Any Testosterone + Semaglutide Experiences. Pls share!


New Member
Hi :) I am considering doing a 10-week cycle building up to 375-500mg Test and 1mg semaglutide per week aiming for a 750-calorie deficit per day.
Interested in the experiences of others who've done such a cycle.

What was your experience?
What were your dosages? Side effects?
How much fat loss did you experience?
Advice before starting?
Test dosage looks fine to me. Run it atleast 12 weeks. Should be enough to preserve muscle in a calorie deficit.

Start the semaglutide at .25mg/week, then .5mg/week, then .75mg/week, then 1mg a week (this is assuming you've never used it before and don't have any current tolerance). If you jump straight to 1mg a week you could very easily have side effects if you're new to it. I had great results on .25mg and 0.5mg a week, lose a decent amount of fat, but don't have specific numbers to give you, wasn't tracking it that close. After a couple weeks (perhaps 2-3 weeks) the dosage starts to lose effectiveness. That's when I'd reccomend increasing the dosage by .25mg. You'll know when the dosage starts to lose effectiveness too, you won't have to guess, the hunger will come back in full force.

Having using both Sema and tirzepatide, I'd say tirz is absolutely superior in every way though. Maybe look into tirz

Didn't have negative side effects with either. But I also started low and ramped the dosage slowly
This is very helpful. And have you tried or considered Retratrutide? I read that people have even fewer symptoms than with Tirz. Just wondering.
I didn't think it necessary given that I was inquiring about the community's general experience. I read the forum before posting here and introduced myself albeit without the info you're requesting. This I miss anything why you're suggesting I read it?

I'm 36yo, 5'11 (180cm), 253lbs, bf around 30% I think?, training natural for a couple of years, was fit but let it go. Did 1 test only cycle before (so still a newbie) but considering this combo. Goals is to lose the fat while maintaining as much muscle mass as possible.

Thank you, given you the issue you were born with means that the test is necessary for you, others here suggest that it's a point combo or my a very effective one in my case.

I don't fully comprehend what you're saying here but knowing your stats, at 30% bf I'd agree with the folks here stating that test dosage is too high for this cut. How much weight have you lost on your own without the semiglutide? Are you capable of proper dieting now without it? I'd try to stick to standard trt protocol and look up how to actually dose semiglutide properly. 10 weeks is not suitable for running a glp drug
Thank you for all the replies and the reality check.
I was curious to people's general experiences with this combo. Having said that, my underlying question was indeed to come up with my plan to do such a cycle.

I believe that it is best not to start with test nor Sema for now. Focus on the habits and diet for now and reassess in 3-4 months from now.
I didn't think it necessary given that I was inquiring about the community's general experience. I read the forum before posting here and introduced myself albeit without the info you're requesting. This I miss anything why you're suggesting I read it?

I'm 36yo, 5'11 (180cm), 253lbs, bf around 30% I think?, training natural for a couple of years, was fit but let it go. Did 1 test only cycle before (so still a newbie) but considering this combo. Goals is to lose the fat while maintaining as much muscle mass as possible.

All members need to introduce themselves per the link posted. That aside, see below.

You're likely closer to 34% body fat given your measurements. Most people tend to underestimate. A DEXA scan can confirm for you. You’ll need a much lower body fat before adding in any AAS. That amount of testosterone with a higher body fat percentage will convert to estradiol very quickly. You’ll find that it will be difficult to control.

Focus on a high protein diet, cardio, and training to get your bf percentage down if you want to preserve muscle mass while losing. Get an app and log everything. I recommend Nutritionix Track. You can scan labels and enter foods quickly with it. Read these forums and search them for others experiences in weight loss.

Compounds are tools in a toolbox, with your stated goals, neither of these tools are the right choice. I wish you success on your weight loss journey.

editing to state that I didn’t see the above reply while typing this out. Good choice! Try out the app I recommended, it’s easy to use. Helps you hit your goals and know when you’re slipping on a macro.
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Nobody is butthurt, retard. I just see a bunch of new accounts giving shit advice.

You don’t need 500mg of test to maintain muscle mass in a steep deficit. Why even do a cycle when you’re cutting that hard? What is 500mg of test going to do that 200mg isn’t?

