Test e cycle, 500 mg, not working as expected

Lifting experience 4 years
Feel free to correct me if you have another opinion but:
Is my diet perfect? -no
Are the workouts perfect?-no
Is it place for improvement?-yes.
Still: i am working out, i am eating for my frame quite good and i am using testosterone. Why arent there improvments?!
Even if all of you are saying that you need to have the perfect diet, workouts,...to benefit from gear, we have a few studies that show that this is not necessary the case ( also derek more plates more dates has a video about this).
But i guess i will wait a few more weeks and i will try to increase my food + intensify the trainings since i cant really do anything else
Lifting experience 4 years
Feel free to correct me if you have another opinion but:
Is my diet perfect? -no
Are the workouts perfect?-no
Is it place for improvement?-yes.
Still: i am working out, i am eating for my frame quite good and i am using testosterone. Why arent there improvments?!
Even if all of you are saying that you need to have the perfect diet, workouts,...to benefit from gear, we have a few studies that show that this is not necessary the case ( also derek more plates more dates has a video about this).
But i guess i will wait a few more weeks and i will try to increase my food + intensify the trainings since i cant really do anything else

You are talking about the Basin study that showed LBM gain from a Dexa scan? DEXA doesnt differentiate glycogen, water from actual muscle gain.

You referencing MPMD is your problem. You lack an overall understanding of basics and blaming gear.

So you are telling me that the testosterone isnt doing jack shit but referencing a study that the other variables dont have to be perfect? Then why arent you growing?

I dont have a perfect diet, I dont weigh jack shit. Nor do I have the perfect workout. I still see significant benefit from gear.

I stand by what I say.

Anabolics are miracle drugs if you have the BASICS down(Which doesn't have to be perfect). It will result in growth/strength gains
I am not blamimg the gear. Maybe you should re read my post. I just tried to understand what i did wrong.
I guess there is not much left to discuss here since there is no constructive discussion!
Except for someone that said to add a protein shake or to wait a few more weeks or to increase a bit the intensity of my workouts there were no real adjustments or sugestions!
I am not blamimg the gear. Maybe you should re read my post. I just tried to understand what i did wrong.
I guess there is not much left to discuss here since there is no constructive discussion!
Except for someone that said to add a protein shake or to wait a few more weeks or to increase a bit the intensity of my workouts there were no real adjustments or sugestions!

Look, the snarky attitude isn't helping you.

As was said 10x times already, up your fucking calories. If you was actually in a kcal surplus, you'd gain 2kg's just from that in 5 weeks time. Add to that 2 kgs of water from the test and you are at 4 to 5 kg's.

And if we are talking about training, I asked what's your mrv, how does your meso look like etc. And we saw that your 4 years of training probably mean shit all.

You've got some solid advice, but nobody is going to go with you through all the painstaking details of guiding your lazy ass for free.
You've got some solid advice, but nobody is going to go with you through all the painstaking details of guiding your lazy ass for free.
Especially asking for every little bit of information.

Still never posted his stats.
Do we really have quite a bit of people believing 500mg of Testosterone is not enough to gain?

First step is to hit the gym and do some heavy lifting meant for men, not women.

Second step is to eat more bro foods, again amount meant for males not females.

Third step is to repeat it all just this time put way more fucking effort.
Do we really have quite a bit of people believing 500mg of Testosterone is not enough to gain?

The one person arguing this to me, clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. 1 to 2 kg's of lean tissue is totally doable for a novice in 5 weeks at app 4000+ ngdl.

But 1 to 2 kg's, that's it, I wouldn't expect nothing more and 2 kg's is generous, and achievable for somebody who knows what he's doing, as 5 weeks is basically one meso, stretched to 5 weeks.

I don't think that cridi is arguing that you can't gain a kilo or two in 5 weeks time as a novice on 500mg's?
Especially asking for every little bit of information.

Still never posted his stats.

People are too used at getting everything served/handed to them on a platter, expecting us to write them an essay.

