via Topi-Click.
Actually pretty simple.. how long does it take to absorb and dry
Actually pretty simple.. how long does it take to absorb and dry
With the PhloJel, it feels dry to me in 10 seconds, but it can still be transferred to somebody who comes in contact with it for a few hours afterwards.

I believe is safe to take a shower ~4+ hours after application. I simply apply it after I’m dried off from my morning shower, then go about my day.

During my weekly yard work day, I apply it first thing in the morning and get to work shortly afterwards. Yardwork takes me a minimum of 5+ hours weed whacking + blowing + mowing on easy weeks (takes 8+ hours during fall) and I have zero issues even though I’m sweating like crazy at times. I have no worries about sweating this out because it’s already doing it magic shortly after it’s applied.

On workout days, I apply it in the morning when I inject my HGH, wait 2 hours, then workout for a couple hours, then do 1+ hours of LISS cardio with my weight vest through the forest. I’m sweating like a pig through part of this and have zero issues with the cream feeling like it lost its magic.

Zero performance issues with my wife no matter the time of day (even before morning application), so it’s definitely working for me.

The only thing I’m worried about is shedding my hair, but so far so good and maybe that’s because I’m on 0.25mg/day finasteride? I’ve read where other people do have hair loss issues with creams, so that’s something to be cognizant of.