Not hot to the touch, well I don't feel it but my girl keeps commenting that I "feel" hot. I'm only feeling a burning when I lay down to bed and it's my head on the pillow. Just keep switching it over to the "cool" side of the pillow [:eek:)]
You'll see if you start getting the night sweats from the tren, LOL
Not hot to the touch, well I don't feel it but my girl keeps commenting that I "feel" hot. I'm only feeling a burning when I lay down to bed and it's my head on the pillow. Just keep switching it over to the "cool" side of the pillow [:eek:)]
You'll see if you start getting the night sweats from the tren, LOL

I get a little sweat, I definitely feel hot. It's not a constant thing like when the dnp was running but its more of a random "damn now i'm fucking hot".. Like a mild hot flash. What sucks is my heart is racing when I sleep.. I can feel it pumping at a quarter beat higher than normal..thump.thump.thump instead of the usual thump...thump...thump... I've always had excellent BP even when I was a moo'ing heifer.. I'm not worried enough to ask for a bp check yet.. I may do one at the phrama.. I'm not letting anyone know I'm on due to the Tren.. It's a great steroid for confirming Roid Rage theories :p
Day 14 - did 300mg again yesterday, 200mg after breakfast and 100mg before lunch. Taking it earlier in the day def helped with the night sweats, so does the AC ;)
Was hot as hell yesterday, went to go to the gym and I thought my sneakers were going to melt to the street!
Food was light yesterday as it was too hot to eat, even with the AC. Have to hit up Costco today or tomorrow and resupply the fridge.
Breakfast - 1 cup fiber one, 1/2 cup blueberries 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
snack - watermelon
lunch - 7 oz rotisserie chicken on a pita with garlic sauce and pickles
dinner - salad with 6 oz grilled chicken lettuce tomato craisins cucumber and fat free dressing
snack 1/2 cup of prunes.
Sleeping like a rock on 300mg, even if I'm not losing anything the sleep itself is worth it!
Seems to be going very well for you. Good job on keeping the doses down. My buddy just came off a 400mg cycle of 12 days and lost a total of 19lbs and 3%bf. He felt like walking death how ever he says. Is your DNP powder or cystaline?
19lbs in 12 days? How much was he on? I'm on powder 100mg tabs.
Day 15 - 300mg, weigh in tomorrow!
Freaking hot as hell yesterday, hit 98! 98 degrees + 300mg DNP = holy shit! Spent a good part of the day in the AC but went to restock on food and Costco was like a walking heat box, just really warm but I sorta needed to get more food, lol
Food yesterday, kept it light again:
Breakfast - 1 cup special K red berries, 1 cup 2% cottage cheese and 1/2 cup peaches in light syrup
snack - watermelon
Lunch - 6 oz london broil on a whole wheat tortilla with lettuce tomato and light mayo. Salad with lettuce tomato cucumber craisins walnuts and fat free dressing
Dinner - 8 oz rotisserie chicken, roasted broccoli and a salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber craisins walnuts and fat free dressing.
Been drinking about 9 liters of water a day but still peeing yellowish which is weird.
Day 16 - weighed in, lost 5lbs this week, making it 9lbs in 16 days which I am happy about.

Still at 300mg, will try and up it today or tomorrow since I am not bartending this weekend.

Someone remind me if my gym partner says "hey lets do flat bench today instead of dumbells" to just say NO! my shoulder is killing me!
Anyway, enough complaining, food yesterday was light, the heat sorta doesn't make you that hungry
Breakfast - 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
snack - protein diet peanut butter bar
lunch - salad w/60z rotisserie chicken, lettuce tomato walnuts 2 oz cheese beets and fat free dressing
dinner - 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup fiber one, 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
snack - 1 cup prunes.
Day 17 - 300mg
Night sweats when I first lay down are a little annoying. Have the AC on when I sleep and my hands and feet are cold but my head still sweats, sorta creepy, lol Going to bump to 400 mg on Monday, have to be in a meeting Monday AM and will take the second half after the meeting.
Food yesterday (I was hungry!)
breakfast 1 cup special k red berry, 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup cottage cheese
snack - dannon light and fit peach with handful of blueberries
lunch - 2 lean turkey burgers on a whole what bun, lettuce and pickles, 1 ball park turkey frank on a whole wheat bun with relish and mustard
snack - nectarine
dinner - Subway footlong ham/turkey on whole wheat with lettuce tomato pickles olives onion jalepenos bananna peppers and sweet peppers, mustard. 1 serving of pretzel chips.
You're losing almost 1.8lbs a day bro.. :p

Bump the dose when you feel like it, but it will continue to work like this for a few more days..

