Dirts Brew log

How much do you start with adding to bring it down? Lets say in a 30ml?
Idk immediately a 600ml batch of lcarn and had to add bakingsoda.. I had the opposite problem.

Gonna make some dope today. Thinking of trying a 600 blend of test d&c.. miglyol 840. I also need to make some test e, tne, and possibly some more test c.. I am awaiting some results on the testd sample before I make the next big batch of that...fuck yall
I made a testosterone 600mg/ml yesterday and pinned this morning.. I am excited about this one. I call it the blast blend
Cypionate 300/ Deconate 300

I pinned it in the upper quad so for me if it's gonna give pip it will happen but I have a feeling it's gonna work great. Vial in the freezer for 18 hrs got thick as fuck but no crash.
No supersolvent
Miglyol 840
Fuck yeah17428214092187509712508097744599.webp
I made a testosterone 600mg/ml yesterday and pinned this morning.. I am excited about this one. I call it the blast blend
Cypionate 300/ Deconate 300

I pinned it in the upper quad so for me if it's gonna give pip it will happen but I have a feeling it's gonna work great. Vial in the freezer for 18 hrs got thick as fuck but no crash.
No supersolvent
Miglyol 840
Fuck yeahView attachment 322547

Test D 500 the One and only

Supplies on the way. I’m joining the Test D 500 gang!

Curious, seen a lot of Test D at 400-500mg from UGL's out there but afraid of the pip. I pin daily and love having really low injection volume. Is Test D good for daily pins and in terms of PIP is risk high?

Would love to hear your experiences!
Curious, seen a lot of Test D at 400-500mg from UGL's out there but afraid of the pip. I pin daily and love having really low injection volume. Is Test D good for daily pins and in terms of PIP is risk high?

Would love to hear your experiences!
I do daily pins with test d 500 and I never get pip.
It oxidizes at a high PH. I drop the ph using Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) before adding glutathione.
Hey brother, how much do you add of ascorbic acid? Im assuming not much as it will change the mgs of the ending product? Thanks. Because my lcarn is a ph of around 9 and it doesnt sting at all. I made a batch of l carn mixed with acetyl carn and the ph was 6.5 and that shit was like fire.