If we are talking about good reads in regards to workouts, @BigTomJ can maybe link his thread, if he's kind enough and op can have a read.
Do we really have quite a bit of people believing 500mg of Testosterone is not enough to gain?

First step is to hit the gym and do some heavy lifting meant for men, not women.

Second step is to eat more bro foods, again amount meant for males not females.

Third step is to repeat it all just this time put way more fucking effort.
Guy hit his 500mg dose this week. Until now he wasn't on 500 mg. Takes time to build that dose. In 5 weeks don't happen much
Is 500mg enough to gain but not how much he expects. He have higher expectations that what is normal.
Eat more food but we don't even know how much he weight.
People are too used at getting everything served/handed to them on a platter, expecting us to write them an essay.

If we are talking about good reads in regards to workouts, @BigTomJ can maybe link his thread, if he's kind enough and op can have a read.

Stop expecting drugs to do all the heavy lifting.

Drugs are the icing on the cake.

Training nutrition and recovery are the oven, eggs, and flower.
The one person arguing this to me, clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. 1 to 2 kg's of lean tissue is totally doable for a novice in 5 weeks at app 4000+ ngdl.

But 1 to 2 kg's, that's it, I wouldn't expect nothing more and 2 kg's is generous, and achievable for somebody who knows what he's doing, as 5 weeks is basically one meso, stretched to 5 weeks.

I don't think that cridi is arguing that you can't gain a kilo or two in 5 weeks time as a novice on 500mg's?
I was talking in general, there seems to be some people in this thread thinking 500mg is not enough. And yeah I meant beginners mostly. Regardless of what some people will use their gains will suck when they don't have basic knowledge.
The one person arguing this to me, clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. 1 to 2 kg's of lean tissue is totally doable for a novice in 5 weeks at app 4000+ ngdl.

But 1 to 2 kg's, that's it, I wouldn't expect nothing more and 2 kg's is generous, and achievable for somebody who knows what he's doing, as 5 weeks is basically one meso, stretched to 5 weeks.

I don't think that cridi is arguing that you can't gain a kilo or two in 5 weeks time as a novice on 500mg's?
I wouldn't say I don't know what I am talking about. In 5 weeks he barely hit the full dose of 500mg. And guy already gain that 2 kg.
I didn't say he can't build muscle on 500mg I said he expect too much from 500mg in 5 weeks.
Isn't any rule on how much a person can gain a certain amount of muscle. That thing is person dependent.

If you want just to move the scale binge fast food,if you want strength in 5 weeks start taking halo. If you want to build muscle take your time.
If he is a novice he will gain muscle no matter what stupid shit he do. Don't know how novice he is or not

I showed you above how it's calculated the peak not how you calculated. So I'm not that sure who don't know what he talking about certain things.
Also I'm not the one who said tren is a vet drug when it was used for humans and I didn't say that tren put that guy on 50X above normal levels like you did. Probably you should reconsider who doesn't know what he talking about.

Just saying
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How much do you guys expect to put on every cycle? Jesus, If I get 10lbs quality muscle every year I will be a freaking monster in 5 years.

Either you are not even half of your potential or super tall that you expect so much from gear. Watch videos on how much Big Ramy gained after he used gear, he is by far the biggest gainer with his great genetics and I think it's still lower than 20lbs contractile tissue a year.

If it's not your first cycle anymore, it's not the gear but something else. Your coach should know you're paying him for that.
How much do you guys expect to put on every cycle? Jesus, If I get 10lbs quality muscle every year I will be a freaking monster in 5 years.

Either you are not even half of your potential or super tall that you expect so much from gear. Watch videos on how much Big Ramy gained after he used gear, he is by far the biggest gainer with his great genetics and I think it's still lower than 20lbs contractile tissue a year.

