Test e cycle, 500 mg, not working as expected

Yes man, we are all different. No human being is identical to one another. That's good you do what works for you bro, I wouldn't say 3k testo per week was phenominal, it definitely is not linear and maybe not even worth it, but hey I just wanted to experiment.

Btw sick physique, I'm jelly of your shreddedness if that's even a word lol. You make me want to cut up and stop being a bulky and lazy one, but maybe after upcoming meet in August lol. Anyways good job man!

Thank you, always been a fan of your physique as well, so I really appreciate hearing that!
Thays pretty awesome. I cant handle much more than 900/1000mg test cyp a week. I've had great success bulking on 900 test 1000primo plus hgh.

Just finished a 16 week cut with test 500 mast 800 tren ace 350. That was probably the most dramatic change in my physique yet. Looking at running higher test and primo next blast for some more size after a cruise.
Shit man, I've never gone over 600 test in a week and I thought I was pushing it at that.
Shit man, I've never gone over 600 test in a week and I thought I was pushing it at that.

Well it's all individual I suppose. From where I'm standing I'd say that's a solid and safe dose to run. Especially if your getting good results.

I have a penchant for experimenting like many of us. I will push the envelope here and there, in a planned and measured way.

Good news for you man is that you got a lot of room to bump up the dosages and add compounds depending on your goals!
Great thread I’ll read it all later.
Well okay diet probably isn’t good, if diet was good you would see minimal but still weight gain.
Now as far as the dosage and the compound used.
Testosterone is great at high dosages.
At low dosages “500mg” I myself wasn’t impressed.
At low dosages you will only get water retention, increase in libido , some strength some LBM.

However of course you can still gain on 500mg but personally I wouldn’t run a cycle with 500mg only I can’t justify the gains to run the cycle.

At low dosages it works as an androgen and when you up the dosage you can enjoy it’s anabolic properties.
I gained most of my size from testosterone.
Would I do it again ?
Absolutely fucking not
Water retention, bp ,e2 management who’s pain in the ass until you find your sweet spot .
So if I was do it all over again I would use another compound that I’m responding good at it. And keep testosterone for body functions.
As far as bulking compounds , nandrolone and oxymetholone worked so much better.

Testosterone to work great need , GH , AI’s , DHT’s and probably BP drugs.

So what I do nowadays is test at low dosage
Anywhere from 125-500mg
My main anabolic nandrolone 600-2g
Mast or proviron to keep things clean

The trap we fell as mens is
Testosterone makes us MAN we need MORE testosterone higher libido am I man enough ? Add more.
NO you just need enough not more.
If I want more androgen why I need to add more testosterone? I can add tren 5x more androgenic and anabolic also.

That’s my opinion nowadays and take it from someone who his best bud was testosterone and had built his physique on testosterone.

Test gave me more ED problems than tren or nandrolone ever did.
Testosterone raises e2 raises prolactin if you’re not on top of your cycle it can fuck you good.

High estro libido problems low estro libido problems , low or high dht libido problems. High prolactin libido problems , high bp libido problems. Until you find your sweet spot dosage and AI wise you’ll probably break your dick.

So testosterone is
A. For professionals who are on top of their game
B. For completely beginners to test how they react to a basic androgen.

I’ll tell you 2g test vs 2g deca not even close enough as far as looks and gains , at least from my self.

But as far as OP something else is probably your problem don’t blame the compound because even if it’s not optimal you WILL addLBM if I gained 4kg on 500 test I would be more than happy and call it a blast , take a rest and then try something else.