Test e cycle, 500 mg, not working as expected

People will try to dispute your point, but we all know its the truth. Test is simply to keep the dick working, nothing else. I agree with you
What about the people who simply start on TRT after having low test levels?

They seem to grow pretty well. There is definitely clinical data/mass anectodal evidence for that. I'm not talking about the stupid basin study either.
I am 1,78m or 178cm. It's under 6ft and around 295-297 pounds I believe. I use kg and cm cause I am from Europe.
Food isn't that expensive. I choose cheaper protein sources.

Fuck yeah that's a big ass guy right there. I've got 2 cm on you but you got 75lbs on me lol.
What about the people who simply start on TRT after having low test levels?

They seem to grow pretty well. There is definitely clinical data/mass anectodal evidence for that. I'm not talking about the stupid basin study either.
Do they though? Do they grow pretty well or do they just gain alot of water and glycogen. Atleast we can agree that test+another injectable is a 1+1=3 type of situation, right? So why not take advantage of that. We are all gonna use test, but test + something else is just sooo much more efficient and better that it almost makes a test only cycle look like a waste of time.

but fair enough we all react differently, but I never was a fan of testosterone for growth, it will make me look bigger though for sure, but actual growth? I'm not convinced

finally I suppose it doesnt matter how strong test is anyways, since OP is new to injecting then he has no other options than to dip his feet into the 500mg test first cycle. I guess its like a rite of passage now. But is it effective, not really.
Do they though? Do they grow pretty well or do they just gain alot of water and glycogen. Atleast we can agree that test+another injectable is a 1+1=3 type of situation, right? So why not take advantage of that. We are all gonna use test, but test + something else is just sooo much more efficient and better that it almost makes a test only cycle look like a waste of time.

but fair enough we all react differently, but I never was a fan of testosterone for growth, it will make me look bigger though for sure, but actual growth? I'm not convinced

finally I suppose it doesnt matter how strong test is anyways, since OP is new to injecting then he has no other options than to dip his feet into the 500mg test first cycle. I guess its like a rite of passage now. But is it effective, not really.

They will keep slamming you, as Test only is a disease on most forums and amongst most of the bros.
Anadrol shits on test, so does deca.

You can gain more strength and muscle on real Anadrol at 100mg ED then 1000mg test.

The toxicity of Anadrol is overblown.

Same with deca. Deca is pure muscle
They will keep slamming you, as Test only is a disease on most forums and amongst most of the bros.
probably and thats fine i dont mind. i love test it makes my dick hard, but i never got bigger on it. thats just the facts plain and simple. They know it aswell
Do they though? Do they grow pretty well or do they just gain alot of water and glycogen. Atleast we can agree that test+another injectable is a 1+1=3 type of situation, right? So why not take advantage of that. We are all gonna use test, but test + something else is just sooo much more efficient and better that it almost makes a test only cycle look like a waste of time.
You can argue the water+glycogen on anadrol, deca, as well.

People on TRT absolutely do create growth. strength increase, well being increase, size increase, libido increase all come from test. There are clearly alot of differences of hypogonadal physiques vs high test(exogenous or endogenous).

I cannot speak on doing super high test alone as I haven't nor do I have any need to go that high.

I do agree with the sense I would rather add multiple compounds, but more as a side management thing. Even then, my additional compound are considered "very mild" but would rather jack up the dose(looking at mast).

Recently I have been liking anavar alot too.

I personally would rather inject 3 compounds at a low dose than run test at 1gram and deal with e2 sides.
Test only is not going to make you big. Only if you take megadoses. Welcome enlarged heart, liver, estrogen sides, having to take an AI, blood pressure and mediocre results
Im 240lbs lean, and test has done the absolute majority of the anabolic heavy lifting in all of my cycles.

my first cycle of test only netted me 12lbs of lean muscle, not water, muscle. muscle that which stuck permanently after the cycle concluded. does that sound like mediocre results? does that sound like test isnt good at building muscle?

You both are absolute fools if you think test isnt effective and the only reasoning i can find that would lead you two to this incorrect conclusion is that you both dont know how to train and only go to the gym when its pizza day at planet fitness.

the benefit of multiple compound cycles is to raise total androgens when a higher dose of test would be counter productive. for me this breakpoint is around 650mg, beyond that I add other compounds, not because im a fool that thinks they do something magic, but because of desiring a higher total androgen load on less aromatizable substances, or because of a specific performance or cosmetic effect from some of the compounds.
They will keep slamming you, as Test only is a disease on most forums and amongst most of the bros.
You have to realize that people are different.
Testosterone is powerful and at very high dosages can match anything you stack it against. Maybe it is not the most intetesting steroid ever, but it sure does work.

Question is if you can handle it at those dosages.

Stacking is alternative and it works. But is it better though. I don't know.

I have used test solo and stacked. The end result is plus minus the same when all is said and done.

However important thing to note is that my blood work was still pretty damn decent on 3000mg test per week, I can't say that about stacking though.

At the end of the day, I'd rather mega dose Testosterone than use deca. But that's just me and my own experience.
If I am going to eat pizza, its going to be atleast an 8/10 .
Growing up on the east coast, the bar for decent pizza is set unfortunately high. only good pizza on the planet is from NJ, NY, or SOME places around philly.

If im ever traveling outside that are pizza is basically a non option for me.
I guess some of you folks always had access to wide variety of AAS all your life eh. Plenty of folks back then grow big, way bigger than us just using stand alone compounds on lower dosages too.

It's laughable when forum musclemen talk about test not being anabolic enough to elicit growth. This is why every newbie want to stack 3 compounds for their first cycle, geez.
Coming from someone who have tried almost everything best cycle/period was when I used 3-4g of test and insulin.

If test gives you gyno then it's not for you and you have to reorient yourself to other aas. Other than that no real reason why you wouldn't want to use test.

From next year onwards I plan just to use a high dose test and a oral for extra strength. But that's me.
You have to realize that people are different.
Testosterone is powerful and at very high dosages can match anything you stack it against. Maybe it is not the most intetesting steroid ever, but it sure does work.

Question is if you can handle it at those dosages.

Stacking is alternative and it works. But is it better though. I don't know.

I have used test solo and stacked. The end result is plus minus the same when all is said and done.

However important thing to note is that my blood work was still pretty damn decent on 3000mg test per week, I can't say that about stacking though.

At the end of the day, I'd rather mega dose Testosterone than use deca. But that's just me and my own experience.
3000 mgs test a week ?
Yes, although it lasted 6 weeks it still was a hell of blast. Believe it or not side effects were easy to manage and apart from night sweats and feeling heavy I felt pretty damn good.

Thays pretty awesome. I cant handle much more than 900/1000mg test cyp a week. I've had great success bulking on 900 test 1000primo plus hgh.

Just finished a 16 week cut with test 500 mast 800 tren ace 350. That was probably the most dramatic change in my physique yet. Looking at running higher test and primo next blast for some more size after a cruise.
Thays pretty awesome. I cant handle much more than 900/1000mg test cyp a week. I've had great success bulking on 900 test 1000primo plus hgh.

Just finished a 16 week cut with test 500 mast 800 tren ace 350. That was probably the most dramatic change in my physique yet. Looking at running higher test and primo next blast for some more size after a cruise.
Yes man, we are all different. No human being is identical to one another. That's good you do what works for you bro, I wouldn't say 3k testo per week was phenominal, it definitely is not linear and maybe not even worth it, but hey I just wanted to experiment.

Btw sick physique, I'm jelly of your shreddedness if that's even a word lol. You make me want to cut up and stop being a bulky and lazy one, but maybe after upcoming meet in August lol. Anyways good job man!