Use your critical thinking to put together context. The dude is a new account asking if anybody has ever done test + sema for 10 weeks. Clearly OP doesn’t know wtf he’s doing and that’s why he’s here asking for advice. He probably shouldn’t be using steroids, period.

This is a harm reduction board. When clowns start giving out shit advice and someone ends up really sick or dead, they’re going to blame this website and get it shut down. I can tell you’re a Reddit guy from the unironic “xD u mad bro” type of comments. Sit down and shutup, this isn’t a circle jerk. When someone has bad ideas they get told so, including myself.

Like I said bud, go enjoy your 10 week starvation cycle of 375mg test and semaglutide. I’m sure the results will be legendary.
This is why you shouldnt abuse tren and Superdrol all year long, shows the intellect
I didn't read all the posts but I recently ran 300 test, 150 primo, 2 iu gh, different doses of sema, with good results cutting. I did just drop down to just trt because I wasn't happy with my labs. But the test and sema work well if you aren't trying to gain.
You have to be careful that you’re eating enough on semaglutide. What I’ve found can happen is that the first bit of fluid loss and flab comes off easy, but thereafter you can lose muscle from lack of eating enough. You need to be conscious of making sure you are getting the required nutrients and cals to hold muscle

I’m trying semaglutide again to trim up and I’m force feeding myself. I coming back from lifting and 45 mins of cardio not even hungry.

I’ve tried this stuff before and dropped it because I ended up eating once a day.

It definitely works for weight loss but it may work too good for some. I’ve actually vomited a meal up from the discomfort it has caused me. It effects everyone different.
The funny thing abt the stuff is that you might actually be stronger the first couple of wks on it, at least that’s been my experience with it. But then it’ll creep up on you, you’ll lose that muscle mass if you aren’t careful
Knowing nothing about you I'll just say what I want to say to everyone who talks about getting on the sema: don't underestimate the effect this stuff can have on your appetite. Also keep an eye on how much water you're drinking. I'm the kind of guy who always has a drink within arm's reach but on semaglutide I was never hungry or thirsty.
I find a lot of people on meso talking about stacking these GLP-ish drugs and I worry that noobs might be getting the wrong idea thinking the drugs aren't very strong or that they need to be stacked. The starting dose of semaglutide is 0.25mg for a reason lol You might not have any side effects at all or maybe 0.25mg is enough that you aren't able to trust a fart ever again.
Just my 2 cents on this stuff.
Man, I thought that I was a rarity not wanting to drink water on that stuff, glad someone else had a similar experience and it wasn’t just in my head!
Hi :) I am considering doing a 10-week cycle building up to 375-500mg Test and 1mg semaglutide per week aiming for a 750-calorie deficit per day.
Interested in the experiences of others who've done such a cycle.

What was your experience?
What were your dosages? Side effects?
How much fat loss did you experience?
Advice before starting?

Got on TRT Nov 2022. I was prescribed to be on TRT (250MG/week) when I was 411+lbs. Jan 1, 2023 I was prescribed me Semaglutide 1mg a week.
When I got started using Semaglutide, I was dropping on average 20lbs/month.
After 6 months I dropped 120lbs. Stopped taking Semaglutide. (Changed sources from a clinic to QSC)
I was able to keep my diet mostly in check and started losing on average near 12lbs/month. I think I wasn't losing weight as quickly, because I was actually going out with friends and enjoying myself on weekends. But by the end of 2023 I dropped nearly 190lbs total that year.

Come 2024 i increased my Test to 500mg/week. I still diet really well when i'm at home. But when I go out I indulge, just no where near how I use to.
I'm very close to being sub 200lbs. Recently did a Dexascan. Shows my lean mass is 173.4lbs. I actually started taking semaglutide again, just to help push me under the 200lbs mark hopefully a little quicker.

My BF dropped a crazy amount. In the span of a year I went from 6XL to L. And I didn't get a Dexascan when I was 411+lbs. But i'm clearly stronger, have noticeable lean mass changes. But sucks now I have all this loose skin.

Oh and my main macros really is like 200g protein and I aim for 1200-1400 calories/day.