Disappointing result 24 test e


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AnabolicLab.com Supporter
Was on cruising on 24's test e for the last 4 weeks. Test was purchased back in the nov/dec time frame. 200mg once every 10 days. Got bloods done 4th day after last pin. Was taking arimidex 1mg every other day. Test levels came back a disappointing 399 and estrogen was next to nothing. Explains why I've been feeling a little off lately. Got my first prescibed testosterone this week from endocrinologist. Sun Pharmacuticals test cyp. Hopefully be feeling better soon. Also dropped arimidex for now.image.png
Care to throw up a batch # so other guys can beware? Someone else just posted recent bloods and they looked good.
Because test e was crashed and had to be heated up multiple times the label was removed and thrown out but it was either one of these two batches.image.jpeg
I have used 24's gear with positive results in past cycles and know others personally who have also that's why these bloods weren't what I was expecting.
That jus goes to show that hes not testing his raws. I dont get why all these ugls dont take the time to send off thier shit an have it tested so they can brew up gear that is spot on with what the lable claims. They are making all this money off us but yet wont spend a grand on testing. Its jus beyond me smfdh. @24kpharma what do you think an why dont you jus simply test each batch before brewing????

Sorry to hear about your unfortunate luck @Sabian :( That really sucks bro an I hope he uas already made it up to you or is going to real soon!!!!
That's sucks man. Sorry for you. Why only inject every 10 days? Still shouldn't matter cause bloods were taken 4 days after you pinned. 24k bloods have been all over the place for a few months. It's obvious he over doses but by doing so he has gotten real sloppy. Once he started shutting his doors a while back and talking about how it was to much to take on and how he never expected to get so big members should of held up from purchasing. Anyway sorry it happened to you. Sun Pharma should have you feeling great in no time.
That's sucks man. Sorry for you. Why only inject every 10 days? Still shouldn't matter cause bloods were taken 4 days after you pinned. 24k bloods have been all over the place for a few months. It's obvious he over doses but by doing so he has gotten real sloppy. Once he started shutting his doors a while back and talking about how it was to much to take on and how he never expected to get so big members should of held up from purchasing. Anyway sorry it happened to you. Sun Pharma should have you feeling great in no time.
The 200 mg every 10 days was what was requested by my new endocrinologist. He wanted me to do this for 30 days and then see him to be tested. Now he will be prescribing test cyp from now on. He didn't prescibed right away when I first saw him a couple months ago because I asked him if I could finish my cycle I was on . He was cool about that and just wanted me to follow the protocol I stated above before seeing him again. I will be splitting injections going forward.
200 mg every 10 days with bloods taken 4 days after injection makes it almost impossible to predict what your levels should be. you could have been in a valley. or not built back up. i've never used 24, but it's impossible to predict results with that protocol. who ever you use for your source, lose the 2 weeks between shots protocol
200 mg every 10 days with bloods taken 4 days after injection makes it almost impossible to predict what your levels should be. you could have been in a valley. or not built back up. i've never used 24, but it's impossible to predict results with that protocol. who ever you use for your source, lose the 2 weeks between shots protocol
200mg every 10 days is a common trt protacol and usually yields much higher test level. More in the 800 range
actually, it's not. and every test I've seen in the last 10 years has shown it doesn't work
Another member Penche posted bloods recently. He had blood drawn 7 days after last pin on a 200 mg a week protocol and test levels where 957. He was on Sun Pharmacuticals .
just to let you know, I'm not trying to give you a hard time, and I really appreciate you getting and posting bloodwork. it's always great when someone takes the time to do that. it really helps everyone out alot. my primary reason for getting into this game was for trt, and I did mountains of research. The every two week protocol created so many problems for people. the test levels would go through peaks and valleys, and the estrogen control will swing wildly between too much and too little
just to let you know, I'm not trying to give you a hard time, and I really appreciate you getting and posting bloodwork. it's always great when someone takes the time to do that. it really helps everyone out alot. my primary reason for getting into this game was for trt, and I did mountains of research. The every two week protocol created so many problems for people. the test levels would go through peaks and valleys, and the estrogen control will swing wildly between too much and too little
I was on every 10 days injections. . And will be splitting 200mg dose every five days while cruising moving forward. I may do 200 mg with twice a week injections depending how I feel on new prescription. Hopefully doc will increase if that is what's needed.
Yea it's easy to get a prescription. I went that route at first. It didn't last long. Mainly because my insurance sucks and I don't like being held to a schedule by a dr. Making sure he don't catch you on cycle and the extra office visits etc etc. You'd be suprised I think. I've had bloods that mirror my prescribed test. It can be done. Another thing I learned is always follow the same protocol exactly and after a year or two you'll have a concrete track record of results that are irrefutable. If nothing else for your own knowledge
all you have to do is look at the test level curves
I understand the curves I just felt 399 after 4 days was quite low based on other bloods I've seen over the years. Not trying to argue either . I'm no expert and welcome any advice and critique others put out there.;)