DNP Cycle Variation


New Member
Hey Bros,
I am new to this board but have plenty of experience with various gear including DNP. I have done the typical ramping 7-10 day fat fuck infero cycle 4 times in the past for competition prep but was wondering if anyone had completed a effective 3-4wk low dosage cycle and what results you obtained.

I am looking to see if its really necessary to cook yourself to generate quality fat loss.

What do you guys think?
from what I've read and from my own experience, the metabolism bump from DNP is very closely related to the dosage. I've always gone on the assumption that each 100mg means about a 10% bump in your body's calorie consumption.

I've only done 200mg and 400mg of Heretic's stuff. 600 would make me totally miserable. I know that i lose a lot more on 400...twice as much, maybe more. But I do drop on 200mg, and I feel good enough that I could work out, do cardio, etc. I really can't do much at all on 400mg.
In a few days I will be starting a three-week, 200 mg ed cycle. I've spoken to a few people who have done this. The concensus seems to be that you get the same benefits as a higher-dose, eleven-day cycle with far fewer sides. One guy I spoke to said he lost 12 pounds over 21 days with this approach, and the only sides he experienced were occasional hot flashes. Another guy I know complained of lack of energy and night sweats, but nothing else.
I have been looking hard into this. I have read where 200 mg for two weeks is like 400mg for one... and 400mg in one week is like 800 for 3-4 days..... so if this is the case. 2 weeks at 200mg is a good idea. that way you can still fnctuon ie do cardio, do a light workout. Be able to sleep have energy throughout the day to function..... Good Luck and let post up on how it goes. And when are you going to start this?

Also for a lack of energy some people use some ephedra for a boost....
Mr. Sparkle said:
And when are you going to start this? Also for a lack of energy some people use some ephedra for a boost....

Gonna start this Saturday. I can't use ephedra, the stuff makes me jumpy and worsens a pre-existing anxiety problem. Wish there was some alternative that I could use.
Also does DNP inrease blood pressure??? Im thinking now as its not a stimulant, but want to be sure.

Also greyowl- is there anyway you can do a journal on this??? Id owe you big time...
Mr. Sparkle said:
Also does DNP inrease blood pressure??? Im thinking now as its not a stimulant, but want to be sure.

Also greyowl- is there anyway you can do a journal on this??? Id owe you big time...

OK I'll do a journal. Mind you, I'm sure that yet another DNP diary will bore the shit out of everyone.
greyowl said:
OK I'll do a journal. Mind you, I'm sure that yet another DNP diary will bore the shit out of everyone.

i think this will be a very useful journal. There have been a lot of questions in the last week about the longer run at lowered doses.

im thinking of trying this also, maybe a day or 2 after you, and i can contribute to the journal.

200mg is way more comfortable for most people. Some don't notice much, but generally you may have a bit less energy, you may have hot flashes, and for myself I always wake up a bit sweaty in the morning. But it does allow you to function normally still. When you do 600mg or more you basically have to give up and trying to do anything else, like work, go out in public, etc.
Lately the consensus has been that you should use T-3 on longer DNP cycles as it makes the DNP more effective. I'm not 100% on that, but it seems like it couldn't hurt if you happen to have some lying around. You will still lose weight though even without it.
DNP has no effect on blood pressure, it does not work like ephedrine, clen, etc. by using stimulant actions to increase metabolism. That's one reason it was actually viewed as a safer treatment for obese patients and those with cardiovascular problems.
Heretic said:
200mg is way more comfortable for most people. Some don't notice much, but generally you may have a bit less energy, you may have hot flashes, and for myself I always wake up a bit sweaty in the morning. But it does allow you to function normally still. When you do 600mg or more you basically have to give up and trying to do anything else, like work, go out in public, etc.
Lately the consensus has been that you should use T-3 on longer DNP cycles as it makes the DNP more effective. I'm not 100% on that, but it seems like it couldn't hurt if you happen to have some lying around. You will still lose weight though even without it.
DNP has no effect on blood pressure, it does not work like ephedrine, clen, etc. by using stimulant actions to increase metabolism. That's one reason it was actually viewed as a safer treatment for obese patients and those with cardiovascular problems.

