Test e cycle, 500 mg, not working as expected

Also, eat more, obviously, if you aren't putting on weight you're undereating. 2 kgs in 5 weeks is water weight. Maybe some recomp and you lost a bit of fat and gained a bit of lean tissue but the scale isn't showing it.
What are your levels? Total testosterone and free T?

Also, your intensity and volume, do you know what you're doing? Are you close to your mrv? How do your meso's look like?
Intensity and volume must increase over time as well not just gear
It's been only 5 weeks. 5 fucking weeks. Is test e. That's a long ester and take time to work.
I don't what strength gain you expect in 5 weeks. If you are looking for strength take a oral and that in 5 weeks it will give you strength not test e.
Another thing is the dose. Is 500 mg. 500 mg is not a big deal.
You expect more from that dose that what it can do. 500 mg won't increase your lifts by 30% in 5 weeks and neither will put 10 kg on you. You already gain 2kg. Give it time.
Drink some protein shake especially at your last meal because you don't have any protein in that meal. A protein shake have 150-200 calories or around that. That will not make you gain fat.

Training it is how it is. I wouldn't train that way but whatever. Even if you train like that you will see some results.
I would do a "bro split". 20 sets for large groups,10 for smaller groups. Exercise would be a lot of bench deadlifts and squats with some machine if you have at your gym.

What confused you?
He should be looking like Chris Bumstead in 5 weeks. Idk why you would think otherwise
Total t: >34 ng/ml
Free t: >70 pg/ml

It cant write the specific value if it is larger than this...

This is useless. Get proper blood work. Your TT could just as well be somewhere between 1200 - 1800 ... Although doubtful, but a possibility non the less ...
What do you mean by 1200-1800?
The reference range for TT is 0.40 - 9.80 at this lab and max. of 12.00 at other labs
The terminal half life really isn't that important. Tmax of test e is anywhere between 10 and 36h. Mostly I'd say it's around 12 to 18h. Regardless, Te starts working immediately. And in regards to terminal half life, you're going to achieve 85% of steady state levels at around 2 weeks time.

5 weeks is enough time to see a kg or potentially two of lean tissue if you know what you're doing at the gym and in the kitchen.
Peak plasma concentration. That doesn't happen in 10 to 36h. It takes around 5 weeks to build up.
Guy put already 2kg in 5 weeks. If your goal is to put kg on you just for the sake of it start binge kfc and mcdonald's.
You don't build 1 or 2 kg of muscle in 5 weeks especially when the hormone didn't even peak. Depending on what level you are and so on. Isn't a rule how fast you can build muscle
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Looking at your diet and training regime, it's pretty obvious. You need to be eating every 2-3 hours including a meal or protein shake before bed. Watch some eating motivation on youtube and you will understand what the guys are saying here. Also, you need to step up your training intensity. You should feel like your muscles are going to rip open from the pumps. 5 weeks is enough time to notice a good improvement if doing things right.
You can search steady pharmacokinetics or read here to understand what I mean with 5 weeks to reach peak plasma concentration.

From the article quoted:
"The time to reach steady state is defined by the elimination half-life of the drug. After 1 half-life, you will have reached 50% of steady state. After 2 half-lives, you will have reached 75% of steady state, and after 3 half-lives you will have reached 87.5% of steady state. The rule of thumb is that steady state will be achieved after 5 half-lives (97% of steady state achieved)"

After 2 weeks he would be on 375 mg of test. That's not a big deal.
After 3 weeks he would be on 440 mg. Let's say that a okish dose but he would be on 2 more weeks on a decent dose until week 5.
Let the drug work. It needs time. Don't have huge expectations from 500 mg in that short amount of time and overall after all

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Peak plasma concentration. That doesn't happen in 10 to 36h. It takes around 5 weeks to build up.
Guy put already 2kg in 5 weeks. If your goal is to put kg on you just for the sake of it start binge kfc and mcdonald's.
You don't build 1 or 2 kg of muscle in 5 weeks especially when the hormone didn't even peak. Depending on what level you are and so on. Isn't a rule how fast you can build muscle

Did you read what I wrote at all? I said Tmax, which means; time to peak plasma levels after a single administration. It has nothing to do with terminal half life, which is the half life after the absorption phase, ie. after Cmax of a single administration has been reached.