If it's not your first cycle anymore, it's not the gear but something else. Your coach should know you're paying him for that.
I agree. On average I put 5kg on a year. Those days if I put 3kg is ok.
In 10 years of steroids I got myself from 78kg to 137kg. That's around 60kg in 10 years.
You can't gain muscle so fast whatever you do. Takes time that
People expect too much from steroids. Is not a magic thing.
I wouldn't say I don't know what I am talking about. In 5 weeks he barely hit the full dose of 500mg. And guy already gain that 2 kg.
I didn't say he can't build muscle on 500mg I said he expect too much from 500mg in 5 weeks.
Isn't any rule on how much a person can gain a certain amount of muscle. That thing is person dependent.

If you want just to move the scale binge fast food,if you want strength in 5 weeks start taking halo. If you want to build muscle take your time.
If he is a novice he will gain muscle no matter what stupid shit he do. Don't know how novice he is or not

I showed you above how it's calculated the peak not how you calculated. So I'm not that sure who don't know what he talking about certain things.
Also I'm not the one who said tren is a vet drug when it was used for humans and I didn't say that tren put that guy on 50X above normal levels like you did. Probably you should reconsider who doesn't know what he talking about.

Just saying

No, you specifically said that he can't build 1 to 2 kg's in 5 weeks time.

Please mate, please start reading and spend a little more effort on actually comprehending what you are reading.

First you didn't even understood what I wrote and thus gave a misguided reply. You misunderstood what Tmax and peak plasma concentration means and mistook it for terminal half life. Seriously, reread my post and reread your post. Just give it a second or two more then your adhd? is letting you.

And now what you are saying also doesn't make much sense. My second reply clearly states how one reaches a steady state at 5 half life's time, which is exactly what your article is saying (I just had a look) btw. I know my example was a simplification, I was just explaining the concept of HL's and accumulation, but please explain to me, why do you think my explanation is invalid? And while you are at it, calculate yourself at what dosage he would be at 15 days time and why that still wouldn't be enough to start building muscle.

Regarding the tren and transferase elevation, you again had the exact same problem in reading comprehension. I clearly said tren doesn't do this, but apparently for OP the use of androgens is the most obvious causal factor, and FOR HIM specifically, his biology couldn't handle it, apparently for some reason his body reacted how it did. Why exactly, I've no idea, but the androgens are the most probable causal factor.

Just start reading and comprehending a bit more, it's hilarious as you are getting everything wrong.
No, you specifically said that he can't build 1 to 2 kg's in 5 weeks time.

Please mate, please start reading and spend a little more effort on actually comprehending what you are reading.

First you didn't even understood what I wrote and thus gave a misguided reply. You misunderstood what Tmax and peak plasma concentration means and mistook it for terminal half life. Seriously, reread my post and reread your post. Just give it a second or two more then your adhd? is letting you.

And now what you are saying also doesn't make much sense. My second reply clearly states how one reaches a steady state at 5 half life's time, which is exactly what your article is saying (I just had a look) btw. I know my example was a simplification, I was just explaining the concept of HL's and accumulation, but please explain to me, why do you think my explanation is invalid? And while you are at it, calculate yourself at what dosage he would be at 15 days time and why that still wouldn't be enough to start building muscle.

Regarding the tren and transferase elevation, you again had the exact same problem in reading comprehension. I clearly said tren doesn't do this, but apparently for OP the use of androgens is the most obvious causal factor, and FOR HIM specifically, his biology couldn't handle it, apparently for some reason his body reacted how it did. Why exactly, I've no idea, but the androgens are the most probable causal factor.

Just start reading and comprehending a bit more, it's hilarious as you are getting everything wrong.
I just don’t know why I am trying to make keyboard scientists to show how wrong their are when they try to sound smart.
There is another guy who pull out numbers like 127 mg is equal to 638mg test and bla bla bla. Don’t put this game with me.

The only reason I am active on this forum is to kill some time because I get bored sometimes. But I am not that bored to make a page of explication for everything you are writing wrong. I can but I won't.
I don't win nothing from this and I don't want to break your illusion on how much you actually know.
I will let people to be happy with their image about themselves and how smart they think they are.
Great job brother! You are right with everything! Go share your knowledge because people are lost without it. Teach them how to breathe also because they are doing wrong.

I believe I start to have a higher ignore list that that guy that said to everyone muted and ignored or something.