DNP stops the conversion of t4 to t3, and about 80% of all t3 comes from that conversion. But I have heard mixed opinions on how much T3 should be used. Most say 25mcg to 50mcg should suffice.... T3 is needed for longer durations of DNP, pretty much anything over 2 weeks is a good idea

Its good to see others have been interested in not feeling like crap all week and then trying to regain strength & stamina afterwards. The plan is to try this very soon. Just ordered DNP from Mr. H today. I would like to start on Monday or Tuesday if it gets here. I have dropped amazing amounts of fat with Dnp in the past but lost strength and training time from the week of sickness and the week of recovery. I just thought this would better used as an aid in weight loss rather the only factor. I believe combined with a decent diet, cardio, winny and Eq you could see consistant improvement after shedding the water from a 2-3wk run. Guess we will see.
Pup'nIrn said:
Its good to see others have been interested in not feeling like crap all week and then trying to regain strength & stamina afterwards. The plan is to try this very soon. Just ordered DNP from Mr. H today. I would like to start on Monday or Tuesday if it gets here. I have dropped amazing amounts of fat with Dnp in the past but lost strength and training time from the week of sickness and the week of recovery. I just thought this would better used as an aid in weight loss rather the only factor. I believe combined with a decent diet, cardio, winny and Eq you could see consistant improvement after shedding the water from a 2-3wk run. Guess we will see.

are you going to stack winny and eq with the 200mg dnp?

I've heard that normal T-3 output is 50-75mcg per day, so you should supplement with at least that much. I think Animal argued that DNP is so powerful that it works with or without T-3 conversion slowed, which is why I said that if you had it lying around it's a good idea to use it, but if not you will still see weight loss regardless.
It's been my experience that 200mg of DNP ed is most effective when combined with diet and exercise. You basically have to hit 600mg ED or more if you want to eat like shit and not workout but still lose weight. The lbs will indeed drop off, but you will be a miserable SOB throughout the process. There was a guy from EF who did an experiment to see if he could "out-eat" DNP, meaning that he ate like total shit while using an extremely high dose of DNP to see at what point the calories in would exceed calories burned. A typical ECA stack raises your metabolism by about 3%, so just eating an extra bagel will wipe out the advantage the ECA gives your metabolism. This guy wanted to see how much food it would take to negate DNP. He never found the point. He was eating pizza, cake, ice cream, etc. and his body fat still got so low that his doctor told him to stop. Keep in mind he was using a near lethal dose and was also being monitored by his doctor during the entire experiment. This example is not what people should do but an indication of the tremendous power that DNP has on the metabolism, so even 200mg a day with proper diet and cardio will far exceed the results from anything else one may try.
Yes I am going to stack the DNP with 50mg Winny/day and 200mg EQ/wk. I have been doing an experiment with low dosage gear over long periods of time for the last year and have found excellent results with what others would say is useless amounts. A little back ground ....I am off season 265lbs 5'11" and presently at 228lbs 11.5%bf. I have done several hard stacks in my past. Some varying from 4-16wks and from safe to flat out stupid.

I am presently dieting to compete on july 24 so I do have a little time to peak. What I have found in my latest experiment is that low dosage EQ 100-200mg/wk has excellent results in muscle sparing. I have used the EQ for 6 months now and have gained slowly but steadly more quality muscle than you could see in a 2 year period and I only trained
2-3x/wk. I have noticed little if any sex drive change for those of you afraid this will effect you natural test levels dramatically....if anything its stronger after the 6 months of use.

The reason I chose this experiment is simple. I got tired of the going up 25-30lbs and then fighting to keep the 3-5lbs of true gain I made per cycle. People always noticed the gains and at my size attribute it to gear and nothing else. So I persued a slow gain approach by focusing on blocking the catabolic states we all have while training natural rather than focusing on peaking the anabolic. This method allows me to "stay natural" to all the critics and still have an advantage. I beleive others will find this safer and a better approach to gear as you get older. shot of EQ/wk is simply another protein shake supplement.

I will keep you guys updated as I thorw in the DNP. LAter