Now in regards to maximum plasma concentration after a certain time, this is not called peak plasma concentration, Tmax, but steady state plasma concentration. With Te this is reached (as with all drugs, after 5 terminal half life's) in app 5 x 5 = 25 days. As the accumulation of said drugs is logarithmic and not linear, you don't need to actually wait whole 5 half life's in order to reach a plasma concentration that is high enough in order to be relevant for hypertrophy. I mentioned 2 weeks, remember? Which is basically 3 half life's for Te. So let's do some math's:

Day 0 pin: 500mg
Day 5: 250 + 500mg pin = 750mg
Day 10: 375mg + 500mg pin = 875mg
Day 15 (2 weeks): 437,5mg + 500mg pin = 935,5mg
Day 20: 468,75 + 500mg pin = 968mg
Day 25 (steady state concentration): 484,375 + 500mg = 985mg

I hope this makes it a bit more clear. At day 6, your levels are basically at 75% of steady state concentration and you're saying you need to wait 5 weeks? At week 2, as I said in the post you quoted, you're at 90%+.

It's a tad more complicated then this, but for illustration purposes this is good enough. Point being, if Tmax is 10 - 36h, the drug starts working ASAP. And if HL isn't that long, like EQ for instance, steady state plasma concentration levels realistically aren't that far away, as again, it isn't linear and Tmax is still rather short. If Tmax was 5 days, then your argument would stand, but alas, Tmax is much shorter.

Now, as far as lean tissue gains, assuming a normal metabolization response where 500mg = 3500 - 5000 ng/dl blood serum levels, 5 weeks is enough to build 1 to 2 kg's of tissue, if training and diet are on point. And especially if we are talking about a novice, who should be able to build 2 kg's of lean tissue in 5 weeks on half the dose at 2500 ng/dl's.

However OP here obviously isn't eating enough, as 2 kg's of weight gain on a 500mg cycle should be purely water. OP might be actually either recomping or maybe even cutting as if he was actually bulking, we'd see something like 1kg fat gain, 2kg water gain, 1 - 2kg lean tissue gain. Again, assuming blood serum levels are between 3500 - 5000. If he got some shit drugs coupled with sub par metabolization, he could just as well be below 2000 ng/dl, which would also explain only 2kg's of water gain.
My TT is greater than 120 nmol/l according to the lab. So according to this: 1 nmol/litre = 28.85 ng/dL. -> my TT level is above 3360 ng/dl so as i said no fake testosterone
Eat more food, I see your not tracking your calories so there’s a good chance your simply just not eating above mantience. Start tracking calories and get into a true surplus.
idk dude, I think we all agree its on you and not on the drugs or the coach.

you seem to have unrealistic expectations of going on a cycle.

no height, weight, stats. lifting experience numbers nothing. just asking for people to fix your problems.

Lack of strength gains? what is your tool of reference?

Bottom line, we can discuss drugs all you want. it sounds like it is alot more BASIC than drugs.

steroids are a miracle drug if you have the basics down. it doesnt sound like you have the basics down
idk dude, I think we all agree its on you and not on the drugs or the coach.

you seem to have unrealistic expectations of going on a cycle.

no height, weight, stats. lifting experience numbers nothing. just asking for people to fix your problems.

Lack of strength gains? what is your tool of reference?

Bottom line, we can discuss drugs all you want. it sounds like it is alot more BASIC than drugs.

steroids are a miracle drug if you have the basics down. it doesnt sound like you have the basics down
Saying what we all think right there...
My TT is greater than 120 nmol/l according to the lab. So according to this: 1 nmol/litre = 28.85 ng/dL. -> my TT level is above 3360 ng/dl so as i said no fake testosterone

Oh, ng/ml, you're right, I see I've read your post too superficially. So as I've said before, and others too, it's your training and diet.