Dirts Brew log

Q, this is great, because there are, often, people asking for this kind of info.
So, what you put together here is brilliant and will be useful to many.

You are so good.
Have you thought of having your own little thread, like this one?
You should. It would be amazing.
They are blessed to have you here, Q.
Hope you are well.
Maybe if we have enough money left over we can get this angel some wings too!
D, I was thinking, yesterday as the site was being updated:
What if we wake up, one day, and this whole thing has suddenly disappeared into an Internet black hole.
No more "us".
That's a bad scenario. Seriously.
We need a massive WhatsApp group.

And now you know i do not have a penchant for paranoia and apocalyptic thoughts.
Q, this is great, because there are, often, people asking for this kind of info.
So, what you put together here is brilliant and will be useful to many.

You are so good.
Have you thought of having your own little thread, like this one?
You should. It would be amazing.
They are blessed to have you here, Q.
Hope you are well.
Good morning Iris and happy Friday!

I hope it helps somebody out there. I recently tried making this with a different base that’s way less expensive and the results are way less impressive. So far, PhloJel Ulta is the ticket for me, but I’m going to be trying another less expensive base in a week or so. I wish I could get my hands on some Pentravan gel, Atrevis hydrogel, and HRT base so I could compare them to the PhloJel Ultra. Ideally later on, I’d like to come up with a low cost simple formula that’s easy to make for lipid-based nano-sized Ethosomes for enhanced transdermal drug delivery.

I hope you’re having a wonderful Friday and this forum is blessed to have you here. Thanks for always bringing sunshine to Meso!
Good morning Iris and happy Friday!

I hope it helps somebody out there.

a million % it will
I recently tried making this with a different base that’s way less expensive and the results are way less impressive. So far, PhloJel Ulta is the ticket for me, but I’m going to be trying another less expensive base in a week or so. I wish I could get my hands on some Pentravan gel, Atrevis hydrogel, and HRT base so I could compare them to the PhloJel Ultra. Ideally later on, I’d like to come up with a low cost simple formula that’s easy to make for lipid-based nano-sized Ethosomes for enhanced transdermal drug delivery.

Yeeeeeees. Awesome, as usual.

Still you haven't told us if you are going to start your fab thread.
If it were up to me, I would give you a dedicated TV channel.
Let's see what admin/owners think about my fabulous idea.

We will bug you until you do start your own thing :)

Love you babe
@janoshik if it's not to much trouble to ask inquire your thoughts on this.. I recently send a sample of my homebrew to you for the harmful substance test..the teat came back not showing anything.. which is cool.. my question is what are some commonly found harmful substances you find in AAS? How common is it that you find something in the samples you test? I know you are busy and I hope my questions are not over reaching .. I am just trying to inform and educate myself and the community on this subject..
@janoshik if it's not to much trouble to ask inquire your thoughts on this.. I recently send a sample of my homebrew to you for the harmful substance test..the teat came back not showing anything.. which is cool.. my question is what are some commonly found harmful substances you find in AAS? How common is it that you find something in the samples you test? I know you are busy and I hope my questions are not over reaching .. I am just trying to inform and educate myself and the community on this subject..

Just cross referencing his response. See here and down for folks that are interested.

Additional testing aligned with USP standards, see here:

The current challenge is that many of these assays aren't available for testing UGL products because there hasn't been the demand. Yes it's great we have gotten widespread HPLC testing. The testing will continue to evolve as people see the need (or maybe it won't if people don't).

Thanks D!
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