Dizziness when bending over and working out?

Noticed this the last few months even before my cycle. Currently on 300 test with 25 mg var. I have HX of high RBC but a few months ago my rbc was solid. Bp has been around 120/68. It happens when I bend over for a period of time or when lifting heavy. Never had it happen before. Any ideas what it could be? I stay pretty hydrated as well
Noticed this the last few months even before my cycle. Currently on 300 test with 25 mg var. I have HX of high RBC but a few months ago my rbc was solid. Bp has been around 120/68. It happens when I bend over for a period of time or when lifting heavy. Never had it happen before. Any ideas what it could be? I stay pretty hydrated as well

Are you taking a BP med to get to those numbers?

There's an excellent chance that's it, especially if it's new, but even if not.

The mechanisms that some BP meds use to lower pressure can inhibit the ability of the body to quickly compensate for things like bending over. It's usually an easy fix with a change of med. There are a lot of BP meds out there, precisely so they can be tweaked to match the specific needs of patients,

What are you taking? How long?
There's an excellent chance that's it, especially if it's new, but even if not.

The mechanisms that some BP meds use to lower pressure can inhibit the ability of the body to quickly compensate for things like bending over. It's usually an easy fix with a change of med. There are a lot of BP meds out there, precisely so they can be tweaked to match the specific needs of patients,

What are you taking? How long?
Lisinopril 30 mgs. Was taking 20 but got bumped up to 30 earlier this year. Along with hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mgs
@glutesforthesloots I believe that it is likely the bump in your BP meds as well.

In my experience recent bumps in meds can cause this especially when standing too quickly or when lifting heavy. You almost feel like you could pass out but then you come back to normal.

This effect I have noticed as well anytime my BP is lower than it has normally been like example with fast weight loss.
yeah something ive noticed is when my gear is lower and im on the same bp med dose it drops my bp pretty low. so it just depends on how much gear your on and how much is jacking up your bp. I should probabaly adjust accordingly but I just stick to the same dose for my bp med.
How old are you? Blood valves get worn with age. Takes a little long for blood to flow at times. Just move slower and see what happens.
Noticed this the last few months even before my cycle. Currently on 300 test with 25 mg var. I have HX of high RBC but a few months ago my rbc was solid. Bp has been around 120/68. It happens when I bend over for a period of time or when lifting heavy. Never had it happen before. Any ideas what it could be? I stay pretty hydrated as well
Watch your BP and your heart rate. I get that way sometimes and it’s usually my BP that causes it.
Orthostatic hypotension is very common in men that workout , and much more if you use some kind of nitric oxide enhancer like beets or tadalafil .
How much sodium are you taking in? This happens to me when I do not get enough sodium, and also BP goes up when you are low too.
How much sodium are you taking in? This happens to me when I do not get enough sodium, and also BP goes up when you are low too.
No. I have hyponatremia at times, and when it happens, I know because I become dizzy, etc. due to having low sodium levels, which LOWERS my BP. From www.heart.com..............
"Reducing sodium intake by any amount can lower blood pressure over the long term – and may benefit everyone, including people with normal blood pressure, new research shows.

While the link between consuming less-salty foods and lower blood pressure is well established, researchers wanted to understand the exact nature of the link over a range of daily sodium amounts, not simply the results of eating a high-salt versus low-salt diet.

After analyzing 85 studies that followed participants for up to three years, they found any reduction in sodium decreases both systolic blood pressure (the top number in a reading) and diastolic pressure (the bottom number). This trend was seen across a spectrum of daily sodium levels, with no evidence there was a bottom threshold in benefit."
Noticed this the last few months even before my cycle. Currently on 300 test with 25 mg var. I have HX of high RBC but a few months ago my rbc was solid. Bp has been around 120/68. It happens when I bend over for a period of time or when lifting heavy. Never had it happen before. Any ideas what it could be? I stay pretty hydrated as well
Main question are u seeing stars or floaters when rising up? If so bp for sure.