Heh.. careful with the diet, you're doing well. If you splurge try not to make a day of it, but rather post dosing meals.. ;)

You can notice the difference almost daily in the mirror now eh?
I notice the difference mainly when I put on any non-gym pants. I had to go to a smaller belt and when I forgot my belt yesterday I was pulling my shorts up while I was walking. I did have a constant sweat yesterday and was in the car for 6 hours so my meals sort of sucked. I forgot to eat breakfast I was in such a rush and then wanted to try and get home before Friday rush hour traffic in NY so I skipped lunch as well (got stuck in traffic anyways!!)
So only got in 200mg yesterday, forgot to take my second dose but with the sweat I had yesterday I'm sorta happy I didn't take it.
Food yesterday
Breakfast - XL coffee and a buttered roll from 7-11 :mad:
snack - 2 oz almonds
Lunch - protein diet peanut butter protein bar and a Gatorade 2
Dinner - Rib eye steak (about 12 - 14oz) grilled broccoli, a few fork fulls of mashed sweet potatos, 1 beer and 1/2 glass of wine.
Going to double up on the water today as I am still peeing yellow even with all I am taking in.
I took 200mg yesterday again, I know I am going backwards but at 300 mg and all the running around I have been doing trying to get some stuff done I was getting worn out. I didn't take any at all today, just felt very lethargic yesterday and crappy when I woke up today. Feeling MUCH better as of now so I will start back again tomorrow. Didn't sweat that bad today so I'm happy I kept some of my fluids in me. I will start back tomorrow on 300mg, this week is supposed to be nice and cool so should be good.
Seems to be going very well for you. Good job on keeping the doses down. My buddy just came off a 400mg cycle of 12 days and lost a total of 19lbs and 3%bf. He felt like walking death how ever he says. Is your DNP powder or cystaline?

are you serious? that is insane:confused:
Ok, back on the 300mg horse, I think the day off really refreshed me, feeling a ton better, more energy, better sleep, decent workout and cardio.
Food yesterday
Breakfast: 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup special k red berries 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
snack - pineapple slices
lunch - 8 oz lean BBQ pork, salad with lettuce tomato craisins walnuts and some goat cheese and fat free dressing.
snack- more pineapple
dinner - 10 oz lean BBQ pork, salad with lettuce tomato craisins walnuts and fat free dressing.
Lots of water and feeling good! Weighing in on Thursday again.
Seems to be going very well for you. Good job on keeping the doses down. My buddy just came off a 400mg cycle of 12 days and lost a total of 19lbs and 3%bf. He felt like walking death how ever he says. Is your DNP powder or cystaline?
If he felt like walking death, it sounds like he was taking way too much. That's how not to run DNP.

Doesn't matter if it's powder of crystalline. Once you account for the fact that cyrstal is 75% DNP by weight, the two forms are therapeutically indistinguishable. Differences are due to changes in the dose of actual DNP, not the form of DNP.
Workout on Monday was good so yesterday I popped the dose to 400mg. My workout yesterday stunk but I don't think it was due to the DNP, did some extra shoulders on Monday which left me sore yesterday. It i supposed to be relatively cool the rest of the week, in the 70's so I'm going to try my luck at the 400mg the rest of the week and see how it goes.
Food Yesterday:
Breakfast - 1 cup fiber one, 1 cup blueberries 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
snack - watermelon slices and a tangerine
lunch - 7 oz rotisserie chicken breast on a whole wheat tortilla, 2 tbs lite mayo, 1 serving of pretzel chips
snack - pineapple slices
dinner - Subway ham/turkey footlong on honey oat with lettuce tomato pickles olives onions hot peppers banana peppers and mustard.
Subway is one of my favorites but I sometimes thing the footlong is too much (in a non-gay way of course)

Ok, I'm baffled! I GAINED 0.6lbs since last week. I have been going harder at the gym, got a 10 mile bike ride in yesterday and my diet has been pretty clean except for Saturday night and that wasn't even that bad! Went to TGI Fridays and split an order of green bean fries and then for dinner had a pork chop with veggies and some mashed potatos 3 beers and tons of water.

