Day 24 - 400mg
Put the AC on last night and still had night sweats. It's weird, my hands and feet are cold but I'm still getting night sweats on my head and back.

Is there a limit to how many days to stay on? I don't want to up the dose anymore at this point, today is day 5 @ 400mg. Not supposed to be that hot the rest of next week so I was going to end next Friday.
Food yesterday:
Breakfast 8 oz egg whites, 2 oz low fat chedder, 1/2 cup of dry oats
snack - 1 cup blueberries
lunch - 2 lean grilled turkey burgers on a whole wheat bun, 1 pickle, 1 tomato 1 serving baked lays and 1/2 BBQ'ed corn
snack - nectarine
dinner - 1/2 order boneless buffalo wings, 4 tablespoons spinach dip and 2 beers
Day 25 - 400mg
Bartending last night was rough, not a lot of energy and was tough to cool off with it being busy. I did have the AC cranked which was nice :D
Thinking of stopping the cycle soon. With the 4th coming up and all the BBQ's I would like to have a few beers and hang out outside without sweating my ass off and doing any damage.
Food yesterday
Breakfast - 8 oz egg whites, 2 oz ff chedder, 1/2 cup dry oats
snack - watermelon slices and pineapple slices
lunch - 2 turkey burritos with ff refried beans ff chedder, ff sour cream and hot sauce on whole wheat wraps.
dinner - cracked pepper turkey with monterey jack on a roll with lettuce tomato and spicy mustard
Had a few pints of diet coke at work and a ton of water. Was peeing yellow all night even with all the water I was bringing in. Drinking a G2 now and may get another one later on today.
Saturday was my last day of the DNP. Woke up late on Sunday and just had no energy from working the night before and not sleeping a lot. I plan on keeping the diet consistent while off and my weight training the same, adding in more cardio. Plan on weighing myself Thursday. What is a good length of time for the water retention to subside?
Saturday was my last day of the DNP. Woke up late on Sunday and just had no energy from working the night before and not sleeping a lot. I plan on keeping the diet consistent while off and my weight training the same, adding in more cardio. Plan on weighing myself Thursday. What is a good length of time for the water retention to subside?

Drink lots of water, cut sodium.. You happen to have any Nolva or Adex? A week or so on either will help shed some water. It took me like 8 days or so to settle down from 205 to 198 (my lowest weight post DNP).

You could also incorporate a diuretic at this point, well give the DNP 48hrs or so to clear.

I have some Nolva and Letrozole on hand but would rather not take it if I don't have to. I have cut the sodium since I am not sweating profusely anymore, I was taking in pickles and pretzel chip while on and have cut both out since off. Diet will look about the same as when I was on, either the egg whites or cottage cheese with fruit for breakfast, sandwich, lean turkey burgers or salad with grilled chicken for lunch and a sensible dinner.
It's staying away from the booze that is the hard part. During the winter when me and my partner slack at the gym I have several glasses of wine a night which is just a waste of calories. Packed on a good amount of weight this winter by not doing cardio, only lifting twice a week and drinking so I'm going to do my best to stay away from that. Summer is a lot easier to get back in the rhythm of things. Gym 4 - 5 days a week for lifting plus cardio either in the gym or taking the dogs for a long walk or a long bike ride should set my ass straight.