I'm sticking with the diet and DNP just baffled as I said! 400mg yesterday, wasn't that bad until laying down to bed but cooled off pretty quickly, just getting up to pee is annoying!
Food yesterday
Breakfast - 8oz egg whites, 2 oz lf cheese 1/2 cup of dry oats
snack - apple and tangerine
lunch - 8 oz grilled chicken on a salad with lettuce tomato crainis walnuts black olives beets and fat free dressing
snack - pineapple and watermelon slices
dinner - 2 burritoes made with turkey chop meat, low fat refried beans, low fat sour cream, 2% chedder and whole wheat tortillas, lots of hot sauce.
Subway is one of my favorites but I sometimes thing the footlong is too much (in a non-gay way of course)

Ok, I'm baffled! I GAINED 0.6lbs since last week. I have been going harder at the gym, got a 10 mile bike ride in yesterday and my diet has been pretty clean except for Saturday night and that wasn't even that bad! Went to TGI Fridays and split an order of green bean fries and then for dinner had a pork chop with veggies and some mashed potatos 3 beers and tons of water.

I'm sticking with the diet and DNP just baffled as I said! 400mg yesterday, wasn't that bad until laying down to bed but cooled off pretty quickly, just getting up to pee is annoying!
Food yesterday
Breakfast - 8oz egg whites, 2 oz lf cheese 1/2 cup of dry oats
snack - apple and tangerine
lunch - 8 oz grilled chicken on a salad with lettuce tomato crainis walnuts black olives beets and fat free dressing
snack - pineapple and watermelon slices
dinner - 2 burritoes made with turkey chop meat, low fat refried beans, low fat sour cream, 2% chedder and whole wheat tortillas, lots of hot sauce.

Water retention.. watch your intake of h2o, watch your sodium and nitrates.. I wouldn't worry.. I shed 10lbs 3-5 days after I stopped taking the DNP and my weight went up slighting too about week 2-3..
Subway is one of my favorites but I sometimes thing the footlong is too much (in a non-gay way of course)
Same here. That's why I go with a 6" with double meat. Or, I'll get a footlong with double meat, and make it two meals.
Ok, I'm baffled! I GAINED 0.6lbs since last week. I have been going harder at the gym, got a 10 mile bike ride in yesterday and my diet has been pretty clean except for Saturday night and that wasn't even that bad! Went to TGI Fridays and split an order of green bean fries and then for dinner had a pork chop with veggies and some mashed potatos 3 beers and tons of water.
Don't worry about it. As LifeSize said, it's water retention. It can appear randomly at any point in your cycle. For example, in 1937 Simkins studied the effects of DNP on 159 subjects who were kept on DNP for many months to over a year. He obviously had a good understanding of it. Here's a quote from his research where he talks about water retention:
Apparently dinitrophenol has a tendency to promote storage of water in the body. For example, a patient on a daily average dosage of 454 grains (300mg.), with a basal metabolic rate of +46 per cent, lost an average of 2 pounds (0.9 Kg.) a week for eight weeks. Then she suddenly stopped losing weight. The dosage was increased to 6 grains (400mg) daily for four weeks, with no resultant weight loss. A basal metabolic rate determination at this time was +62 per cent. Presumably, the effect of the heightened metabolism was masked by the accumulation of water in the tissues. In such cases, merely discontinuing the drug temporarily often results in a rapid loss of weight. The drug can then be resumed with its former effectiveness.
So even though the dose was increased, her metabolism sped up, and she was losing more fat, the fat loss was masked by water gain, such that there was no loss of overall weight. Once you go off the DNP, though, you'll lose that water weight.

Hope that helps,
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Thanks to both of you! I have upped the water since I am sweating more at the 400mg.
On a Subways kick now, just had a footlong for lunch and dinner, very hungry today but stuffed now!
Day 23, at 400mg, night sweats were pretty bad last night, had to change my shirt in the middle of the night. Just finding it a little harder to cool down after I do things. Did heavy back yesterday and between sets I was literally dripping on the gym floor, got through the whole workout though and felt fine.
Food yesterday:
Breakfast - 8oz egg whites, 2 oz lf cheese and 1/2 cup of oats thrown in.
lunch - Subway ham and turkey footlong on whole wheat, lettuce tomato pickles olives onion hot peppers sweet peppers and mustards
dinner - same subway footlong on honey oat
snack, 8 oz OJ
didn't get a lot of snacks in as I was stuffed from the subways, too much bread, felt bloated.